Destined Martial God

Chapter 1192: Don't take yourself too seriously (four more)

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Hundred-foot gate!

"Ta Ling, show me in detail all the experiences of Liu Shanxin in this life."

You need to check what kind of method Liu Shanxin just used to change the highly toxic nature of refining poisonous dandan and come up with a solution in time.

Therefore, for the time being, he did not have much energy to pay attention to other experiences in Liu Shanxin's life, including the plan of the Lord of the Palace, how to remove the poisonous substance in the original measuring ruler.

"Yu Haoran, I have a secret method that can replicate all the pictures of Liu Shanxin's life experience."

Hearing Yu Haoran's orders, Ta Ling immediately gave him the means to reassure him to measure the scale ruler.

"Lilac pollen!"

When seeing Liu Shanxin's use of divine thoughts to check the poisonous toxicity, he quietly added a pollen with very little toxicity, and Yu Haoran's eyes flashed a shocked look.

In just ten minutes, it was able to identify the properties of highly toxic substances, and use clove pollen to change some of the power of highly toxic substances.

He was shocked by Liu Shanxin's poisonous practice.

He felt a little admired and frightened at Liu Shanxin's use of drugs and techniques.

Fortunately, he has just used the martial law of years to wipe out Dan Dao's ability without losing to his own Liu Shanxin. Otherwise, his relatives may be in danger anytime, anywhere.

Taking a deep breath, adjusting the emotional changes caused by Liu Shanxin just now, Yu Haoran began to look for the highly toxic that had fundamentally changed the elimination of toxicity.

The toxicity of lilac flower itself is very small, and it will not cause any danger to the living beings, which means that the lilac pollen is only a primer, a primer that changes the highly toxic toxicity.

Then, as long as you eliminate or reduce the power of the primer, the poisonous toxicity will return to normal.

Thinking of this, Yu Haoran's mind flashed a kind of flower, clover flower between Linghua and Fanhua immediately!

Turning his head to the garden of Yinyue Pavilion, a branch of flowers with three petals stretched out his hand and sucked, and the clover flower appeared in his hand instantly.

After using Yuanli to shatter the petals of the clover flower, shoot the pollen directly into the body of the measuring scale.

Is about to reach the limit of madness, and intends to detonate the spirit of the body, quickly calm down, and then slowly dissipate the body energy just excited.

"Xiao Chi, do you know how poisonous you are?" Ta Ling asked with excitement when he saw the measuring ruler's spirit completely calmed down.

"Isn't it the poison you just poisoned me!" Qi Ling satired indifferently.

"Small ruler, I just poisoned you just to calm you down, and I didn't mean to hurt you."

Seeing that the spirit of the measuring ruler was still full of hatred towards himself, Ta Ling quickly clarified for himself.

He then continued to question.

"What I asked just now is the poison you used to have."

"I don't know!" Not because of Ta Ling's excuse, Qi Ling forgave him for his poisoning, and replied indifferently.

"Xiao Chi, the person who once poisoned you is the Yuxu Palace from one of the top seven denominations in the Tianxuan continent."

The emotional tower spirit left Yu Haoran's sea-conscious space directly, and then pointed at Liu Shanxin, who had just been broken down and fell into the gravel, roared excitedly.

"And Liu Shanxin, who resolved the poisonous poison in you, is also a person in Yuxu Palace."

After hearing Taling's emotional explanation, the body of the measuring scale slightly jittered, and then calmed down, still speaking indifferently.

"so what!"


Faced with the behavior of the measuring ruler, Tallinn suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Ta Ling, you know the sea first!"

After successfully resolving the self-exploding crisis of the measuring scale ruler spirit, Yu Haoran began to refine the detoxification medicament by using the Nether Condensate Technique.

The moment when Jiedu Dan's refining was successful, it was also when Ta Ling was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Taking back nine Jiedu Dan that was floating in the air, Yu Haoran instructed Ta Ling.

After Ta Ling returned to knowing the sea, Yu Haoran directly bombarded one of the detoxification danks with a vector scale, and said coldly.

"This poison detox can detoxify the poison you just mentioned."

After the spirit of the measuring ruler emerged, and the poisonous substance in the ontology was resolved by using the detoxification dan, Yu Haoran still said indifferently.

"Ta Ling has just lifted the void seal, and you can leave now!"

"Don't you want me to recognize the Lord?" Yu Haoran, who was actively driving himself away, asked puzzledly.


Disdainfully glanced at the measuring ruler, Yu Haoran turned directly and flew towards Qing Yunfeng, leaving a sentence that made the measuring ruler almost angry.

"The spirit of the measuring ruler, don't take yourself too seriously. In my eyes, Hao Ran, your real value is actually no different from an ordinary iron."

"I wouldn't bother talking to you now, if it weren't for your deep connection with Taling."

"Boy, you will regret it sooner or later!" Looking at Yu Haoran's background, the instrument spirit floating on the measuring scale of the body, cursed his teeth.

"Don't send it!" Yu Haoran said without looking back.

"You wait!"

After the angry instrument spirit merged into the body, it rose into the sky and disappeared into the Baichi Gate.

"Yu Haoran, are you really willing to let the measuring ruler leave?" Ta Ling asked, looking at the measuring ruler that turned into a white light and completely disappeared into sight.


Nodded, Yu Haoran explained calmly.

"An instrument like a measuring ruler does not have too much attack power and is not suitable for defense. It is really not very useful."

"There is no difference between presence and absence!"

Although the look of interpretation was calm, Ta Ling could feel a little uncomfortable and unwilling in Hao Ran's tone, so he didn't continue to question.

Slowly falling in front of Chu Zhongyu and others, Yu Haoran found that in their eyes, in addition to excitement, they were more in awe of facing the strong. Originally, there was something in the stomach that they wanted to say.

Take out the wooden box containing the buddha fruit from the storage ring, and hand it to Chu Zhongyu, Yu Haoran instructed.

"Brother, please wait for the master to hand over the wooden box when the master returns to Qing Yunfeng."

I do n’t know if the title Yu Haoran is the ninth teacher's brother, the uncle Ma, or the grandmaster Yu, so Chu Zhongyu only nodded, and then took the wooden box silently.

"Second Brother, this jade bamboo slip records the opportunity I once promised you!"

A blank jade bamboo slip was taken out of the storage ring, detailing the detailed route leading to the custody of Wu Shengqiang's left Dongfu, and then handed it to the second brother Liu Guangwei.

"Nine teachers, this ...!"

After reaching out to take Yu Jian, the psychological effects of excitement and fear made Liu Guangwei wonder what to say.

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