Destined Martial God

Chapter 1139: Nine treasures (on)

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The third floor of the Guliang Family Treasury!

"Ta Ling, look at the origin of this black iron piece!"

Thinking back to the past experience carefully, he didn't find any information about the black iron plate. Yu Haoran could only turn to the towering spirit in the sea.

However, considering the strange appearance of the black iron plate, he did not venture into his own sea of ​​knowledge, but just let the towering spirit use the divine thought to observe first.

But when the spirit of the towering spirit just touched the black iron plate, he immediately excited the black iron plate into the sea.

He then said with great excitement.

"Yu Haoran, this is not an iron piece. This is a magical order. It is a top-class refining material capable of refining artifacts."

After hearing the explanation of Ta Ling, Yu Haoran also appeared in his heart with a pleasant surprise.

But the look of surprise didn't last long, and he calmed down quickly.

Today, he is only the early cultivation of Wu Sheng Liu Pin. Whether he can achieve the powerful power of Emperor Wu Di is a question.

As for the martial arts realm, it can only be a dream now!

Then the artifact that only the martial arts realm can use is also an unattainable dream for himself.

The towering spirit immersed in surprise did not notice the rapid changes in Hao Ran's emotions. He was thinking about how to use Shen Lingmu to improve the grade and power of Hao Ran's natal sword, in order to be able to achieve the real Excalibur in the future.

Entering the fifth floor of the treasure house along the stairs, Yu Haoran was immediately stunned by everything in front of him!

Compared with the collection of the first four floors of the treasure house, there are not many treasures in the fifth storey of the treasure house, only nine.

But the value of each treasure is not in any way lost to the sum of the treasures in the first four layers of the treasure house.

Of course, the premise is to remove the magical tree that was later discovered.

Forcibly suppressing the inner surprise, Yu Haoran stepped in front of the first treasure, a watermelon-sized black stone, the size of an embryo.

"Yu Haoran, this is a Xuanhuang stone tyre that can madly improve the physical grade!" Just walked to Yutai, but also in the future and careful observation, was shocked by the spirit of Xuanhuang, immediately shouted excitedly.

Crazyly upgrade the physical rank!

Hearing Ta Ling's introduction of the Xuanhuangshi tire, Yu Haoran immediately asked with surprise.

"Ta Ling, can I immediately use Xuanhuangshi tires to improve my physical grade?"

"Of course!" Taking a deep breath, suppressing the surprise, Ta Ling nodded and confirmed.

"What's the limit of physical level improvement?" Yu Haoran asked.

"Like the state of mind repair, it is enough to let your physical grade directly break through the realm of Wu Zun!" Gaze shifted from Xuanhuangshi to Yu Haoran, Ta Ling said excitedly.

"How to use Xuanhuangshi to raise the physical grade?" Fist clenched tightly, his face was reddish, and Yu Haoran continued to inquire gradually.

"Xuanhuangshi fetus contains the purest Xuanhuang Qi, the ordinary body cannot bear the impact of pure Xuanhuang Qi."

"So, you have to absorb the karma pure yellow qi from the yellowstone stone while maintaining the physical state of the ancestor and witch."

"As for the effect, as short as five days and as long as seven days, your physical grade can easily break through the realm of Wu Zun." Ta Ling explained in detail.

Taking a deep breath, he signaled Ta Ling to put the Xuanhuangshi tire into the tower, and Yu Haoran stepped towards the second Yutai.

"Yu Haoran, if you use the ability to accelerate the time of Yuta Tower, it only takes a few minutes, and your physical grade can break through the realm of Wu Zun."

Looking at Yu Haoran stepping towards the second Yutai, Ta Ling asked puzzledly.

"Why do you choose to give up now?"

"Tal Ling, among the five key factors that break through the realm of Wu Zun, in addition to the cultivation of the state of mind can help to enhance the perception of the dual laws of life and death. The bigger it is, "Yu Haoran reminded helplessly.

"I understand!"

Taling nodded and motioned to understand why he didn't use the yellowstone immediately.

In fact, in terms of experience and experience, Ta Ling also knows the limits of the power of the law after the physical level breaks through the realm of Wu Zun.

The reason why he didn't think of it at first was because Yu Haoran's cultivation was higher, his strength was stronger, and the sooner he could find the origin of the five elements that reshape the body, this made his mind confused!

"Earth mind milk, but also 10,000 years of earth mind milk!" Looking at the jade bowl placed on the jade table, approaching a small bowl of crystal clear emulsion, Yu Haoran cried out in surprise.

At the auction on the black market, Shen Jinwen successfully used only three drops of five hundred years of earth soul milk to successfully exchange for a sacred defense product.

So, there are more than thirty drops of Wanniandi Mind Milk in front of you. Can you exchange it for the defensive weapon of the highest quality or the attacking weapon for the quality of the imperial kingdom!

Of course, in exchange for the level of divine realm and emperor realm, they only indirectly prove the powerful value of Wannian Lingru, and Yu Haoran will certainly not be stupid enough to change it.

Because the real effect of Wannianling milk is to improve the potential and understanding, strengthen the foundation, and help to improve the supreme medicine of breakthrough.

"Yu Haoran, I was still worried that your cultivation will be promoted so fast, it will affect the stability of the foundation, and cause your cultivation speed to slow down in Wu Zun realm."

Seeing the Wannian Ling milk in the Yutai jade bowl, Ta Ling couldn't help but sigh.

"Now with the help of these thirty-three drops of Wannianling milk, you can completely eradicate the hidden dangers in this area. Even after breaking through the realm of Wu Zun, you can still maintain the speed of rapid improvement.

"Talling, please let Yutai be included in the tower together with the Yutai." After nodding his sigh, Yu Haoran exhorted.

After Ta Ling packed up the Yutai and Jade Bowls containing Wannianling milk, Yu Haoran stepped towards the third Yutai.

On the jade platform was placed a stone emitting dazzling golden light.

"No, this is absolutely impossible!"

Looking at the golden stones on Yutai, Ta Ling was vaguely familiar, but could not remember for a moment.

But when the **** of mind entered the dazzling golden light and felt a breath that made his spirits quickly condense, Tarling suddenly shouted incredibly.

"Ta Ling, what exactly is this golden stone?" Yu Haoran couldn't help questioning as he looked at Ta Ling who knew his hands were clenching tightly, breathing continued to increase, and kept mumbling.

"Fantasy gold!" Ta Ling answered subconsciously.

"How is it possible!" Yu Haoran shouted in disbelief after hearing Ta Ling's reply.

Illusion gold is a very rare material that can be used to make the top materials of the imperial realm.

Of course, if it only has the effect of refining the imperial realm, Xuan fantasy gold will not make Yu Haoran and Ta Ling feel incredible shock at the same time.

Because there is a trace of gold in the fantasy gold, which is one of the five elements that the spirit of the tower has been struggling to pursue.

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