Destined Martial God

Chapter 1216: Second-order first-grade spirit stone (three more)

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God stole the door, in the first floor of the treasure house!

"And the remaining three spirit veins are the fifth-order middle-class, the fifth-order top-class, and the fifth-order best-level ones."

According to the different locations where Lingmai was stored, although Yu Haoran had already speculated about the four Lingmai grades placed on the jade platform, he could not control the ecstasy emerging from his heart even after he had been confirmed by Ta Ling.

After all, once the level of the spirit pulse reaches level five or more, not only will the quality of the aura contained in it be found to be transformed, but there is also a great chance that it will give birth to the pith.

Even though his current practice has reached the middle of Wusheng Jiupin, and his strength is close to that of Wu Zun, the crystal pulp still has the powerful effect of changing physique and improving practice and strength.

More importantly, if the second avatar is based on the fifth-order spiritual veins, and then supplemented with nine sixth-order superb spiritual veins, is the Dongtianfudi created comparable to Wonderland!

Fortunately, after he returned to Xianyang City, he could use the Maoma Mansion rewarded by Emperor Qin to experiment.

Yu Haoran immediately cast his eyes on the wooden box placed in Yutai.

The size of the wooden box is not very large, similar to the vanity box used by ordinary girls to store gold and silver jewelry.

Reaching out to open the wooden box, a pure aura that can make Dantian Yuanli boil, and make the **** of the sea tremble, immediately emerged frantically from the wooden box.

Without the slightest hesitation, while quickly closing the box, Yu Haoran immediately ran his own destiny mentality and directly absorbed the pure aura that had just emerged, so as to avoid the pure aura that emerged from the wooden box to alarm the treasure keeper. .

After attracting pure aura by the mind of the destiny that day, with the help of the seven-death Xuandanmen Dan, the reward of the rules of heaven just broke through the mid-term cultivation of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin and directly advanced to the peak of Wu Sheng Jiu Pin.

"Yu Haoran, there is no room for discussion. The second-order first-order aura in the wooden box divides half of me." The powerful divine idea directly put the wooden box set by Yutai into the tower of the domain, and the towering spirit hugged the wood. Box, said firmly.

"Yes!" Yu Haoran nodded in agreement, trying his best to suppress the momentum fluctuations that occurred when the realm broke through.

Just a leak of pure aura can make one's cultivation become the peak of Wusheng Jiupin. If it directly attracts the more pure spiritual fluid in the spirit stone!

Well, for the improvement of cultivation and realm, I am afraid it will reach an unimaginable level.

And this is just the powerful effect of the second-order first-grade spirit stone.

If it is a higher-level second-order spirit stone!

Just as Hao Ran knew that in a cave house in the misty forest, seven spirit stones of grade two and nine were stored.

Therefore, in the face of Taring's request for half the meeting, he agreed so easily.

With Yu Haoran's consent, Ta Ling reopened the box and carefully counted the number of second-order first-grade spirit stones in the wooden box. The number of ecstatic found that it reached 24.

"Ta Ling, I only need eight second-order first-grade spirit stones, and all the remaining spirit stones belong to you."

Although the previous life knew that in the wooden box on the jade platform deep in the first floor of the treasure house, the second-order first-grade spirit stone was stored, but due to the current vision and the time to stay in the treasure house, he did not know the exact number of spirit stones.

According to his understanding of the scarcity of second-order spirit stones, it is speculated that the number of spirit stones stored in the wooden box is about ten at most.

But the result was unexpected.

Based on the effect of the absorption of the leaked pure Reiki just now, he speculated that six second-order first-grade spirit stones would be enough for his cultivation to reach the peak of Wuzun's nine grades.

At that time, in conjunction with the seven second-order nine-pin spirit stones in the misty forest cave house, cultivation, body and spirits will soon break through the realm of Wudi.

Therefore, in order to enable the restoration of the Taling's cultivation to be quicker, and in order to ensure that his cultivation and strength can be quickly improved, he finally decided that there are only eight second-order first-grade spirit stones.

"Yu Haoran, thank you!"

The pure spiritual fluid contained in the second-order, first-grade spirit stone has a far stronger effect on improving the soul and soul than Yuanli, and it is not inferior to the top healing elixir for the healing effect of his soul.

If he can absorb sixteen second-order first-grade spirit stones, he will be able to revive his soul to return to the peak of the nine emperor Wudi, which will greatly help Haoran to venture into the misty forest and death swamp in the future.

After rechecking the corners of the first floor of the Treasury, after confirming that there were no omissions, Yu Haoran carefully entered the second floor of the Treasure through the stairs.

Compared with the treasure trove previously experienced, the second floor of the treasure trove of God's Stealth, not only stores medicinal materials alone, but also is very rare.

However, when he opened the first wooden box on the wooden frame on the west side, his heart suddenly burst into surprise.

"Soul baby flower of third order and fifth product!"

After the surprise, looking at the soul baby flower in the wooden box, Yu Haoran suddenly remembered that he had promised the marriage of the serpent and Ruyun. He wanted to use the fifth-order first-grade soul baby flower to help Ruyun refining one that could restore damage Root medicine.

Although the business was so busy that he forgot about it for a while, why did Ruyi and Sister Ruyun leave Qing Yunfeng never come to find him?

After all, they are just ordinary people who meet each other without much emotional entanglement.

Therefore, Yu Haoran shook his head, held things about Ruyi and Sister Ruyun at the bottom of his heart, and then put away the wooden box containing the third-order, fifth-grade soul soul baby flower, and then continued to look at the second wooden box.

"The third-order and fifth-grade Scorpio flower!"

Seeing the second elixir in the wooden box, it turned out to be a Scorpio flower that could enhance the cultivation of the poisonous path. Yu Haoran's heart was even more joyful.

Because this third-order and fifth-grade Scorpio flower is enough to make his big disciple Yun Xiang, and his second disciple Fang Man's poisonous road repair at the same time promoted to the realm of master.

With the poisonous body of Yunxiang Ghost Eater, and the black slow poison contained in Fangman's body, as long as their poisonous path is to break through the realm of the Grand Master, unless it is the strongest in the realm of Wu Zun and Emperor Wu.

Otherwise, very few people can hurt them in this world.

Store the wooden box containing the third-order and fifth-grade Scorpio flower separately, and Yu Haoran's eyes turned to the third wooden box.

"Yu Haoran, no one of you or I can predict whether the strong man stealing the door will enter the treasure house temporarily, so checking one by one like you is a waste of time and will increase many variables."

Seeing Yu Haoran reaching out to open the third wooden box on the wooden stand, he looked up at the hundreds of wooden boxes and jade boxes in the treasure house, and Talling frowned, reminding him.

"It's better for me to put all these wooden boxes and jade boxes into the tower of the domain, and then use the ability of time acceleration to give you enough time to choose the elixir suitable for the wedding."

The author Yan Yunyuqi said: The double trouble of cold and Cavern made Yan Yun write very slowly now, and I don't know if I can successfully complete the five chapters today.

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