Destined Martial God

Chapter 1400: Green Fox Virgin (four more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the platform!

Slowly dispersing the secret transformation of the **** beast Kirin, Yu Haoran glanced at Qin Tianyi, who also transformed the blood evil and swallowed the python, and flashed a gloomy chill in his eyes, and said to the list in the air.

"Qianlong luck, if someone uses the means to control the player's mind to participate in the game, is it a rule that undermines the Qianlong list?"

"Of course!" With the affirmative reply, the huge colorful dragons reappeared in the list.

Six middle-aged strong men in purple clothes sitting on the dragon chair had to stand up beside the dragon chair respectfully.

Interrogation by Yu Haoran just now made Qin Tianyi, who had just finished transforming into a secret law, could not help but change his face.

Immediately afterwards, he forcibly stabilized his panic, and then looked at Yu Haoran pretending to be calm, and looked at the colorful dragon heads in the mid-air Qianlong.

"Qian Long luck, I don't know what the final punishment is for those who use this method to break the rules of the game?" Yu Haoran continued to ask.

"The soul is flying away, never reincarnation!"

Although the tone of Qianlong Qiyun's reply was calm as water, Qin Tianyi sounded like a thunderstorm on a sunny day.

Fortunately, his powerful mood repaired him to calm down, and he continued to look at Yu Haoran and the colorful dragon head in a calm expression.

"In this case, then Qin Tianyi, who has been controlled by the Qingqiu Fox clan, will give it to you." Qin Tianyi, who pretended to be calm, said Yu Haoran indifferently.

"Sir, what did you just say?"

Although he was anxious to kill Qin Tianyi with his own hands, to prevent him from shaming himself, but the inseparable relationship between father and son, Qin Emperor has been trying to find out if he can awaken Qin Tianyi's conscience and enable him to be a new person.

Therefore, Yu Haoran's explanation just now made Qin Emperor suddenly stand up and ask.

"Father Emperor, this person is no longer your prince, nor is Ling Fei's brother, just a puppet that was controlled and manipulated by the Qingqiu Fox clan!" Facing the questioning of Emperor Qin, Yu Haoran reached out again Pointing at Qin Tianyi.

"Horse horse, can you be sure?" Qin Lingfei rushed to the edge of the ring, and asked with tears in her eyes.

"If you don't have confidence in me, let's hear what Qianlong Qiyun said." Raising his fingers and pointing his eyes to the colorful dragon head of Qin Tianyi, Yu Haoran shrugged.

Qin Emperor and Qin Lingfei's repeated questions, as well as Yu Haoran's explanations and answers, made the top Wu Zun peerless strong men at the top of the surrounding stands all stand up, and then looked nervously at the colorful dragons that Qian Qian had gathered together. .

If the facts are as Yu Haoran just said, then the influence and implication behind the whole thing will be too great.

Because even Qin Emperor as his biological father and his younger sister who has blood-to-water affinities could not find the abnormal mentality that Qin Tianyi was controlled by the Qingqiu Fox clan.

So, are there any people in the family who are controlled by the Qingqiu Fox clan?

After all, from the eight-tailed green fox that was beheaded by the middle-aged strong in purple clothes, it can be seen that the ambition of the Qingqiu fox family to reproduce the dominance of the Middle Ages has never disappeared.

If the means of controlling important people in various forces is used to provoke the war, which will cause the unrest in the Five Realms, then it will not be impossible to use the whole world.

"Virgin Fox!"

The colorful dragon head of Qianlong's fortune condensing suddenly appeared in his eyes with a gritted fangs and said a name.

In fact, with the means possessed by Qianlong Qiyun, only a careful glance can determine the true state of Qin Tianyi.

The reason why I just watched for such a long time is that I hope to be able to control Qin Tianyi's mind by going back to the master who controlled Qin Tianyi and then give the most severe punishment.

"Virgin Fox!"

After hearing the name shouted by the colorful dragon head, all the strong people on the scene who knew the meaning of the green fox maiden had a sudden change of face.

Yu Haoran, who also knows the origins of the maiden of the green fox, showed such a look in her eyes.

In fact, just after learning from Qin Tianyi that Qin Tianyi was controlled by the mind, Yu Haoran guessed that the Qingqiu Fox clan wanted to use the identity of the three princes of Qin Tianyi to secretly control the Great Qin Empire that was about to complete the south.

Now, after learning that the master behind Qin Tianyi's mind is the sage of the Qingqiu Fox clan, he is more firm in his inner guess.

After all, the Qingqiu Fox clan used the same means to control the emperors of the Shang and Zhou dynasties at that time, thereby realizing the ambition of the Qingqiu Fox clan to unify the world.

At the same time, Yu Haoran finally knew why the Qingqiu fox family had always wanted to get rid of themselves.

I am afraid that in addition to the treasures of the Four Elephant Sects that they had won and repaired, they also lie in their influence on the Qin Empire, which will destroy their secret control of the Qin Empire.

"Master Qianlong, do we need to immediately contact the lords of the other four realms, and then kill the Qingqiu Mountains together to completely destroy the Qingqiu tribe." Seeing the male and female anger rising from the eyes of the colorful dragon head, the middle-aged strong man in purple clothes knew The opportunity for his own performance came, and he immediately killed himself.

The battle for the Qianlong list is the most important means for Qianlong's luck to improve the level of innate spirit roots, and it is absolutely not allowed to destroy by anyone.

Therefore, in the face of the purple middle-aged strong man's request, Qianlong Qiqi, a colorful dragon, was about to nod in agreement, Qin Tianyi, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

The voice of Qin Tianyi and the meaning expressed directly confirmed the identification of Yu Haoran just now.

"I have a sleeping old man in the Qingqiu tribe who was once fortunate enough to have entered the virtual realm."

Reaching out and picking up a few strands of messy hair scattered in front of his forehead, Qin Tianyiyin said like an oriole, with a look of water.

"Qianlong Qiyun, my ancestor not only possessed the means to weaken Kendo Qiyun, but also the means to weaken Qiyun can also be applied to you."

After hearing the threat from Qin Tianyi, or the threat from the maiden of the green fox, the strong eyes of the colorful dragon head immediately appeared.

In this regard, the maiden of the green fox looked at it without fear.

"Yu Haoran, ask the fox girl, is the old fox who had entered the virtual realm called Su Wanru?" Just as the colorful dragon head and the green fox maiden looked at each other, the towering spirit in Yu Haoran's sea suddenly ordered Road.

After nearly three years of contact, Yu Haoran was very aware of the sudden commanded style of Ta Ling, and knew that he had a solution to the threat of Qianlong's luck.

Therefore, he walked directly to Qin Tianyi without asking anything.

Looking at a resolute big man, not only exudes a charming temperament, but also shows a female surname completely between the hands and feet, and suddenly feels nauseous and wants to vomit.

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