Destined Martial God

Chapter 1250: Sadness (two more)

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Yan Luocheng!

Ignoring Xiao Jiufa's seeming kindness at all, it was actually a request to contain mischief. After Yu Haoran growled, from the palms of his palms, two powerful suctions gradually formed.

"Yu Haoran, how did you master the full version of Dafa?"

Just when Hao Ran's palm had just two suctions, Xiao Jiufa suddenly found that he could not control the blood energy absorbed by the blood sacrifice in his body, but also could control his passive approach to Hao Ran.

Faced with this weird and familiar phenomenon, and thinking about the origin of the secret method that Yu Haoran yelled just now, Xiao Jiufa couldn't help but asked in horror.

Ignoring Xiao Jiufa's shouting and asking, after seeing that the engulfing of Dafa did have an effect, Yu Haoran was surprised and used all his strength to continue to increase the power of engulfing Dafa.

He quickly sucked Xiao Jiu to himself, then pressed his palms against his chest.

Then, an indescribable amount of pure energy quickly poured from Xiao Jiufa's body into the body.

In only five seconds, the physical grade successfully reached the peak of Wusheng Jiupin, and the Yuanli in Dantian and the spirit in the sea all reached the peak of Wusheng Jiupin.

"Yu Haoran, stop me quickly!"

Feeling the rapid loss of pure blood energy in the body, when the realm quickly fell to the peak of Wuzun Eight Pins, Xiao Jiufa looked sullen and reprimanded, and also quickly implemented the secret method of the magic path, intending to get rid of Haoran's control.

But it turned out to be useless.

When Haoran's physical grade was successfully promoted to Wuzun realm, Xiao Jiufa's realm fell to the early stage of Wuzun Bapin.

When Hao Ran's Yuanli successfully advanced to Wuzun's realm, Xiao Jiufa's realm fell directly to the top of Wuzun's sixth grade.

And when Hao Ran's soul power went smoothly to Wu Zun's realm, Xiao Jiufa's realm fell directly to the beginning of Wu Zun Sipin.

The state of mind, physical grade, elemental strength, and soul power have all broken through the realm of Wu Zun, and then they only need to continue to understand the power of the rule to reach a state where they can control the rule.

The breakthrough of the power of the law is through his own perception, accumulation of time, and certain opportunities, so the remaining pure energy in Xiao Jiufa's body cannot continue to improve his strength.

However, Yu Haoran did not stop devouring Dafa, but directly called the second clone in the domain tower, using the same source and same body relationship, to use the pure energy devoured to enhance the cultivation and strength of the second clone.

Seeing that his cultivation had fallen to the beginning of Wuzun Sanpin, Yu Haoran still had no intention of letting go of his thoughts. Xiao Jiufa felt extremely frightened and he could not help crying.

"Master Ma, it is Cui Zhihao who used the power of the law of reincarnation contained in the Supreme Court pen tool to send you into the eighteen hells of the Black Tower. It has nothing to do with Xiao Jiufa, so please let me go!"

Glancing at Xiao Jiufa indifferently, Yu Haoran closed his eyes and continued to use the devouring Dafa to absorb the pure energy in his body.

"Master Ma, as long as you let me go, I will tell you a secret, a secret related to the eighteenth-floor **** of ancient time."

Xiao Jiufa's eyes flashed a gleam when he saw Yu Haoran who ignored his plea and continued to devour the pure energy in his body.

However, when he found that his cultivation had fallen to the beginning of Wuzun Yipin, Han Guang was immediately replaced by a look of fear, and he wanted to use his biggest secret in exchange for vitality.

After opening his eyes, Yu Haoran only said three words, which made Xiao Jiufa's line of defense completely collapse and let him drain the remaining energy in his body.


Consume Dafa can not only consume all the energy cultivated by the living beings, but also the energy contained in the flesh and blood can also be absorbed cleanly.

In particular, the peerless powerhouse of Wu Zunfa like Xiao Jiufa, the huge energy contained in the flesh can turn an ordinary person directly into the powerhouse of Wu Sheng Jiupin.

Therefore, after Xiao Jiufa's Yuan Tian and the spirits in the sea were completely drained, Yu Haoran did not stop engulfing the secrets.

Fortunately, he still remembers the need to keep Xiao Jiufa's head in order to be able to completely defeat the defenses of Xiao Zhongyuan and others, and then accompany everyone to watch a scene of defeat.

After shattering the body that was sucked into a dry corpse, Yu Haoran cast his eyes on the eighteen-story black tower, which was about ninety-nine meters tall.

"Ta Ling, I have taken away all the instruments in the first nine layers of hell. I am afraid that the next nine layers of **** have not been completely built."

"In other words, the black tower in front of you is completely abolished. What use do you want it to have?"

Facing Hao Ran's interrogation, Ta Ling suddenly left the sea-seeing space, and then floated beside Hao Ran, with a complex look explaining.

"Yu Haoran, in fact, the black tower in front of me is not simple at all."

"Not to mention that the material used to make it is the black gold that can be used to make a level instrument like me. The endless void constructed between each layer of the black tower involves the fusion of the power of ninety-nine different laws. . "

Hearing that Hao Ran was shocked when he heard that the original black gold that was used to build the black tower turned out to be a top-level refining material like Yuta, he also wanted to know what Taling used the black tower for.

"I want to continue to build the eighteen floors of **** in the ancient times." Turning his head to look at Yu Haoran, the towering spirit said solemnly.

"Ta Ling, what's your intention?" Thinking of the living ghosts and sinners in the first three layers of **** space that he had just experienced, Yu Haoran questioned with a momentary gloom.

"I won a merit for you, a merit that can be sheltered from the heavens, and avoided countless disasters." Facing Hao Ran's question, Ta Ling took a deep breath and said with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Ta Ling, can you explain it in more detail?" Ta Ling's intention to create the ancient eighteen layers of hell, and the sad tone revealed in the explanation just now, caused Yu Haoran to have a hint of bad thoughts in his heart. Road.

In response, Ta Ling just shook his head and flew directly to the eighteen-story black tower.

Looking at the towering spirit flying to Hei Lian, Yu Haoran immediately followed and shouted sternly.

"Ta Ling, I will do everything I can to help you build the eighteen layers of **** in ancient times, and I won't ask you why, but I will tell you a word."

"I Yu Haoran will never let you do anything that hurts you, even if you pay my own life for it."

Suddenly stopped, Tower Inspired to his chest a little stuffy, there was a special emotion to vent.

But he knew very well that he must not vent it, otherwise, Hao Ran's shrewdness would definitely find the clue.

Therefore, the towering spirit took a deep breath and used a trace of the original energy of the tower in the ontology domain to fully recover the special emotions that had just emerged from the heart, and then continued to approach the black tower.

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