Destined Martial God

Chapter 1048: Dongfu left by Peerless Sword Master (Five)

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Valley edge!

"Purple light is dazzling. Jianlou Jianbang was born because of the young man just now!"

Stayed in Hao Ran's previous feat, respecting his martial saint stepped into the valley.



After hearing that Wu Shengqiang had just come out of Hao Ran, Wei Xiangtian suddenly raised his hand to his face and fanned back and forth fiercely.

Subsequently, he rushed into the valley, and then chased Yu Haoran who had entered the valley earlier.

"Lao Wei is in danger!" Said a Wu Sheng strong man from the southern region, who laughed with some glee.


Another strong swordsman from the Great Qin Empire agreed with the nod.

"With the character that Ma Maye must report, even if Wei Xiangtian is lucky, he will probably bleed a lot."



Ignoring the ridicule and sarcasm of Weixiang Tian behind him, after Hao Ran stepped into the valley, he continued to use Fuxi's gossip figure to quickly find a sword-shaped grass hidden in the chaos.

Moreover, this sword-shaped grass is nearly two centimeters taller than that obtained at the edge of the valley.

Fortunately, this time no one who interrupted his joy because of greed for the sword-shaped grass appeared.


After harvesting the second sword-shaped grass just harvested, Yu Haoran continued to use Fuxi's gossip chart to estimate the location of the next sword-shaped grass, and was suddenly startled by the sound coming from behind him.

Immediately turning around and watching, the natal sword appeared quickly in his hands.

But when he saw the sound of the noise just now, it was because of the sound of Wei Xiangtian kneeling down on the ground, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Master Ma, all are small and jealous. They just humiliated you just now. Little damn."

Seeing Yu Haoran turning around, Wei Xiangtian immediately nodded and confessed.

"Now, as long as you can let the grandma lose his breath, Ren Xiaoren will never frown."

"You are from the Qin Empire!" Yu Haoran asked with a smile after putting away his sword.

Under normal circumstances, only the talents from the Great Qin Empire will call their own grandma, others will either call their real names or honor the Grand Master.

Therefore, he guessed that the middle-aged Wu Sheng strong who was kneeling in front of himself was the strong one who came from the family forces of the Great Qin Empire.

"If you return to Master Ma, the small surname Wei and Ming Xiangtian are from the Wei family of Xincheng in the Great Qin Empire." After hearing Hao Ran smiling and questioning his origin, Wei Xiangtian knew that he had saved his life. At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly introduced himself.

"The descendants of General Da Qin Guowei."

Upon hearing the origin of Weixiang Tian, ​​Yu Haoran immediately respected him, the only trace of dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared instantly.

"I was ashamed of my ancestors!" Being able to listen to Hao Ran's respect for the ancestors of Weijia, thinking of himself just because he couldn't get used to Hao Ran's being too calm, he scorned himself.

"Weixiang Tian, ​​I won't blame the evil satire and irony behind you just now, but I hope you don't humiliate the Wei family, and don't discredit the Great Qin Empire!" Seeing Weixiangtian has realized his mistake, his heart has already lost his breath. Yu Haoran, could not help but urged.

"Master Ma, remember that!" He gave a loud nod, and Wei Xiangtian stood up respectfully.

"Okay, look for your chance!" He waved and waved, Yu Haoran signaled.

Later, he turned and stepped into the valley, and continued to use the Fuxi gossip chart to estimate the position of the third sword-shaped grass.

"Master, please stay away!"

But at this moment, Wei Xiangtian's voice suddenly heard from behind.

"What else?" Yu Haoran turned and asked.

"Master Ma, there is a piece of credible news here, although it has not been 100% confirmed." First, I used God's thoughts to carefully observe the surrounding situation. After confirming that no one was around, Weixiang Tian came to Yu In front of Hao Ran, he whispered.

"What's the news?" Wei Xiangtian's mysterious move immediately aroused Hao Ran's interest, he asked quickly.

"Ma Maye, it is said that there is a cave house hidden in the depths of the valley, a cave house left by the peerless sword lord."

Perhaps he was worried that even if he whispered, the secrets he knew would be exposed, Wei Xiangtian said conveniently with the hand of God's voice.

"Not only is there a large amount of sword-shaped grass in the cave, but also the kendo heritage left by the peerless sword lord."

"Where did you learn?"

After hearing the news revealed by Wei Xiangtian, Yu Haoran suddenly increased his breath.

But his powerful mentality made him calm down quickly and began to doubt the authenticity of the news.

After all, he had entered the valley three times in search of sword-shaped grass in his previous life, and the time span of three times was as long as sixty years. In the meantime, let alone witness the cave house left by the peerless sword lord, without even hearing it.

"Lu Yuze, the earth sword of Tianjian Sect!" Wei Xiangtian replied.

When he thought about the reason why Jianyu came to Shuangniushan, he immediately turned his face angry.

Thinking of the previous life Lu Yuan mentioned the accident he encountered in Shuangniu Mountain, Yu Haoran suddenly felt that the news just revealed by Wei Xiangtian had certain authenticity.

However, even if it is the Dongfu left by the peerless swordsman, why didn't the wind leak in the previous life!

"Wei Xiangtian, how did you learn the news from Lu Yuze?" Yu Haoran continued to ask.

There is only one possibility that can not leak a trace of the wind, and that is the news of the cave house left by the peerless sword, only Jianyu and Lu Yuze from the Tianjian Sect know.

Moreover, only the two of them had entered Dongfu in the previous life, and guarded against this secret afterwards.

"This ...!" Facing Tian Ran, Weixiang Tian was hesitant.

"Weixiang Tian, ​​since you are a martial arts saint from the Wei family of the Great Qin Empire, then I must have heard of my Hao Ran's style of doing things, and you know my nature."

Seeing Weixiang Tian who was hesitant, Yu Haoran probably knew that the means by which he got the news was not glorious, but he now needs more information to confirm the authenticity of the Peerless Sword Emperor's legacy.

So he immediately pulled down his face and threatened with a gloomy look.

"I hope you don't make me unhappy, otherwise, the consequences are beyond your control."

"Master Ma, don't you know you haven't heard of Lina?"

Seeing Yu Haoran's gloomy complexion and the threat of murderousness just now, Wei Xiangtian knew that if he did not explain clearly, I'm afraid the dignity left by his ancestors could not save his life, so he could only confess in the end.

"Is it from the first-class sect Acacia, known as the Ten Fingers Enchanting Heart Lina!"

I thought about it for a moment, and then a beautiful woman, who was called a stunner, emerged in my mind.

"That's right, it's her!" Wei Xiangtian nodded, explaining with a reddish expression on his face.

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