Destined Martial God

Chapter 1444: Soul-Losing Divination (Five)

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Anyang Village, in front of the village stone monument!

Although the mood has been calmed down, the unforgettable feelings and guilt of previous lives have made Yu Haoran unable to see the girl she once vowed to protect her life.

Therefore, he immediately took out thirteen dan bottles from the storage ring and handed them directly to An Yufei, speaking very gently.

"Yu Fei, you take these elixirs first, and in the future I will make more higher-quality elixir for you."

Faced with the pile of dan bottles that Haoran handed over, An Yufei felt a warm current in her heart while shaking her head and refused.

"Yu Dandi, Yu Fei's qualifications are very poor, and his perception is very general. He has only just been promoted to Wu Zong Yipin after four years of practice. Medicine. "

"Yu Fei, are you sure you don't want to?"

Faced with the postponement of An Yufei, Yu Haoran asked a question and reminded with a smile.

"Among these pills, there is a third-order, nine-pin Nirvana!"

Faced with Hao Ran's deliberate reminder, An Yufei did not respond at all, but just shook his head and turned back to return to the crowd.

"Yu Dandi, because Yu Fei's mother has a close relationship with our family, so three years ago, I worked with four other masters of Dan Dao Peak to refining a third-order and one-grade Nirvana.

Seeing that Yu Haoran raised his hand and intended to retain An Yufei, Gan Huiyu forcibly suppressed the slight discomfort that had just appeared in her heart, and quickly explained.

"It turned out that Yu Fei had no effect after serving."

After hearing Gan Hui's explanation, Yu Haoran frowned.

For An Yufei's too ordinary qualifications, acquaintance, familiarity, and almost love in the past five years, how could he not know!

Therefore, when he has the ability to refine the higher-grade Dan medicine, he immediately collects the refining of the medicinal materials to produce the third-order Jiu Nirvana.

If it weren't for the lack of several key second-order medicinal materials on hand, he would definitely refining the second-order first-order nirvana for the purpose of helping An Yufei.

As Nirvana, which can regenerate Nirvana and completely change talents and potentials, it is useless to An Yufei's physique, which is completely unexpected.

In desperation, he could only turn to the towering spirit in the sea.

"Taling, are there any secrets you can use to increase your talent and potential?"

"Yu Haoran, even if I have such a secret method, it is useless to that little girl with a surname of An!" Ta Ling's mouth slightly tilted, his eyes filled with sarcasm.

"Ta Ling, what's going on?" Being able to hear the taunt in Ta Ling's tone, Yu Haoran asked impatiently.

"The third soul-hunting divine magic in the ancient taboo method!" Ta Ling said with a sneer.

When he heard that Ta Ling talked about soul-hunting divine magic, a strong murderous spirit immediately rose from Yu Haoran's body. Influenced by the strong murderous spirit, Gan Huiyu immediately retreated and reminded him aloud.

"Yu Dandi, what's wrong with you?"

"Yu Haoran, immediately calmed down, to avoid killing and disturbing the mind!"

At the same time, Qian Huiyu and Ta Ling reminded Yu Haoran to calm down immediately from the anger, and to suppress and recover the strong murderous spirit emerging from her body.

Then he looked up and said to An Yufei who was back in the crowd.

"Yu Fei, could you let me check your physique?"

"This ...!" An Yufei didn't know what to answer for Hao Ran's request.

Although the previous life is determined by the numerological inference algorithm of the innate fuxi gossip diagram, let An Yufei know that the relationship between each other is not shallow, but the previous life is only the previous life, but this life is this life.

Moreover, she is still a girl who has never had any contact with strange men, how could she be willing to accept physical contact with a man's skin!

"Yu Fei, don't worry, I won't touch your body, it only takes a drop of your blood."

Knowing that his request was too rash, Yu Haoran hurriedly explained and proposed new inspection methods.

"of course can!"

Only through a drop of blood to check, An Yufei nodded happily.

Later, she gritted her teeth and cut through her fingers, and squeezed a drop of blood to show Hao Ran in front of Hao Ran.

Using Yuanli to envelop the blood, and then letting the blood float in front of her eyes, Yu Haoran continued to use the inferential reasoning algorithm of the congenital Fuxi gossip chart, using the line of fate containing An Yufei in the blood to see the specific turn of her destiny Time, and to determine if the truth is true, as Taling said, someone used soul-deprivation to deprive her of everything that originally belonged to her.

With the innate fuming gossip figure's numerology inference algorithm acting in blood, a picture appeared in front of Yu Haoran's eyes, a picture with countless white lines.

As the effect of the numerology inference algorithm in blood is getting stronger and stronger, a white line gradually breaks away from the control of the screen and starts to grow bit by bit.

As soon as a button appeared at the initial point of the white line, the strong killings that had finally been suppressed appeared again.

The appearance of the button represented a turning point in An Yufei's fate.

According to the time when the button appeared, An Yufei was forced to change her destiny by a powerful force at the moment she was just born.

The means of killing her destiny is to be able to deprive her of all soul-hunting magic.

The powerful mentality cultivation, and the reminder of Taling's constant use of secret methods, let him finally suppress the murderous spirit that keeps emerging.

Later, he accelerated the speed of the numerology inference algorithm, and then traced the ultimate beneficiary of soul-depriving magic with the help of the line of destiny and blood.

When he saw the end of the line of destiny, the girl who had exactly the same appearance as An Yufei, the backlog of inner doubts was mostly released.

The only person who can perform the ancient mysterious magic soul requisition divine magic when An Yufei was just born is her closest parents.

In previous lives, she had said when chatting with An Yufei that when her mother had just given birth to her, the backwash of internal injuries caused by insufficient blood and eventually buried Huang Quan.

Later, she was brought up by her mother's personal maid. At the same time, she did not know that her father was Zhou Youze, the head of the Zhou clan.

Then, the only person who can perform soul-depriving magic on her must be Zhou Youze, who has the potential of arrogance.

However, the only thing that makes Hao Ran somewhat confused is that An Yufei and Zhou Mengling are his biological flesh. What is the real purpose of using the soul-depriving divine art to deprive the future of a biological daughter in exchange for the power of another biological daughter .

"Yu Haoran, if my guess is correct, I am afraid that Zhou Youze would have known that the protoss of ancient times did not perish."

After hearing Yu Haoran's question, Ta Ling speculated solemnly.

"He is a dual-religious companion who is using soul-hunting divine skills to cultivate the protoss of the Protoss. He is using the power of the ancient Protoss to help him unify the Tianxuan continent and help him reappear the glory of the Zhou Dynasty in the Middle Ages."

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