Destined Martial God

Chapter 1286: Poor people (three)

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Royal Palace, Forbidden City, a 99-meter-long arch bridge.

One end of the arch bridge was shrouded in a thick layer of white mist, giving a sense of mystery that was unfathomable.

At the other end of the arch bridge, Emperor Qin and Zi Xuan, as well as a hundred extraordinary young men, looked at the white mist on the opposite side of the arch bridge, with a look of longing and tension in their eyes.

"Horse horse, according to what I learned from Brother Huang, the secret place opposite the arch bridge is called Qianlong Wonderland, and it has existed for a long time."

"The reason why the ancestors chose Xianyang City as the capital of the Great Qin Empire also had the most direct relationship with Qianlong Wonderland."

Looking up at Yu Haoran with tenderness in his eyes, Qin Lingfei found that his mood was not high, and he knew that he was not interested in the secret realm possessed by the Great Qin Empire.

After all, based on his current cultivation and strength, the general secret world experience has not had much improvement except for delaying time.

If it is not because he needs to take care of his own safety, and help himself to improve his cultivation and strength through the experience of the mystery, I am afraid he will refuse to participate in this time of the mystery.

Therefore, Qin Lingfei began to introduce in detail the origin of the mystery, and the various opportunities contained in the mystery, hoping to arouse the natural interest.

"Horse horse, in fact, every time Qianlong Wonderland is opened, it has the most direct relationship with the battle for Qianlong."

"According to the information I learned from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, in the past 10,000 years, the Qianlong competition has been suspended seven times for special reasons."

"And for the seven times when the Qianlong list battle was stopped, the Qianlong Wonderland could not be successfully started, so this is the reason why it is called the mystery and the Qianlong Wonderland."


After hearing Qin Lingfei's detailed introduction to the secret realm of the Great Qin Empire, Yu Haoran, who was originally unhappy, immediately asked spiritually.

"Ling Fei, what are the opportunities in Qianlong Wonderland?"

"Lingmai, elixir, spirit fruit and spirit grass, strange beasts containing the blood of the beast, etc ..." Seeing Yu Haoran's interest was finally mentioned, Qin Lingfei quickly introduced.

"Other than that!"

The treasures that Qin Lingfei just introduced will basically exist as long as they are in a secret place, so he needs to know some treasures that can help improve his cultivation and strength.

"Horse horse, in addition to the treasures mentioned by Ling Fei in Qianlong Wonderland, there are also source stones that can assist perception and control the power of the law, blood source stones that can be used to purify blood impurities, and enhance blood lineage. "

As the wedding dowry was adjusted, Qin Emperor and Zi Xuan, who stood in front of the crowd, had been paying attention to Haoran.

When he heard about the specific situation of Qianlong Wonderland, and Qin Lingfei's explanation was not detailed enough, Emperor Qin took the initiative to explain the topic.

"Father Emperor!"

After seeing Qin Di take the initiative to take over the topic, he stepped towards them, and Yu Haoran quickly pulled Qin Lingfei to welcome him.

"Horse horse, first of all I admit that you are wrong." Faced with Hao Ran's salute, Emperor Qin nodded and solemnly apologized.

"Why did the father make this statement?" Frowning slightly, Yu Haoran asked a little puzzled.

Because since the end of the wedding to the present, he and Qin Lingfei can be said that they have never left the bedroom at all, have been trying to explore the secrets of human origin, and have never had any contact with Emperor Qin.

"Horse horse, at the beginning, he announced the abolition of the third emperor Qin Tianyi's practice and was held in the death cell of the clan."

Although Yu Haoran didn't know what he had done wrong, but in order to eliminate misunderstandings that may occur with each other in the future, Emperor Qin said truthfully.

"Actually, I was too fond of Qin Tianyi. He neither removed his practice nor was held in the clan's house, but quietly sent him to Tianwumen to allow him to accept the cultivation of his disciples."

"Father Emperor, anyway, Your Royal Highness is also your own flesh and blood. I can understand your approach and pledge to not investigate Qin Tianyi's previous mistakes."

If he heard the news a year ago, he might be dissatisfied with Qin Emperor's selfish deception.

But now?

A little man who has been left behind by him far away is dead or alive, he has no mind at all.

"The horse's heart and chest are very clear, which is why I sheltered Qin Tianyi in the first place."

Yu Haoran was willing to let go of her previous grudges and forgive Qin Tianyi for her various crimes. Qin Emperor was very gratified, but also full of anger at Qin Tianyi's approach.

"But let Wan Wanwan never think of it, Qin Tianyi actually used Qian's indulgence in him, not only quietly sneaked back into the palace, but also boldly replaced the dowry prepared by Ling and Queen Mother for Lingfei.

"It turned out that the third brother did it!"

The dowry of her face is too shabby, and the only mistake made in the perfect wedding is destroyed. It can be said that Qin Lingfei's heart can never be forgotten and eliminated.

At this time, I heard that the dowry carefully prepared by the Emperor Father and Queen Mother for themselves was replaced by Qin Tianyi. Even if it was a good brother who had a good relationship, Qin Lingfei's heart and anger were hard to suppress.

"Father Emperor, you know that I'm Yu Haoran, a person who doesn't pay much attention to things outside of me. I will not be angry, nor angry, about the transfer of the dowry by His Royal Highness."

"So, let it drift with the wind!"

Qin Tianyi's behavior can only explain one problem, that is, even if he accepts the cultivation of the disciples of Tianwumen, the improvement of his cultivation and strength is probably limited.

Otherwise, he could not even have the courage to challenge himself directly, and could only use this kind of intrigue and conspiracy to disgust himself.

And people like Qin Tianyi who have lost their martial arts heart, under their rising reputation, can only live carefully in the shadows, and have been living a fearful poor man.

Therefore, I did not intend to continue investigating the idea, and at the moment I don't care.

Seeing that Yu Haoran still chose to let Qin Tianyi under such circumstances, when Qin Emperor moved, he felt even more guilty.

"Horse horse, my queen mother and I have prepared a dowry for Ling Fei again. After the experience of Qianlong Wonderland is over, she will be sent to the horse house in person."

In response, Yu Haoran shook his head and refused, but did not explain the reason too much.

Because at this moment the white clouds in front of the arch bridge suddenly began to boil.

The movement of white clouds on the other side of the arch bridge also caught the attention of Emperor Qin.

After nodding to Yu Haoran, he immediately returned to Zi Xuan's side, and then the two of them took out a small and exquisite dragon and phoenix statue respectively.

After mobilizing Yuanli and soul power to enter the dragon and phoenix statue, the dragon-shaped statue in Qin Emperor's hand immediately broke away from the palm, and then turned into a lifelike dragon.

The phoenix-shaped statue in Zi Xuan's hand was also detached from her palm and turned into a living beast Phoenix.

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