Destined Martial God

Chapter 1452: Sharp sword spirit (three)

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In the plum forest, in front of the wooden house!

Utilizing self-regulation, aside from all the distractions of Yu Haoran, his eyes turned to the earthen house in front of his eyes, and a look of expectation appeared in his eyes.

After all, when Ta Ling persuaded himself to agree to Qian Yuanjin's second request, he mentioned that the relics of the old man of Plum Blossom had the opportunity to assist the second avatar to advance to the rank of emperor.

At the same time, forcibly dispersing the anxiety of the ancient demons, the towering spirit looked at the wooden house with similar expectations.

Because he had heard people say before the destruction of the Middle Ages, there was a piece of congenital treasure in the hands of the old man, and he wanted to see which congenital treasure conceived by the chaos ended in such a tragic end.

"Yu Dandi, I wonder if you can suppress or take away the bones of Plum Blossom seniors?"

Even if it was because of the loss of the two Zhenhai pearls that kept the flesh immortal, the originally lifelike plum blossom old man turned into a gloomy bone, but the terror of the zenith of the pinnacle of the gods has not abated.

Therefore, when seeing Hao Ran's attention turned to Tsuchiya, the same step that wanted to enter the wooden house to look for opportunities could not help but ask.

Taling, can the old man's bones be included in the tower? After hearing Qian Bumai's request, Yu Haoran turned his head and glanced at the gloomy bones, and then discussed with Ta Ling in the sea.

"of course can!"

While nodding in response, the towering spirit directly mobilized the strength of the tower in the ontology domain, and then easily collected the bones of the old plum blossom into the tower in the domain.

"Thank you, Emperor Dan, for helping me." Losing the horror of the eerie bones, he stepped forward in front of Hao Ran, expressing his gratitude with excitement.

"Senior Stepman, you're welcome!"

After a brief response, Yu Haoran stepped forward to the wooden house, and Gan Bumai quickly followed.

However, when Haoran reached out to open the wooden door of the wooden house, the towering spirit in the sea suddenly stopped.

"Yu Haoran, and slow!"

"Ta Ling, what's wrong?" Yu Haoran questioned, withdrawing his left hand who wanted to push away the wooden house.

"This wooden house is made of black gold and green wood, which can block the peeping of the gods below the realm of Valkyrie, so you should make sufficient defense preparations before you know the specific conditions inside the wooden house."


While nodding his head in response to Ta Ling's proposal, Yu Haoran turned his head and reminded Gan Bumai.

"Senior step, you and I don't know if there is any danger in the cabin, so before entering the cabin, I hope that the senior will be able to do adequate defense."

"Thanks for your reminder!"

After a grateful thank you, Gan Bumai immediately took out a defensive weapon of sublime quality, and mobilized all his own power and soul power to form a defensive cover.

And Yu Haoran also re-activated the defense of Zu Wu's physical body and Ruyi Bell, and waited for the towering spirit to use the divine thought to arrange the defense cover, and then slowly opened the wooden door.

Just when the wooden house was just pushed open a thin slit, an unimaginable sharp sword gas almost ruptured the defensive cover laid out by the towering spirit, and it made the dry steps that could not withstand the bombardment of severe sword gas scream. He was thrown away a hundred meters later.

"Senior Step Mai, are you okay!" With a change of face, Yu Haoran flashed out and appeared directly at a distance of 100 meters, catching up in time and being unable to mobilize Yuan Li and Soul Power because of the immediate damage, and then interrogated anxiously.


After spitting out three blood in a row, the pale and dry steps of his face were considered to be refreshed.

Afterwards, he forcibly endured the severe pain caused by the severe Jianqi in his body, which caused severe damage to the five internal organs, and said with a grin.

"Yu Dandi, I am afraid the old man will not be able to accompany you into the chalet!"

Help Qianbumai to set up a knee-curvy posture, and take out two third-order nine-pin Qibao Huihundan, and comfort him after taking one.

"Bai Mai seniors don't need to care. If there are treasures in the wooden house that can improve the practice of the formation, or the jade slips inherited, the younger will definitely leave you a copy."

"Thank you Yu Dan ..., oh!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's assurance, Gan Bumai immediately wanted to thank him, but the internal injuries and the damage caused by the residual sword gas caused him to spit out blood without saying a word.

"Senior step Mai heals the wound with peace of mind, don't think too much, don't do more!" Immediately stretched out his hand and held his shoulder, Yu Haoran exhorted.

Then, he got up and walked to the wooden door of the wooden house again, looking at the wooden door that was closed again, he looked intently and questioned the tower spirit.

"Ta Ling, do you know where the sharp sword just came from?"

"If my guess is correct, it should be the three disciples of Guiguzi, one of the four swords of congenital treasure Baoxian made by the real human being." Carefully recalling the sharp sword atmosphere just now, Ta Ling said with a trace of sadness. .

"Taling, it looks like you need to use your ontology tower to defend."

Regarding the souls of Tongtian and the Four Swords of Wuxian just mentioned by Ta Ling, Yu Haoran has not touched in the past and present experience, and has no feelings.

At this moment, he just wants to enter the wooden house as soon as possible to help the second avatar find an opportunity that can help break through the emperor.

Therefore, combined with the sharp scent of sword just now, he almost tore up the power of the towering spirit to use God's thought to arrange the defensive cover.


Nodded, Ta Ling directly mobilized the strength of the main body tower to cover Hao Ran, and then signaled that he could push open the wooden door.

Taking a deep breath, reaching out and slowly pushing open the wooden door again, the more powerful sword strength emerged like a row of mountains.

However, in the face of the level of the tower defense that is not lost to the four swords of the fairy, the sharp sword strangulation is just like the breeze, without bringing a little bit of trouble to Hao Ran.

Stepping into the wooden house, quickly closing the wooden door, Yu Haoran began to look at the structure of the wooden house.


This was Yu Haoran's most authentic thought after looking at the layout of the wooden house, which also made him wonder whether Ta Ling had made a mistake in his guess. It is very likely that the old man of Meihua was not the ancient demons in ancient times.

After all, the records of ancient demons in various classics are fierce and cruel, do not understand worldly education, and are as rude as monsters.

And like the layout of the wooden house in front of me, it is obviously the life pursued by a hidden master with no desire.

His suspicion did not bother him for a long time, and Yu Haoran's gaze was quickly attracted by the three treasures placed on the main table.

A jade bamboo slip, a reduced version of a chessboard, two-inch-long broken sword wreckage.

The fierce sword spirit that filled the whole wooden house is from the two-inch-long broken sword wreckage.

Stepping forward to the wooden table, Yu Haoran passed the inspection of Ta Ling, and after confirming that it was correct, he reached out and picked up Yujian, using his ideas to start reading the information in Yujian.

Ta Ling's gaze was cast directly on the two-inch-long broken sword wreck, and his eyes showed a sad look.

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