Destined Martial God

Chapter 1316: Acting (sixth)

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Right in Niucheng!

After directly killing the wine in the bowl, a rosy ruddy after the interaction of anger and alcohol appeared on Huang's youth, explaining very angry.

"Lin Brother, at this auction held by the Chamber of Heaven and Earth, only nine rare treasures were auctioned, and eight of them were from that surname."

After pouring a bowl of fine wine by himself and drying it up in a breath, the young man with surname Huang continued to complain angrily.

"What kind of person is surnamed Yu? Presumably Brother Lin has also heard that he relied on the eight lots he provided. He not only took full responsibility for all the affairs of the auction, but also presided over the entire auction process himself. "

"It turned out! Not only did the president leave Shuangniu Mountain directly, but even the elders became sloppy buddies."

"Brother Huang, haven't your president and elder ever thought about suspending the cooperation with Yu Haoran?" After hearing complaints from Huang's man, regardless of the consequences, Lin Zhuanghan frowned.

After all, the Heaven and Earth Chamber of Commerce is also one of the top forces in the Tianxuan mainland. It has completely capital and confidence to refuse to cooperate with Yu Haoran, even if it abandons this auction for this reason.

"Of course I thought!"

After continuing to consider a bowl of fine wine, the young man with a surname of Huang gave a vigilant look around and found that no one noticed the conversation between him and the strong man of Lin, and said very quietly.

"However, the surname Yu seems to have come up with an anti-celestial medicine that can help Wu Zun's peerless power to break through the realm of Emperor Wu. In the end, the elder willingly became a running man, and the chairman had no choice but to see it. Leaving Shuangniu Mountain. "

Fearing that the cold breath would disturb Huang's youth, Lin's strong man drank three bowls of fine wine before reluctantly suppressing the shock that came out of his heart, and then he asked in a similar voice.

"Brother Huang, what is the name of the elixir that can help Wu Zun's peerless power to break through the realm of Emperor Wu?"

Shaking his head, the youth with an uninterested expression replied.

"Who knows, when I passed Yiyuan Pavilion, I accidentally heard a kind of elixir mentioned by the president when arguing with the surname Yu."

"Brother Huang, my brother suddenly thought that a very important matter has not been dealt with yet, and I will leave for the time being." Seeing that the young man with the surname Huang really did not know the origin of the elixir, the surname Lin stood up and apologized immediately.

"Brother Lin is busy in advance. I'm not drunk today."

I didn't realize that the strong man Lin was eager to leave, and the young man Huang continued to drink and drink.

However, while drinking the wine in the bowl, a look of pride flashed in his eyes.

As Lin's brawny man quickly left the hall, many people left the restaurant hall and the private room at the same time.


There is still an hour before the auction officially starts. Yu Haoran has entered the auction lounge in advance, while enjoying Yunxiang's shoulder rubbing massage, while closing his eyes and thinking about the entire auction process and process.

The door of the lounge was gently opened, and a beautiful-looking maid came in, and whispered something in Yunxiang's ear.

He waved his handmaid to retreat, Yunxiang stooped and climbed in Haoran's ear and said softly.

"Master, Xiao Huang has succeeded in spreading the news to you, without your suspicion."

"Yun Xiang, tell the elders that Xiao Huang is a good seed for business, and if cultivated well, he will surely become a generation of talent in the business world." After opening his eyes, Yu Haoran praised with satisfaction.

"Master, I know!" Nodded, Yun Xiang continued to rub shoulders vigorously.

"Ta Ling, the flame has been ignited. As for whether it can finally show the trend of Sugawara, it is God's will!" After closing his eyes again, Yu Haoran sighed at the tower inspiration in the sea.

When visiting the auction accompanied by Yun Xiang and Bian Shengrui, Ta Ling was also not idle. Using the method of the ontology domain tower to be attached to the black bear, he carefully examined the strong man hidden in the Shuang Niu Cheng and found that this time Although the auction attracted a lot of strong people, some people who really could influence the situation on the mainland did not show up.

Therefore, Yu Haoran can only reveal the news of Emperor Yuandan in advance, hoping to lead to some hidden world powerhouses like the Four Guardian Clan and the sleeping millennium.

"Yu Haoran, your cultivation is too low, you don't know the difficulty of Wudi's breakthrough, and it's not clear that the second-order, first-grade Emperor Yuandan's fatal attraction to some hidden world powerhouses."


Twenty minutes before the auction is officially held, all the powerful people participating in the auction have begun to enter the venue. Yu Haoran also ended his contemplation, then stepped away from the lounge and began preparing to appear on the stage to host the auction.

Because the auction held this time was too grand, and there were too many strong and top forces in Shuang Niu Cheng, which caused Bian Shengrui to have difficulty in arranging a private room.

In general, top-tier sects like Tianjian Sect must be arranged in the private rooms, but in the face of the seven top sects and more than 40 large families with a history of more than one million years, the 36 private rooms The number is definitely not enough. In the end, it can only be helplessly arranged in the hall.

Seeing that Bian Shengrui arranged himself on the ordinary seat in the lobby, the lord of the Sword Sect felt the shame of Chi Guoguo, and immediately angrily threatened to dismantle the auction hall so that the auction could not be held. Sheng Rui can only try to explain and comfort the good words.

"If you want to be treated in a private room, you will drive out the people in the Italian private room."

Just when the lord of the Tianjian Sect was the most noisy, Yu Haoran just passed by here, and immediately sullen and yelled.

"If you continue to make noise, get out of the auction room immediately for Ben Ma."

"Last name ..."

Looking at Yu Haoran who appeared in front of his eyes, the Sect Sovereign immediately thought of the tragic death of Sword Jianying, the demon Sovereign Jian Yuan who was transported to the crazy by Kendo Qi, and Jian Yu and Lu Yuan who betrayed the Sect. Come out endless murderous.

"If you don't immediately conquer your murderous power, for a maximum of three seconds, someone will actively kill you for me." Ignoring the murderous pressure of the Tianjian Sovereign, Yu Haoran threatened indifferently.

Feeling the unpleasant anger coming from several rooms, the lord of the Sword Sect's face changed suddenly to suppress the murder, and then gritted his teeth and said.

"Last name, is it true what you just said?"

"I believe it or not, I don't bother you."

After leaving a sentence that made the Sect Sect master almost violent, Yu Haoran reminded Bian Shengrui.

"Elder, whoever comes to you next, you will tell them directly, either go to the private room or sit in the hall obediently."

"You don't need to make arrangements deliberately, nor do you need too much explanation and relief."

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