Destined Martial God

Chapter 1427: Leap forward in strength (five more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

Utilizing more than half of the eighth and four-fifths of the purple thunderbolt of the ninth, Yu Haoran's physical grade not only successfully promoted to the top Wu Zun third grade, but also directly reached the top Wu Zun high grade.

As an auxiliary breakthrough, Huazun Dan and Di Yuan Dan only need to withstand the baptism of nine purple thunder and lightning, and Dan Jie will automatically report it.

After looking up at the black cloud in the beginning to breed the milky white energy for reward, Yu Haoran resumed his original body and sat on the ring. While feeling the change of strength after the physical grade promotion, he was waiting for the reward after the disaster.

Watching Hao Ran sitting on the ring with a bent knee, whether it was an ordinary warrior or a top-ranking Wu Zun peerless, there was a look of envy and admiration in his eyes.

Although the robbery just now is extremely dangerous, the gains during the robbery are also quite amazing.

After all, the whole process of crossing the robbery was only twenty minutes, and Yu Haoran's physical grade went from the top Wuzun one-pin peak from the beginning to the current top Wuzun three-pin high period.

In the case of normal cultivation, if you want to improve the two realms of the physical rank, even the top genius of wickedness will take as short as five years and as long as ten years.

What's more, the reward of the rules of heaven after Dan's calamity is not inferior to the energy of purple lightning.

When the milky white energy bred in the dark clouds reaches its limit, it will be washed down like a waterfall.

Although Di Yuandan floating in the air occupies a geographical advantage, as the main force to withstand the thunder, Yu Haoran obtained milky white energy far more than Di Yuandan.

After milky energy was incorporated into the body, Yu Haoran was pleasantly surprised to find that the efficacy of milky energy was mainly aimed at Yuanli and Divine Spirit.

The spirits who were surpassed by the physical grade, with the powerful enhancement of the milky white energy, were quickly promoted to the early stages of the top Wu Zun Sanpin, and eventually reached the level of physical grade.

Originally, there was only the mid-term power of the top Wuzun Yipin, and with the powerful effect of milky energy, it finally reached the early state of the top Wuzun III.

The substantial promotion of physical grade, elemental strength, and soul power made Yu Haoran feel full of huge energy.

At this time, if facing Gu Sheng, he believes that he doesn't need to use any hole cards, and can rely on his own strength to directly and easily hit him.

However, compared to the improvement of his own strength, Yu Haoran was more concerned about Di Yuandan's situation at this moment.

After receiving the power, he raised his hand and took a sip against Di Yuan Dan, who was floating in the air, and Di Yuan Dan slowly landed in his palm.

At this time, Diyuandan was not only crystal-clear in color, but also unexpectedly reached the second-order and third-grade, the effect was far better than that of the second-order and first-grade Diyuandan that was originally auctioned.

"Yu Dandi, I don't know where the elixir in your hand came from, and what grade it finally reached?" The middle-aged man in purple clothes slowly falling from the air on the ring, asked a little nervously.

Through the power of elixir of elixir to gather the breath of laws contained in the spirit of heaven and earth, although the middle-aged strong man in purple clothes had long guessed the origin of elixir, he now wants to be sure from Yu Haoran's mouth.

The problem of the middle-aged strong in purple clothes is exactly what all the top Wuzun peerless and quasi-power Emperor might want to question at the scene, so the eyes of everyone on the scene all focused on Haoran.

Facing the interrogation of the middle-aged strong in purple clothes and the gaze of the crowd at the scene, Yu Haoran directly threw Emperor Yuandan in his hands to Qian Yunyan, and let her announce the origin and grade of Emperor Yuandan, and then he jumped directly Yantai went to Xiang Yuanzu and Teng Yunjie.

"The juniors met the Yuanzu ancestors and Brother Yunjie!" Yu Haoran greeted him with great enthusiasm.

"Master Ma, you're welcome!"

Seeing that Yu Haoran did not win the championship of the Qianlong League in the Southern Region, and after Dan Dao broke through the realm of Dan Emperor, he was arrogant and rude, Yuanzu rejoiced with a smile.

"Master Ma, you really make Yun Jie look amazing!"

Compared with the breakthrough of Dan Dao Dandi, Teng Yunjie was really shocked that Yu Haoran not only won the championship of the Qianlong competition in the southern region, but also won the colorful dragon with the blessing of Qianlong Qiyun reaching 10,000 meters.

This history of the battle for regional Qianlong rankings has never happened.

"Brother Yun Jie, what is your final ranking in the battle for the Qianlong list in the Central Region?" Yu Haoran questioned without paying attention to the emotion of Teng Yunjie.

"The boy's performance was very poor, and he was only ranked 13th on the list!" Teng Yunjie had not yet answered Yu Haoran's question, and Yuanzu complained immediately.

In fact, Yuan Zu was very satisfied with Teng Yunjie's performance in the Qianlong list.

After all, most of the evil geniuses in the Tianxuan continent are concentrated in the Central Region. Teng Yunjie was able to stand out from so many powerful evil wicked men. He eventually ranked 13th in the list, which proves his excellence and hard work. .

However, the virtual appearance of the Five-Year Qianlong List for the championship, and Yu Haoran's 10,000-meter colorful dragon blessed by Qian Longqi, gave him envy and jealousy, and he began to be indifferent to Teng Yunjie's performance. Satisfied.

In this regard, Yu Haoran didn't know how to answer, Teng Yunjie could only shake his head with a bitter smile.

"Yes, it really is Emperor Yuandan who can help break through Emperor Wu realm."

And at this time, the sound of dry excitement was heard from Yantai.

"Also, it is Emperor Yuandan who has reached the second and third grades, and the success rate of assisting to break through the Emperor Wu Realm is as high as 30 to 50%!"

After hearing Qian Yunzhi's detailed introduction to the elixir in his hand, the momentum in the entire central square not only quieted down instantly, but also the heartbeat of the people suddenly accelerating.

"Yuanzu seniors, Brother Yunjie, you take a break for the time being. I'll deal with Emperor Yuandan first."

Now that Qian Yunzhe has introduced Di Yuandan's quality and grade in detail, the next step is how to deal with the ownership of Di Yuandan, so Yu Haoran signaled to Yuan Zu and Teng Yunjie, and then returned to the ring.

After returning to Yantai, what Yu Haoran didn't say a word just looked at Qian Yunyan.

Although Yu Haoran didn't say a word, Gan Yunzhan understood what he meant.

Looking down at the second-level and third-grade Emperor Yuandan in the palm of his hand, Gan Yunyu's eyes showed a reluctant gaze.

If the Qian family can get this second-order and third-grade Emperor Yuandan, then at the end of the battle for the Qianlong list in the Five Realms, there will be two more powerful men in the Emperor's realm directly in the Qian family.

However, perseverance, strong mentality, and obsession with Dan Dao, finally she stubbornly suppressed the greed that emerged from her heart, and respectfully returned the second-order and third-grade emperor to Yu Haoran.

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