Destined Martial God

Chapter 1321: Breaking the rules of Qingyue and Dianzun (fifth)

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At the auction venue!

Being able to feel the tension in most of the private rooms, Yu Haoran did not let them wait too much, and opened the Dan bottle directly.

While letting the special fragrance emitted from the Dan bottle float in the auction hall, he introduced in detail the origin of the treasures stored in the Dan bottle and the powerful effects it possessed.

"A drop of ginseng from the first-order and first-grade Taixuanxuan has both the powerful effect of the third-order and first-grade Zundan to help break through the realm of Wu Zun, and at the same time, it can greatly improve the physique and enhance its own potential and understanding."

"More importantly, using the ginseng solution to break through the realm of Wu Zun's peerless powerhouse will not have the slightest side effect."

It is not only different from the bidding of the third-order one-pin Zun Dan, but also different from Zunjing Shangpin's soul-breaking sword and Fenghai sword.

When hearing that the bottle of Danshen was actually a drop of ginseng from the first-order and first-grade Taixuanxuan, some of the young strong men with the best wicked talents were immediately excited and looked at the Danping gradually.

For the genius with the top demon talent, Wu Zun's breakthrough is not difficult.

But the reason why it has been suppressing the breakthrough of the realm is to hope to continuously improve the deep accumulation, and then use the huge Qianlong Qiyun to advance to the higher level of Wu Zun at the same time, but also have the hope of impacting the realm of Wu Di in the future.

And the first-order and first-grade ginseng ginseng ginseng solution is the top treasure to enhance its accumulation.

"Master Ma, I don't know where you got the ginseng from the ginseng root?"

In the hall, a master who is proficient in Dan Dao, Xiu was in a state of excitement and asked a question that should not be asked in order to reach the realm of Zhuang Wuzun.

After all, as the first-order and first-grade primordial ginseng that can achieve Wu Zun on the ground, the real price is comparable to the top-class artifact of Emperor Realm. No matter who gets such an anti-treasure, it is carefully collected, for fear that the news will be caused by the leak. unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, after feeling the strange eyes of the people around him, Dan Dao Sanxiu immediately wanted to bend over and apologize, but was interrupted by Yu Haoran's answer.

"Some time ago, Ben Ma was fortunate to enter the Qianlong Wonderland unique to the Great Qin Empire, and he gained it from a young protoss who just broke through the realm of Wu Zun."

Having said this, Yu Haoran suddenly shook his head and sighed.

"Unfortunately, there are only two drops of ginseng liquid on the body of the young Protoss, but there is no first-order and first-grade ginseng liquid. Otherwise, the horse will certainly rely on enough ginseng liquids. Top elixir of respect for realm. "

"Master Ma, what you said about the youth of the protoss, is that the protoss in the ancient two deities that replaced the dominance of the ancient gods and beasts!"

Relative to the thirst for the liquid in the lobby, the top ten private room owners focused their attention on the Protoss youth he mentioned earlier.

Looking up at the No. 3 private room questioning the origin of the Protoss youth just now, another real ancestor from the Zhou family, Yu Haoran nodded in response.

"The words of the seniors back to Zhou are precisely the gods who have ruled for thousands of years in ancient times."

"Master Ma, the news that the protoss of the Protoss is still alive is too shocking. Can you be 100% sure?" Faced with Hao Ran's reply, the Zhou ancestor couldn't help but question.

It is clear that the news of the birth of the Protoss of the Protoss in the past two periods has disappeared, and what kind of impact will be brought to the scene. Therefore, the questioning of the ancestors of the Zhou family, Yu Haoran did not care to further confirm.

"Predecessor Zhou, the moment when the younger generation killed the Protoss youth, leading to the closing of the mysterious realm, the strong in the Protoss realm took revenge. Among the people present at the time were both the elite children of the families of the Qin Empire and Tengyun of Tianwumen Brother Jie Teng. "

"Ma Maye, a few remnants of the Protoss, even if they appear in the Tianxuan continent, how much wind and waves can be set off, so you still announce the reserve price of the Chuanxuan Shen as soon as possible!"

Compared with the importance that the owner of the private room attached to the protoss of the Protoss, some sects and family strongmen who did not understand the horror of the Protoss in the hall were more concerned about the price of the bidding and the final ownership of the bidding.

Therefore, a wicked genius from the Wu family couldn't help urging loudly.

With the help of Taichu Xuanshen's ginseng solution, the news of the existence of the protoss is revealed. This is a plan that Yu Haoran temporarily thought of, and the final effect is also quite good.

At the same time, in order to ensure the smooth running of the auction, it is not easy to continue to disclose and discuss more things about the Protoss.

Therefore, in the face of the urgency of the Wu family demon genius, Yu Haoran nodded, and then offered the auction price of Taichu Xuanshen Liquid.

"The starting price of a drop of ginseng from the first stage and the first stage is ten tenth-order inferior veins, and the price of each auction cannot be lower than one ninth-order inferior vein, or one hundred fourth-order one-stroke spirit stones.

After looking over the crowd and 36 private rooms on the second floor, Yu Haoran announced loudly.

"Bidding now!"

"The eleventh-order nine-step inferior spirit pulse."

It was because Hao Ran announced that the auction had just started. Qingyue from Yuxu Palace, while giving the price of the auction, stood up to the crowd and asked.

"People, this drop of ginseng solution is very important for Qingyue. I hope you can look at the face of Yuxu Palace and give up the next auction. Qingyue is grateful here."

Faced with Qingyue's request, more accurately, it was a threat, and everyone at the scene couldn't help hesitating.

Different from the threat when bidding for the third-order, first-grade Zundan, it is a small means of revenge on Hao Ran by Qingyue. Although he will be angry with those who destroy the means of revenge, he may not retaliate afterwards.

But a drop of ginseng from Taichu was different.

This is not only a means of revenge on Hao Ran, it is also about his hope that he can hit a higher level in the future. Whoever dares to compete with him for fluids is his life and death enemy.

According to Yu Xugong ’s style, Qingyue is likely to retaliate immediately after the auction, and may even retaliate on the spot.

Seeing that everyone in the hall chose to be silent because of the fear of Yuxu Palace, Qingyue's gaze turned directly to the 36 private rooms on the second floor.

Because they are the only ones who are not afraid of the Yuxu Palace, and dare to compete with themselves for the liquid participation.

"Whoever dares to compete with Qingyue for the ginseng solution will be the enemy of Yuxu Palace!"

Seeing Qingyue's inevitable attitude towards the ginseng, Dazun, the master, immediately gave strong support.

Qingyue's destruction of the rules of the auction can be explained by the young and ignorant. The threat of the earth respect just now is that Chi Guoguo's contempt for the Chamber of Commerce in the Heaven, which makes Bien Shengrui's face gloom instantly.

At this moment, he hated the domineering respect, and he could not help resentment from Wu Sicheng who left Shuangniu Mountain.

If Wu Sicheng agrees to awaken the sleeping two emperor Zhunwu Emperor, even if the strength of Yuxu Palace is strong, he will never dare to easily undermine the rules of the auction.

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