Destined Martial God

Chapter 1359: Successful promotion (five more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the 8th platform!

Taking a look at the seven Wusheng Jiupin peak opponents standing in front of him, the indifference in Yu Haoran's eyes gradually calmed down, then he put away the white stick in his hand and closed his eyes again.

Seeing that Yu Haoran had not attacked himself and others with victory, the seven players at the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, they turned around and observed Sun Mingze and others, and found that the four of them did not possess the horror power that Hao Ran could despise all of them, and looked a little embarrassed under the siege of the crowd. A more insidious idea suddenly appeared in the hearts of the seven people .

After a brief exchange of thoughts using the gods, the seven immediately split into four waves and then joined the siege of Sun Mingze's four. Among them, the strongest young strongman chose the siege ranked next and the weakest Shi Yanyu.

Participating in the siege is just doing something. The seven of them only use one or two moves at critical moments. Most of the time, they use words to encourage the siege players to desperately.

Although it seemed to be embarrassing under the siege of the crowd, as the Sun Mingze four who had reached the realm of the second and third robbers, they were also very powerful after being angered.

Just one minute later, although the siege of Sun Mingze was scarred and his atmosphere was a little messy, of the more than forty players who besieged him, there were only three people who were at the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin.

Seeing that Sun Mingze still has a strong counterattack ability, the three players at the peak of Wusheng Jiupin have resolutely abandoned the idea of ​​continuing.

Immediately afterwards, they glanced at each other. They immediately separated for a few meters and then looked at each other with vigilance.

Two minutes later, Li Wenyuan, ranked 73rd, and Feng Yuhai, ranked 87th, successfully defeated all of their opponents, but their own consumption has reached its limit.

At this point, any player in the early days of Wu Sheng can easily defeat them.

However, Li Wenyuan and Feng Yuhai showed their fierceness and bloodiness when they just counterattacked. Even some surviving Wusheng Jiupin peak players did not dare to step forward easily.

Three minutes later, with Shi Yongyu, who ranked No. 102 in the list, was beaten down by a heavy punch of the young strong man, he finally saved the siege of the five men surrounded by Haoran.

Perhaps it was because of the siege that caused the expensive Sun Mingze, Li Wenyuan, and Feng Yuhai to stand beside Haoran.

For Hao Ran's approach, Yu Haoran had no objection, but separated two gods and locked them to avoid capsize in the gutter.

Seeing that Yu Haoran was not opposed to the temporary union, Sun Mingze and the three of them secretly sighed with relief, glaring at the remaining twelve Wusheng Jiupin peak opponents together.

The dozen or so players who did not participate in the siege were just the practice of the Emperor Wuhuang. They did not have any threat and could not attract the attention of Sun Mingze.

Yu Haoran's non-objection also represented his default.

With the help of Yu Haoran, Sun Mingze, Li Wenyuan and Feng Yuhai have basically locked the qualifying places, so they can only compete for the remaining six qualifying places.

"Clear the last obstacle first, to avoid being picked up by someone else at last." The thoughtful young strongman pointed to the dozen players who did not participate in the siege before the crowd started.

In this regard, the dozen or so Emperor Wuhuang players who knew that they had lost their chances of picking up leaks did not wait for the young strong men and others to jump out of the ring and voluntarily gave up the place for the qualifying line.

Twelve people, six places, as long as you defeat the selected opponent, you can successfully advance to the next game.

Therefore, based on strength and personal grievances, the twelve quickly picked their opponents, and then started to shoot with no reservations.


With the collision of the natal device, the elemental power, the soul power, and the power of the rules, the six players who finally chose to besiege Hao Ran, because they have maintained their peak status, finally successfully defeated their opponents and won the last six qualifying places .

After there were only ten players left on the eighth ring, the defensive cover over the ring immediately disappeared.

Suddenly opening his eyes, Yu Haoran flew away from the No. 8 ring platform, and then quickly reached the No. 29 ring platform using the law of consummation.

When seeing that 36 people joined forces to siege Qin Lingfei who inspired the defense of Jiuxing Lianzhu magic weapon, Yu Haoran's body immediately emerged a thick murderous spirit.

Eyes fell on the players who shot and besieged one after another, imprinting their looks deeply in their minds, Yu Haoran's eyes looked at Qin Lingfei.

After seeing that she not only maintained the peak state, but also complied with her own instructions, using the pure spiritual fluid in the green gourd to stimulate the defense of Jiuxing Lianzhu, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The pure spiritual fluid collected in the fifth-order top-level spiritual veins of the Blue Moon Mystery, the pure spiritual fluid collected when the Blue Flame Mystery was opened, the pure spiritual fluid collected in the Guliang Family Treasury, and the pure spirit collected in Qianlong Fairyland Remains Cave liquid.

Even the thirty-six people who were siege by exhaustion would not be able to consume the amount of pure spiritual fluid in the green gourd.

What's more, the powerful defense formed by desperately attacking the Jiuxing Renzhu method also has a considerable consumption for themselves.

Therefore, after finding that they can't break the defense of Jiuxing Renju, they will definitely give up for the ten qualifying places.

Since Qin Lingfei was not in danger of life, Yu Haoran immediately rushed to the sixty-third ring to see how her sister was doing on the sixty-third ring.

When he saw a player at the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, turned into a pile of white ashes under the burning of different fires and blue moon flames, and his sister immediately took a drop of a thousand medicine spirit fluid and immediately recovered the peak state, he couldn't help it. Relieved.

It seems that her sister's luck is good. On the sixty-third ring, there was no enemies who complained with herself, so that she did not need to worry about being besieged, but also used the different fires and the blue moon flames to successfully deter everyone. Basically, it was locked in advance A qualifying place.

Subsequently, he immediately rushed to the eighty-second ring.

Although Wu Zhengjun's strength is strong, he also has a blood shield of offense and defense, but his overly brutal fighting style can easily arouse the hatred of everyone.

When he rushed to the ring in the eighty-two, he saw Wu Zhengjun, who was covered in blood, was fighting all the players in the ring alone, and couldn't help but grin.

Fortunately, Wu Zhengjun, who was caught in a madness, hit three opponents that could threaten him in advance, which made him not fall behind even if he faced a siege by more than a hundred opponents.

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