Destined Martial God

Chapter 1355: No trace of affection (one more)

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Qianlong Fort, on the central square!

It turned out that when Wu Zhengjun followed Qin Tianze in the military camp at the border, apart from the usual training and battlefield killing, the rest of the time he would go alone to practice in a mountain range thousands of miles away from the military camp.

In the eleventh month after he entered the barracks, with the help of the full version of Dafa, and using a large number of imperial and sacred beasts in the mountains to successfully break through the martial arts realm, he entered a spring in the mountains to cleanse the realm When breaking through the impurities discharged from the body, I accidentally met a young woman who bathed in a mountain spring.

Perhaps it was because the beautiful young woman was too familiar with the environment in the mountains and knew that there was no danger around the mountain springs.

Maybe it's because the glamorous young woman is strong and powerful, and there are no strange animals in the mountains that can be threatened.

Therefore, when bathing in the mountain spring while bathing in a broad-clothed clothing, he did not use God's thoughts to carefully examine the situation in the mountain spring, and he did not find Wu Zhengjun who had entered the mountain spring to wash in advance.

With Wu Zhengjun's never caring about other people's views, and his personality that is not afraid of heaven, what can happen next can be imagined.

The angry glamorous young woman would certainly not let go of Wu Zhengjun peering into her innocent body.

However, although the innocent body was peeped by the glamorous young woman, the talent and potential shown by Wu Zhengjun, the blood nature without fear of life and death during the battle, and the special bloodthirsty physique that reached the peak of the great beauty, made the beauty At the same time as the beautiful young woman was kind, she seemed to have some special ideas.

So, after easily defeating Wu Zhengjun, the glamorous young woman reached an agreement with him.

That is, the glamorous young woman not only forgive his sin of peeking into the innocent body, but also provide special guidance for the shortcomings in his practice.

But the condition is that Wu Zhengjun must meet one of her requirements unconditionally in the future!

Who is the glamorous young woman? What is the specific content of the agreement? Wu Zhengjun did not disclose because of the oath, and Yu Haoran did not interrogate too much.

However, being able to provide special guidance for the shortcomings in Wu Zhengjun's practice, and allowing him to successfully make up for his weaknesses in time, is enough to show that the beautiful young woman has a very strong cultivation and superior vision.

"Zheng Jun, who can drop the resentment of the innocent body being peeped, presumably that senior is not a ferocious one, so you don't have to worry that her request will be excessive in the future." She patted Wu Zhengjun's shoulder, Yu Haoran Smiled and relieved.

"I hope so!"

The state of mind has not been able to successfully advance to Wuzun realm. In addition to his lack of sufficient experience, it is also related to the requirements that beautiful young women have never put forward.

After all, he also worried that glamorous young women would offer to make themselves unacceptable, but had to comply with the conditions of vow acceptance.

Just when Wu Zhengjun had just finished talking about the opportunity that strength drives to perfection, Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi approached him with a look of frustration.

"Ling Fei, sister, Qianlongbang competed for the preliminary content of the preliminary competition, mainly for the players' cultivation, speed, perception, insight, perseverance and physical grade."

Although Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi didn't say anything, Yu Haoran didn't need to think about it and knew the cause of their frustrated expressions, so he hurriedly smiled and relieved.

"Limited by the influence of physical fitness, time, and experience, these contents of the preliminary assessment just happened to restrain some of your weaknesses, and it was already very good to eventually achieve 123 and 124."

"Also, the real advantage you have is the different fires in your body. This is the key to guaranteeing your victory in the next quarter-finals and finals."

"Xiao Ran, you didn't lie to us!" Yu Haoran's relief made Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi look slightly better, but thinking of their weakness during the third stage of the preliminary test, Yu Siqi asked a little bit worriedly. .

"Sister, I just looked closely at the players who ranked in front of you, and found that there are not many demon players who can withstand the power of different fires. As long as you don't underestimate the enemy in the next match, you finally decide to qualify. You must be able to enter the top 100 and get a place in the five-hundred Qianlong list. "

Just now he has been paying attention to the ranking of the list, how can he have time to observe the situation of other players, but in order to allow his sister and Qin Lingfei to rest assured to participate in the next semifinals and finals, he only lied.

After being guaranteed by Yu Haoran, Yu Siqi and Qin Lingfei were truly relieved, and then started chatting about each other's troubles in the assessment just now, and their own means of solving the troubles.


Yu Haoran, who did not participate in the chat between her sister and Qin Lingfei, has been paying attention to the players entering the central square, looking for the people he expected to see.

Eventually, at the entrance to the cloud steps on the north side of the square, he saw the sword without traces.

After hearing the voice of missing for a long time, Jian Wujin immediately looked up, and after seeing Yu Haoran's more mature appearance, she couldn't help shaking.

However, the practice of practicing alone for many years allowed her to control the violent mood in her heart, and walked to Yu Haoran with a smile on her face.

"Brother Yu!"

Although Yu Haoran's self-cultivation and strength have far surpassed himself, in Jian Wujin's heart, he will always be the teacher and brother who had helped him with amazing insight and sharp words in front of the Merit Hall.

"Sister, why don't you restore your original appearance?" Yu Haoran asked a little puzzled, looking at the sword without traces, still keeping the original appearance.

"When looking outside alone, this appearance can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble." Reaching out a trace of hair in front of his forehead, the sword explained without guilty conscience.

Because in her heart, the peerless face she possessed only belonged to the man who tempted herself in front of her. When this man in front of her could accept herself, she would recover her daughter forever.

Yu Haoran, who did not know Jian Wuzhen's true heart, nodded and believed her explanation.

After all, the peerless face possessed by Jian Wujin has a fatal temptation for many men.


Just when Hao Ran shouted the word sister, Qin Lingfei already saw the sword without trace.

Qin Lingfei also knew the true identity of Jian Wuhen and her special relationship with Yu Haoran.

If the second woman Yu Haoran accepts and marries in the future, even if it is Lin Mengyao and Jiang Jingya, or his first love He Ruyu, Qin Lingfei will feel uncomfortable.

Only for the sword without trace, she accepted willingly.

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