Destined Martial God

Chapter 1265: Interruption in Kendo's luck (two more)

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In Xianyang City!


A master of the peak state of Wuhuang Jiupin, when he was very unwilling to take back his sword, an invisible force directly cut off his connection with the sword.

Suddenly, his heart was severely wounded, allowing him to spit out a spit of blood, his face paled immediately.

"My Qinger!"

A strong man at the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin, while vomiting blood and blood, sorrowfully called for the sword sword.

"What the **** is going on?"

A quasi-military respecter in the void, ignoring the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, watching his carefully cultivated hundred-year-old natal sword weapon, quickly flying to the top of Jianying's head, he couldn't help yelling at the sky.

Watching countless sword-like swords that were forcibly converged on the top of Jianying and gradually condensing into a sword-long dragon about 1,000 kilometers long, the ancestors from Tianwumen looked ugly.

"Just for the rescue of the heavenly sword that inherits the sword's luck, you would rather sacrifice the tens of thousands of swordsmen's hard-boiled and tempered swordsmanship, wouldn't you be afraid that the hundreds of millions of warriors on the land of Tianxuan would abandon the sworddo!

"Old ancestor, what is this all about?" Teng Yunjie, who also lost his natal sword, and immediately took the elixir for healing the trauma of the heart, asked his face dullly after hearing the ancestor's self-talk.

Facing Teng Yunjie's questioning, Yuanzu just shook his head and did not explain the reasons why the numerous swords were not controlled.

But at this moment in his heart, he felt extremely grateful. Fortunately, he was not a pure swordsman. Otherwise, losing his rank has reached the state of the art. It will not only weaken his own strength, but also affect Zhun Wudi Three calamities in the realm.

Watching Jiandao Qiyun forcibly cut off the harmonious relationship between countless swordsmen and the native sword weapon, Yu Haoran withdrew the white stick quickly, a flash of enlightenment flashed in his eyes.

The reason why Kendo Qiyun can become the top of the martial arts branch is entirely because of the beliefs of the hundreds of millions of sword practitioners in the Tianxuan continent.

If hundreds of millions of sword repairs have abandoned Kendo, then Kendo ’s luck will not only weaken, but it will likely disappear completely.

Thinking of this, I felt a lot looser because I had to bear the heavy pressure of kendo air transport suppression.

At the same time, he gradually formed a plan to completely weaken Kendo's luck, but he still needed to discuss with Ta Ling to see if it was feasible.


After noticing what Kendo Kiyun did, he desperately resisted Xuanyuan Qiling who sighed against the towering spirit, and then sighed, then regained the power of the attack, allowed the towering spirit to be completely suppressed, and was directly collected into the tower in the domain.

"Xuanyuan, there is nothing in this world that can exist forever, even the intangible luck formed by the branches of martial arts."

Although Xuanyuan Sword was included in the tower of the ontology domain, in the face of Xuanyuan Qiling who had given up his resistance, Taling didn't suppress it. Instead, he let Xuanyuan Xuanyuan appear in the vast sea of ​​knowledge.

After seeing a look of sadness in Xuanyuan's eyes, the towering spirit who came to his side comforted.

"Kendo is still the first branch of luck that formed in the martial arts when the heavens and earth first opened. It has gone through three periods of ancient, middle and modern times. Instead of being weakened in the slightest, it became the most powerful branch of luck in the thousands of branches . "

Xuanyuan's heart was quite uncomfortable, Ta Ling's fateful prediction of Kendo's destiny in his comfort words.

"Ta Ling, even if you and I are all destroyed in the future, there will be no loss of Kendo luck."

Not because of Xuanyuan's refutation, there was an unpleasant towering spirit in his heart, looking at the sword sword dragon that was about to condense into a thousand-meter sword dragon, with a look of memory in his eyes.

"Xuanyuan, do you remember the martial arts that could compete with the Kendo Chamber in the Middle Ages!"

When he heard that Ta Ling mentioned the martyrdom in the Middle Ages, Xuanyuan who watched the sword dragon immediately stepped back a few steps, his face paled instantly like white paper.

"Xuanyuan, as you said just now, Kendo may never disappear, but I believe Yu Haoran can suppress the day when Kendo never rises, even his death is only between his thoughts." Ignore the mind and suffer a blow Xuanyuan, Ta Ling looked at Yu Haoran with relief, said with a confident tone.

Reluctantly adjusted the mind that was hit, Xuanyuan didn't believe the sneer, and then continued to pay attention to the sword dragon that was condensed by kendo air transport, and was suddenly attracted by a young man rushing to the sword air dragon.

Lu Yuan, the one who took his own blood as a guide and took the blood oath according to the rules of heaven, was willing to protect Hao Ran's Jiandao demon genius all his life.

Of course, what really attracted Xuanyuan's attention was not the lunar talent of Lu Yuan's wickedness, nor his courage to fear the sword dragon, but the kendo that was not transported to him by the sword.

"Dark sword!"

The means to resist Kendo's air force to win the destiny sword weapon, or to rely on the powerful strength to fight against Kendo air force, just like his own destiny Xuanyuan sword.

Or the three swords of heaven, earth, and people that have a special relationship with kendo luck.

Who are the three swords of heaven, earth, and people? Xuanyuan has already seen it in Tianjianzong, not Lu Yuan who rushed to the sword dragon in front of him.

Even the mighty strongman who is hiding in the realm of Zhunwu Emperor in the clouds cannot resist the fate of kendo air deprivation of the destiny sword weapon, and Lu Yuan, who was repaired to only the peak limit of Wusheng Jiupin, certainly does not have this kind of strength.

Then, he can only be the fourth sword in the legend that can capture the heaven, earth, and people's three swords of swordsmanship: the dark sword.

"Ta Ling, Yu Haoran is willing to destroy your carefully crafted natal sword weapon, but also to strongly kill Jianying. Is it to protect the smooth growth of the Dark Sword." Thinking of Lu Yuan's true identity, all kinds of thoughts are in my mind Xuanyuan flashed in the middle one, and asked with a shout of excitement.

"What do you say!" Ta Ling asked with a smile.

"I see!" Nodded, Xuanyuan's disappointment and sadness were replaced by excitement immediately, and a look of anticipation appeared in Lu Yuan's eyes.

"Jiandao luck, I don't care how many swordsman swordsman swords you plan to capture, but you can't cut off the relationship between my master and the swordsman sword and heart." Lu Yuan rushed to the sword dragon in front of him with a sharp look. Roared.

For fear of Lu Yuan's accident, Yu Haoran appeared instantly beside him, holding the stick in his hands and glaring at the sword dragon.

Perhaps because of the identity of Lu Yuan's dark sword, or because of the strong pressure brought by Yu Haoran, the sword dragon formed by Kendo Qiyun suddenly burst out of a creamy sword.

The creamy sword appeared in front of Jian Yu, and then quickly merged into his Dantian.

Immediately after that, a special wave of strength healed the healing of Jianyu's heart and wounds, and restored the connection between him and the sword sword.

Looking at the sword weapon that returned to Jianyu Dantian, Jian Yuan's pale face showed a look of envy and envy.

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