Destined Martial God

Chapter 1252: Confucianism and Taoism (four more)

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Xianyang City, Yizheng Hall!

"Haha ...!"

Yu Haoran did not stop laughing loudly because of Xiao Zhongyuan's anger and vomiting blood.

He didn't stop laughing until Xiao Zhongyuan's complexion Tie Qing pushed the two great Confucians who helped him out, and planned to go forward and continue to scold.

Immediately, he scoffed sarcastically.

"Xiao Zhongyuan, a waste that I can't resist even one move, you have been called the patron saint of the Da Qin Empire. I am afraid this is the most cola joke I have ever heard in Haoran's life.

In fact, the ridicule just now is not a lie, Xiao Jiufa did die in a trick he devoured to devour Dafa.

"Yu Haoran, shut up immediately for me!"

Hearing Yu Haoran's mockery of his father, Xiao Zhongyuan took a deep breath and took a deep breath.

When the mood returned to calm, he said proudly.

"My father has been famous for more than 70 years, and countless powerful men who have been defeated by him."

Gently glanced at Hao Ran, Xiao Zhongyuan said with a disdainful sarcasm.

"Just like a young boy with a stinky hairy hair, you can beat and kill your father with just one move. I am afraid this is the biggest joke I have ever heard in Xiao Zhongyuan's life."

"Xiao Zhongyuan, there is a well-known saying in your Confucian scriptures, called Aspiring is not young, and Aspiring is 100 years old!"

In fact, after successfully devouring Xiao Jiufa, Xiao Zhongyuan, who had lost his biggest support, no longer had any threats. He didn't need to continue to entangle with the other party.

However, he knew that Qin Emperor wanted to use this opportunity to launch the second burning of Confucianism and Confucianism, and completely wipe out the greatest hidden danger of the Great Qin Empire: Confucianism and Taoism.

Therefore, in order to find a reason for Qin Emperor to convince the people in the world, he could only bear the temper of his return.

"Since I stepped into martial arts, Yu Haoran entered the realm of warriors from the beginning, and was promoted all the way to warriors, warriors, warriors, warriors, and emperors, and now the martial arts Jiupin peak limit that is only one line away from the breakthrough of Wuzun realm, It only took a little over two years. "

Having said that, Yu Haoran suddenly took a step forward, and continued to fight back with pride.

"Since stepping into the **** martial arts world, every opponent I have faced with Hao Ran has been a master and strongman who surpassed me in several realms."

"When Yu Haoran was in the realm of warriors, I was able to defeat the masters of the realm of warriors by virtue of the secret method of transforming into another beast."

"When Yu Haoran was in the realm of Wu Zong, I was able to use the inherited stick method to kill the Wu Sheng strongman who is aware of the power of the law."

"When I was in the realm of Emperor Wu Haoran, I was able to use the secret methods of martial arts to kill the strong in the realm of Zhunzun."

"Now, I'm Yu Haoran, who is at the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin. How difficult is it to defeat and kill a waste in the early period of Wu Zun San Pin!"

"Puff puff!"

Facing Hao Ran's step-by-step counterattack, Xiao Zhongyuan spit out three bloodstreams in succession as if suffering a severe wound, and stepped back a few steps directly.

If it weren't for a few great Confucians who reached out to help in time, I'm afraid he would fall directly to the ground.

Looking up at his body, Yu Haoran exuding a strong self, Xiao Zhongyuan was experiencing endless regrets at the moment. He knew that he wanted to use the laws of the Great Qin Empire to remove Yu Haoran by means of conviction. The plan to reinvigorate Confucianism and Taoism completely failed. .

Moreover, his father lost his life.

"Yu Haoran, even if you can defeat your father in one move, why don't you leave his life, and then protect the Great Qin Empire together and help the Holy Spirit to build an eternal inheritance forever!"

Today, without the protection of his father, Qin Emperor's character will never let himself go. Xiao Zhongyuan knows that he must die.

But he was unwilling to die. He wanted to use the final method of loyalty to bury a seed of suspicion between Hao Ran and Emperor Qin. He hoped that this seed of suspicion would make the two people completely turn into enmity.


Facing Xiao Zhongyuan's insidious intention before he died, Yu Haoran immediately dismissed a sneer, and said with a deep disgust on his face.

"Xiao Zhongyuan, even if I die, Hao Ran will never cooperate with a beast that has lost all its goodness and humanity!"

"shut up!"

After hearing Yu Haoran's insult to his father, Xiao Zhongyuan, who was burning in anger, quickly walked in front of him, and asked blushing.

"Yu Haoran, my father has been killed by you, and I will never let go of Xiao Zhongyuan and the Xiao family in the holy family. Do n’t you have a broad-minded heart, accumulate morality, and respect the dead.

Glancing at Xiao Zhongyuan indifferently, Yu Haoran took out a crystal-clear crystal from the storage ring, and then directly threw it to a great Confucianist at the peak of Qi Wupin and commanded.

"This is a very rare memory crystal. After inputting some force, it can re-evolve the images recorded in the water day."

Da Ru, holding the memory crystal, looked up at Xiao Zhongyuan, showing a hint of interrogation in his eyes.

After Xiao Zhongyuan nodded and agreed, Daru mobilized Yuanli to enter the memory crystal, and soon above the memory crystal, he began to re-evolve the blood sacrifice Dafa that originally occurred in Yan Luo City.

After seeing the black middle-aged man standing on the red altar of the Black Tower and cultivating his strength and strength through the blood sacrifice of millions of souls in Yan Luocheng, the complicated situation of anger, remorse, confusion, and shame began to violently impact Xiao Zhongyuan. Awareness.

In the end, he knew that he would die, and Xiao Zhongyuan, who had no face to face the world, chose to give up, leaving the complex and changeable emotions to destroy his remaining vitality.


Looking at anger and staring at his eyes, Xiao Zhongyuan, who was stunned, Yu Haoran couldn't help but sigh.

Utilizing the suction formed by Yuanli, after reclaiming the memory crystal in the hands of Daru, he retreated directly to Meng Zhengkai's side, and then handed over the rest to the Emperor Qin.

"Long live, Wei Chen knows wrong!"

Just after Hao Ran retrieved the memory crystal, a great Confucianist surnamed Wu who gradually sobered from the shock immediately bowed to the ground, and explained with tears while crying.

"Wei Chen must have been instigated by Xiao Zhongyuan, the demon, before he finally made such an outrageous scourge. He begged Long Live to see Wei Chen's life for decades. Rao Weichen's life."

"Long live, Xiao Jiufa can sacrifice millions of souls of Yan Luocheng in blood, in exchange for powerful cultivation and strength, he must be an adult who changes evil spirits."

"Then, as Xiao Jiufa's biological son, Xiao Zhongyuan must also be a demon, and Wei Chen must be under the control of the demon, before finally making a crazy scourge against Master Ye."

Begging for mercy by the surname Wu of the Confucianist immediately gave excuses to all the Confucianists at the scene for excuses. The confucianist who surnamed Liu Haoran, who also scolded Hao Ran, also bowed to the ground and shirk responsibility.

"Today, thanks to Ma Ye's efforts to turn the tide and kill Xiao Zhongyuan's father and son, Weichen wakes up from the madness."

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