Destined Martial God

Chapter 1105: Reactions from all sides (on)

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Xianyang City, in the Imperial Palace!

"Holy, Yun Jie wants to say goodbye to you!" Looking at Qin Emperor sitting on a dragon chair, Teng Yunjie bent and motioned.

Putting down the secret in his hand, Qin Emperor asked with a very mild attitude.

"Nephew Yun Jiexian, isn't it because Hei's arrangement is not in accordance with the nephew's mind, or is someone who has not opened his eyes to provoke you?"

"Tell me, I'm angry for you."

"Sacred Word is heavy!"

The middle-aged man sitting at the back of the desk is not only the Ninth Five-Year Supreme of the Great Qin Empire, but also a three-robber quasi-wu Zun strong who holds the sword of Emperor Realm.

Even if there is a special relationship between the two, Teng Yunjie dares not be too casual and wanton.

"I was honored by the Holy See during this time, and Yun Jie lived comfortably and had a good time. I was also fortunate to have met several talented princes."

"It's just that the battle for Qianlong is getting closer and closer, Yun Jie wants to go out and practice, so that he can continue to improve his strength."


Looking at the temperament clouds, Teng Yunjie doing things rationally and thoughtfully, and thinking of Qin Tianze who would not stay in the palace for life or death for a woman, Emperor Qin could not help but sigh, apologetic.

"Yun Jie, the reason why you let Tianwu martial arts send you to the Great Qin Empire is because the secret realm belonging to my Great Qin Empire is about to open."

"I hope that through the experience of the mystery, you can strengthen your strength and deepen your savings potential."

"But I did not expect that a key that could open the mystery was accidentally lost, causing the time to open the mystery to be delayed."

"You don't have to blame yourself on the saints. Yun Jie's desire for a secret place is not so strong." The supreme emperor of the Ninety-five Supreme People personally apologized to himself, and Teng Yunjie immediately relieved with sincerity.

Then his tone changed, and a look of longing appeared on his face.

"Also, when Yun Jie passed the Shuangniu Mountain, he once met Master Ma in Jianlou and established a good relationship with each other."

"So, Yun Jie left the palace not to return to Tianwumen, but intended to go to Baichimen, to see where Master Ma had lived, and then to see his teacher's door, to see what it was like. Respectful elders can teach such amazing geniuses as Master Ma. "

"Haha ...!"

Hearing Teng Yunjie's mention of Yu Haoran, the Qin Emperor, who was deeply relieved, laughed.

Because it was possible to discover in advance Hao Ran's extraordinaryness, and use marriage to successfully attract him to become his own. This is the most successful and proud thing that Emperor Qin thinks he has done so far.

After the laughter, Emperor Qin nodded and told Teng Yunjie.

"Since you want to go to Baichimen, then I won't keep too much, but you must leave a Chuan Xun jade charm that I can contact at any time."

"In this case, He can not only know your situation anytime, anywhere, but also be able to notify you as soon as the mystery is opened."

"Thank you for your holy love, Yun Jie's farewell!" Leaving Tian Wu Men's special Chuan Xun jade charm, Teng Yun Jie slowly retreated to the door of the study, and when he was about to turn away, he directly collided with the general manager Jiang with a surprised face.

"Yunjie's son forgive his sins, the old slave didn't notice you for a while!" Seeing that he bumped into Teng Yunjie, who had to take care of three points for even the long lived man, panic replaced the surprise general manager Jiang, and pleaded guilty.

"General Manager Jiang doesn't need to care, Yun Jie also has a certain responsibility!" Teng Yunjie, who was not angry at all, smiled and relieved.

"General Manager Jiang, what's the matter?" Looking at General Manager Jiang who has been very stable for almost thirty years, General Manager Jiang has been so calm today. Qin Emperor asked with a light face.

"If you go back to Viva, there is news of Ma Ma."

General Manager Jiang held a Chuan Xun Yufu in front of Emperor Qin with both hands, and there was no panic in his eyes when he was scolded, only a surprise that was difficult to suppress.

Teng Yunjie, who was going to leave the study, heard the general manager Jiang mentioned Yu Hao, and immediately retracted his left leg, and then turned to look at Emperor Qin.

"How can it be!"

After reading the information in Chuan Xun Yufu, Qin Emperor suddenly stood up with an incredible look on his face.

"Holy, what happened to Grandma?"

The security of Yu Haoran is about whether the ancestors of the Tianwumen Teng family can successfully break through the soul robbery of Zhunwu Emperor.

Therefore, after seeing the panic Emperor Qin, Teng Yunjie came to the desk in three or two steps and asked nervously.

"Master Ma successfully broke through the realm of Dan Dao Grand Master!" Qin Emperor Qin Emperor said with a complex look after letting down the Chuan Xun Yufu in his hand.

"Holy, when Yunjie was separated from Grandma, Grandma once told Yunjie personally that he was confident that within one or two months, Dan Dao Xiu would break through the realm of master."

After hearing Qin Emperor's reply, Teng Yunjie secretly sighed with relief, without any surprise.

"It's been almost a month and a half since the beginning of each separation, and Master Ma's Dan Daoxiu breaks through the realm of the Grand Master, which is also a matter of course."

"Yun Jie, Master Ma successfully broke through the realm of Dan Dao Grand Master, and successfully produced nine third-order and nine-grade Tenglongdan."

Seeing Teng Yunjie who was not surprised at all, Qin Emperor raised his lips slightly, and then revealed the second important information mentioned in the newsletter Yujian.

The body shook slightly, and Teng Yunjie looked at Emperor Qin with a shocked expression. His eyes not only showed an incredible look, but also a hint of surprise appeared.

"Yun Jie, Ye Maye, after successfully refining the third-order and nine-pin Tenglong Dan, personally acknowledged that he can make the third-order and one-pin Huazun Dan, and he is willing to help with the refining."

Teng Yunjie's shocked performance just made the Emperor Qin very dissatisfied and continued to disclose the third message in Chuan Xun's jade.

After hearing the third information disclosed by Emperor Qin, due to extreme shock, Teng Yunjie stepped back five steps in a row, and asked with a trembling voice.

"Holy, is it true what you just said?"

"I can't believe it, but the news is true."

Finally satisfied with the panic that Teng Yunjie heard after Yu Haoran's amazing performances, Emperor Qin sat back on the dragon chair and nodded to confirm.

"Holy, Yun Jie wants to return to Tianwumen immediately."

After being confirmed by Emperor Qin, Teng Yunjie closed his eyes and considered for a while. He opened his eyes and immediately resigned from Emperor Qin.

"Yun Jie, with the strength of Tian Wu Men, I am afraid I have also received the news at this moment. How to deal with the strong influence brought by this news, the door owner and several elders have their own decisions." Shaking his head and refusing to return to Tian Wu Men On request, Emperor Qin relieved.

"Holy, you don't understand, Sheng Jie has a reason to return to Tianwumen immediately."

Shaking his head, Teng Yunjie continued to ask resolutely.

"Because it is related to the life and death of Tianwumen!"

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