Destined Martial God

Chapter 1243: Xiao Jiufa's Ambition (Part Two)

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Inside Ceremony Hall!

Ignoring the increasingly gloomy faces of Xiao Zhongyuan and others, after telling Xiao Jiufa's fame, Yu Haoran turned to Emperor Qin, and Meng Zhengkai and Prince Yifeng and others.

"Holy Lord, ministers, if you have free time, you might as well wait in the Hall of Ceremony for a few hours."

"How about waiting for Ben Ma to come back with Xiao Jiufa's head, and then watch a face-changing drama together?"

"Horse horse, are you sure?" Qin asked, worried.

"Holy, a small young ant in the early period of Wuzun Sanpin, Ben Ma can only die obediently if he wants him to die." Yu Haoran replied extremely arrogantly.


In response to the mighty and domineering response, Emperor Qin also expressed his future and stand. Among the generals on the west side of the hall, a middle-aged general who was about forty years old and quite burly, could not help but sneer.

Looking at the general who gave a disdain sneer, Yu Haoran frowned slightly.

"Gu Chang, what did you mean by the sneer?" Seeing the sneer of disdain from the army members who belonged to the commander general, Meng Zhengkai, who was once the Marshal of the Army, immediately exasperated.

At the same time, he also introduced the origin of Gu Chang by using the means of divine transmission.

"Master Ma, Gu Chang is the brother and sister of General Ku Yue's mother."

"Originally, according to the hidden rules in our Da Qin army, after Gu Yue was killed unexpectedly, his strength and command ability were not inferior to Gu Chang's Gu Chang. He should have taken over the position of General of the Left Army, but you also know the end result."

"Marshal Meng, although this general does not agree with Liu Xueshi's evaluation of the Ma Maye, he so despise one of the top ten casual masters in the famous Tianxuan continent, and possesses the predecessor Xiao who is a master of Wuzun Sanpin."

Faced with Meng Zhengkai's questioning, Gu Chang replied without fear.

"I think, of the nine counts just listed by Xiao Ge Lao, there is no respect for the head, and the count of arrogance and ignorance is conclusive evidence, and you can't allow Master Ma to quibble!"

"Guchang, you ...!"

Shaking his head to signal Meng Zhengkai not to speak, Yu Haoran said with a smile on his face.

"General Gu, if it wasn't for the day after tomorrow that Ben Ma's wedding with Princess Ling Fei was too hasty, if you want to kill Xiao Jiufa, you don't need Ben Ma to do it yourself."

After the big wedding, we must make every effort to prepare for the Qianlong competition between the Southern and Five Realms.

After the battle for the Qianlong list, no matter whether he ventured into the top ten forbidden grounds or traveled endless void with the help of interstellar teleportation characters, he will have trouble taking care of Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi for a long time to come.

Therefore, before the battle for the Qianlong list, he must show enough deterrence to ensure the safety of Qin Lingfei and Yu Siqi.

"With the ability of the horse to be on Dan Road, only a third-order, first-order Qiming Xuanmen Dan, or Bingxin Jade Bone Dan, or Sanwen Qingling Dan, I think there will be countless Wuzun nine grades. The strongest in Zenith and Zhunwu Emperor Realm are willing to exchange Xiao Jiufa's head. "

After leaving a warning that caused the faces of all the people at the scene to change suddenly, Yu Haoran stepped away from the Yizheng Hall, and then went straight to Yan Luo City, which was about 20,000 kilometers away from Xianyang City.

Watching Yu Haoran stepping away from the Yizheng Hall, Xiao Zhongyuan frowned, unable to understand what the sentence left by Yu Haoran just meant.

But the great Confucians standing behind him turned pale instantly.

It is bound to use the laws of the Great Qin Empire to slay Yu Haoran. The biggest reliance is on Xiao Jiufa, who owns Wu Zun Sanpin Xiu, and has one of the top ten scattered monks in the Tianxuan continent.

Originally, they thought that with the deterrent power of Xiao Jiufa, they were enough to allow the Emperor Qin to choose to yield, and finally reached their wish, and then used the deterrent power formed by beheading and killing Hao Ran to eliminate the harm caused by the burning of Confucianism to Confucianism one year ago And weakening can enable Confucians to re-enter the court and regain the power to govern the world.

However, they ignored one of the most critical issues, that is, the Dan Dao ability that Yu Haoran had.

Except for Xiao Zhongyuan's physical reason, who has not really contacted Martial arts, most of the great Confucians behind him are the cultivation of the realm of Wu Zong and Wu Wang. They are very aware of the powerful influence of the great master of Dan Tao Peak.

Perhaps Yu Haoran really has the strength and means to kill Xiao Jiufa.

Seeing Yu Haoran stepping away from the Yizheng Hall, Emperor Qin felt relaxed and happy, but also deeply depressed. He shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Over the years, Xiao Jiufa's heavy pressure has given him a hint of instinct.

Therefore, in the face of Xiao Zhongyuan's persecution, he was only thinking about how to save Yu Haoran's life, how to prevent Yu Haoran from real rupture with the Great Qin Empire, but ignored the Dan Dao ability that he mastered.

Qi Ming Xuan Men Dan has a strong appeal to Wu Zun Ji Pin Pin Peerless and Emperor Zhun Wu realm power, he has witnessed the competition and trading of elixir across the mountains.

He knew that Xiao Jiufa, who had given himself a headache for decades, was definitely not a too high threat for Yu Haoran, who was able to refine the Seven-Life Xuanmen Dan.

Thinking of this, Emperor Qin put away the bitter smile on his face, and then winked at Director Jiang who hurried back.

General Manager Jiang, who had been driving for decades, immediately understood the order that Emperor Qin had just winked, and immediately turned around and left the Yizheng Hall, and then went to all the guards in the palace to prepare for the second burning of books.


Yan Luocheng, located just north of Xianyang City, is a heavy city with a population of more than millions.

Yan Luocheng, which belongs to the Great Qin Empire in name, actually does not need to pay any taxes and belongs to a small kingdom that operates and develops independently.

Moreover, there is neither the main city of the city nor the existence of any clan or gang.

All of this stems from Xiao Jiufa, one of the top ten casual practitioners in the city.

Looking at a ninety-nine-meter-tall, eighteen-story tower made of black iron, Yu Haoran floating in the air, there was a scornful look in his eyes.

"Yu Haoran, it seems that the ambition of this surname Xiao is not small!"

Looking at the eighteen-story towers made of black iron, each tower is 5.5 meters high, like the legendary eighteen-story hell, the towering spirit couldn't help but taunt.

"I actually want to use my own power to reproduce the eighteen layers of **** in charge of samsara in ancient times."

"No matter what kind of ambition he has, he will destroy it directly!" Take out the white sticks of the top quality, inspire the power of the ancestor and witch body, Yu Haoran slammed the void with his feet, and the volley flew to the void while he said aggressively .

"A stick in the sky!"

After the height of the volley reached the limit, Yu Haoran ordered Qi Ling to assist in instigating the threat of the stick, and then screamed.

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