Desperate Mobile Game

Chapter 605: God domain squad

"Would you like to go in? There should be some advantages in going advanced." Liu Hui bewitched Jin Ke beside him.

"Don't be fooled by her, it's definitely the most dangerous to go first." Luo Ye quickly whispered something to Jin Ke.

Jin Ke pondered for a moment, but still decided to enter the black ball, also known as the "Terror City".

The world has no way to go back, what is there to hesitate?

Judging from the situation in the video, the unstable small universe is about to collapse, and the information fragments formed by the explosion of the big universe are about to enter the world, which is the real world they live in.

By then everyone will die.

Jin Ke felt that the most important thing before he died was to retrieve his original memory and figure out the truth behind the scenes.

After deciding to enter, Jin Ke's vision popped up a few more lines.

"Identity detection..."

"Identification: Leader of the Squad of Gods."

"Before starting the city of terror, all the angels of the **** realm must be present."

"Some of the **** domain messengers received tickets for the ultimate battle, but they did not want to come."

"Is it mandatory to summon?"

Jin Ke was stunned. As a result of this identity detection, did the Godhead refer to him?

What does the leader of the **** domain team mean? The leader of all the angels of the **** realm?

do not care.

"Agree to force the call." Jin Ke quickly made a choice.

A cloud of black mist appeared in the hall.

When the black mist disappeared, some people appeared in the hall.

Some of them were known by Jin Ke, such as Chen Wei, Meng Gao, Meng Lin, Qi Bo, Si Ge, Zhou Ni, etc.

There are also people whom Jin Ke does not know.

"Ah... I just want to live a quiet life, but I was still forced to come here by force." Chen Wei sighed.

"Does it make sense? Does all this make sense?" Meng Xiao muttered to himself.

"Haha... I was suppressed for so many years, and I was finally relieved!" Qi Bo laughed there, not knowing what he was laughing or knowing what he experienced.

"Isn't it possible to pretend to be dead? Was it forced to come over?" Wang Qian touched his fat face.

"Teacher Wang! Haven't you been killed?" Zhang Mengdi and Mint questioned Wang Qian.

"Uh, that... that..." Wang Qian's face grinned awkwardly.


"All the angels of the Divine Domain have gathered together. Will the city of terror be opened?" A line of prompts appeared in Jin Ke's field of vision.


Jin Ke quickly confirmed.

If he is the leader of God Realm, then everything in the video will be very clear.

It was he who led the messengers of the Divine Realm, chasing and killing the Light Brain Dopants, which led to everything now.

Although, with his current memory and experience, he will stand on the side of the light brain.

But what about him after he has recovered his memory? What choice will you make?

Jin Ke himself was not very clear.

Therefore, you must first retrieve your memories.

After Jin Ke agreed to open the City of Terror, the black sphere in the center of the hall spun wildly.

Some black crystals overflowed from the black sphere and flew to the people in the hall.

When these black crystals reached everyone's side, they turned into a cloud of black mist, and penetrated into everyone's body.

A large amount of memory poured into Jin Ke's mind like a tide, making him dizzy for a moment.

After these memories were rearranged and combined in chronological order, Jin Ke got a complete and long memory of his life.

That world is similar to the "real world" where he lives now.

In other words, of these two worlds, one of them copied the other intact.

His name in that world, also called Jin Ke, was born, and when he grows up, he marries his wife and has children.

The wife is Luo Ye, the daughter is Luo Xue.

Not Luo Xue picked up in the snow, but his and Luo Ye's biological daughter.

They live happily until one day...

Daughter Luo Xue disappeared inexplicably.

No one remembered Luo Xue's existence, not even his wife Luo Ye.

Only Jin Ke remembered it himself.

Others said he was crazy.

Jin Ke knew that he was not crazy, he began various investigations to find the whereabouts of his daughter Luo Xue.

In the process of searching, he came into contact with the paradox.

In the paradox, all kinds of nine deaths and life, Jin Ke became more powerful, the body achieved 90% energy, and slowly found out the truth behind the scenes.

The world he lives in is just a virtual world.

And he is a very powerful independent consciousness group formed by all brain modules of nine galaxies colonizing the planet after the complex changes in the space and time dimensions of the brain modules of the glass jar.

Also known as the awakening.

He is not an ordinary awakener, but the strongest among awakeners.

At least, in the current time dimension, there is no stronger awakener than him.

His wife, Luo Ye, was an awakening consciousness earlier than him, but has been reassured by God Realm. The purpose of arranging him was to prevent him from awakening and to understand the truth. After he awakened and learned the truth, he The Zhao An was carried out.

The condition for Zhao'an is that he must lead a team of God Territory to encircle the light brain and turn into an invader.

Then, teach him a method of 100% energetic body, so that he truly became a similar energy family in the universe.

I dare not say that immortality is immortal, but the lifespan of the Neng can reach at least 10 billion years.

The most important thing is to be able to reunite with her daughter Luo Xue, and never separate again.

Jin Ke agreed to the conditions of God's recruitment.

So there is a scene in the video.

However, not all of these people present belonged to his Divine Squad.

For example, Liu Xiaoxi, Zhang Mengdi, and Mint, they are all capable incarnations. When watching the two camps fighting, they were accidentally involved in the unstable solid small universe.

In the game of Horror City, Jin Ke encountered the first very powerful opponent, Luo Chatian, which was also related to the Divine Squad.

Luo Chatian is not a messenger of God's domain, but a logistics staff of the team of God's domain.

This is why Luo Shatian said to Jin Ke before he died, ‘You shouldn’t kill me! We are the same! We once fought side by side! These few words.

There is also the second memory fragment of Raksha Tin.

A very desolate planet.

There are no traces of intelligent creatures on the planet, and there are rocks all over the place that seem to have no air.

Dozens of tall human figures, all shrouded in black mist, stand scattered on the cliffs at the highest point of the planet. They all stand upright, looking up at the vast starry sky.

One of them stood at the forefront of everyone and stood on a boulder, obviously the leader of these people.

"Do you want to continue?" One of the figures in the black mist said.

This man is Luo Chatian.

"Of course." The leader returned to Luo Shatian, and then looked back at everyone.

Through the haze lingering around the leader, Jin Ke vaguely saw the person's face.

It is himself.


"Great, this **** little universe created by the light-brain avatar is finally going to collapse!" Liu Hui's voice.

"The collapse of the unsteady solid small universe means death of the light-brain avatar. Once the light-brain avatar dies, we can return to the big universe! According to the agreement we signed with God Realm, we can all be fully energized and obtain Undead!" Liu Qian's voice.

"The light brain incarnation deceived all of us. It mimics the world we lived in before, so that we have a new memory here, but it has never been able to eliminate our original memory." Chen Wei's voice.

"If it is not that the information storm formed by the explosion of the big universe is about to arrive in the world, it is estimated that the light brain incarnation will not let us approach the city of terror." Meng Gao's voice.

"Why did it design this game?" Meng Lin's voice.

"It's very simple, in order to kill us, kill all the angels of the Divine Realm." Lu Yang's voice.

"Kill us?"

"Yes, all the angels of the Divine Realm are all undead bodies that have been largely energized by the body. All the weapons that can be used by the light brain avatar can not really kill us. And our existence is precisely the cause of the instability of the small solid universe. The root cause of stabilization. From our original memory, we can see that there is only one way to die the messenger of the **** realm, and like the energy family, it is self-detonation." Lu Yang continued.

"We are about to become an immortal existence in the universe, why should we detonate ourselves?" Liu Hui's voice.

"Guangnao's avatars are exhausted, but in the end they can only end in dismalness." Liu Gan's voice.

"After everything here, our family should be reunited." Luo Ye walked to Jin Ke's side and took his arm.

"I am the Nobleman? I think I am still willing to be a cute girl. This ten-year life is much more exciting than my previous life of more than 10 billion years." Zhang Mengdi whispered.

"Captain Luo does not belong to the two camps. I know some secrets that no one else knows. Things are not so simple. I feel a conspiracy everywhere. For the battle between the two camps, we should not intervene." Mint looked around.

"What do you know? Can you tell me?" Zhang Mengdi looked very curious.

"When only two of us are left, I might consider talking to you." Mint obviously didn't want others to overhear.

Liu Xiaoxi also kept looking around, without saying a word.


"Come out! We know that you are nearby, everything should be over!" Lu Yang shouted to all around.

Everything around everyone slowly turned into black drifted away from all around.

Then, everyone stood in a pure white space.

The ground is white and the sky is white.

A house that appeared on the ground was also white.

"The light brain incarnation is inside?"

"Who goes in and see?"

"Go in together! What's so scary?"

"We are all immortal. If the light brain avatar can kill us, it has already started, but unfortunately it can't. Therefore, even if we people die a thousand times in the game, we can't really die."

"Then go in together."

Everyone discussed, and then walked into the white house together.

(Only one more today.)

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