
Chapter 252: Extra one: Tower

Chapter 252 Extra One: Tower

There is a wooden tower on the painting desk in Pei Yunying's study.

The wooden pagoda is very high, and he cut every piece of wood himself with a dagger.

Very few people can enter his study. Everyone who enters his study and sees this wooden tower will be surprised. It is a dignified commander and commander. He is good at music, riding, and shooting. He does not like drinking and having fun, but he has such strange preferences.

The blocks for his first wooden tower were piled up after his mother passed away.

Duke Zhaoning's wife was held hostage by the rebels, but his father watched his mother die in the hands of the rebels. When he learned the news, he rushed to his mother too late. When he broke away from the guards and rushed to his mother, he only had time to cover the wound on his mother's neck. The blood was pouring like a spring and he couldn't stop slashing at his eyes. His mother said to him: "Ying' away..."

He always thought that his mother's words of "run away" meant that he should escape from the chaos of the rebel army. Only after a long time did he realize that the words "run away" meant that he should escape from the Pei family.

He doesn't understand.

My mother is dead, my uncle's family is dead, and my grandfather's family is not here either. After the new emperor came to the throne, Pei Di didn't know what he was busy with every day. At that time, Pei's house was always gloomy and gloomy. Pei Yunshu suffered this blow and became ill, depressed and unable to eat.

He followed his mother's example and made the ravioli that her mother often made for Pei Yunshu, spoonful by spoonful. When he ate the last one, Pei Yunshu burst into tears.

"Aying," my sister cried, "from now on, it's just you and me."

From now on, it will be just the two of them.

His father's coldness was already evident at that moment. Although he was young at the age of fourteen, he was vaguely aware that there was something fishy about the series of deaths in his grandfather's family. He tried to ask his father to investigate thoroughly, but Pei Di rejected him indifferently and strictly prohibited him from mentioning the matter again.

"Don't bring trouble to the Pei family, and be your heir apparent." Pei Di warned, "Don't forget, you are not the only son in the Pei family."

Of course, he is not the only son in the Pei family, there is also Pei Yunxiao. Since his mother passed away, he even heard that a matchmaker came to discuss the renewal of the relationship with Pei Di.

Duke Zhaoning, who was in his prime, could not remain a widower for his wife for the rest of his life. People's hearts are changeable, moving eastward and westward.

So he said coldly: "Without the Pei family, without the title of Duke Zhaoning, I can still take revenge."

"The days are long, we'll see."

It is always extremely difficult to pursue the truth without help. He learned a horrifying secret from the living relatives of his grandfather. It turned out that the deaths of his grandfather's family, his uncle's family, and his mother were all related to the death of the late prince.

It turns out that his enemy is the current Ninth Five Supreme Being, and his father, whose blood is thicker than water, chose the latter among family and glory.

It was a rainy night in autumn, all the houses were silent, and the cold rain was falling. The young man sat against the wall, listening coldly to the screams in the courtyard, one after another, and his eyes were filled with desolation.

The road to revenge is full of difficulties and dangers, with no end in sight, and he is alone, like an ant climbing a giant mountain.

Will it succeed? How to succeed? The road ahead is bleak.

When he was upset, he casually picked up a branch from outside the door, carved it carefully with a shining silver dagger, and gradually carved it into a round piece of wood.

Pei Yunying looked at the piece of wood for a long time and made up his mind.

When a person is born, the sun rises. Going up the mountain late, going down the mountain quickly.

He was young and at the peak of his strength, so he might as well seize the opportunity. A mother cannot die in vain. As a child, if she can endure the hatred of her family, how is she any different from an animal?

Revenge is difficult, and it is difficult to reach the sky, but if you accumulate small pieces of wood over many years, you can build a towering tower.

If you want to kill heaven, you must first ascend to heaven.

He placed the block on the desk.

Decided to take revenge.

An old man from the Privy Council who had an old relationship with his grandfather gave Pei Yunying a ring and asked him to go to southern Jiangsu to find someone. Emperor Liang Ming designed the late prince to die during an autumn hunt, and then killed all those who knew about it. But there are always one or two fish that slip through the net and sense something is wrong in advance and run away. He wants to bring the "witness" back to Shengjing to become a "weight" for revenge.

So he took the knife and went to Sunan.

The road is windy and frosty, and the journey is not easy. He also lived in fine clothes and lived well without suffering the sufferings of the world. However, when he went on the road, he was surrounded by passers-by. He stayed at night and walked at dawn, accompanied by a solitary lamp, traveling north and south, and gradually he understood.

He went through all kinds of hardships to find the "witness" and persuaded him to return to Beijing with him. However, when he turned around, he was stabbed in the back by the "witness". The witness informed the government that they were chasing him all the way, and he escaped with a narrow escape. Just when he thought he was certain to die, he met a thief picking up corpses in the execution ground where he was hiding.

The little thief who picked up the corpse put his hands together in prayer, and skillfully carried away the heart and heart of the deceased.

Unbelievable, he forced the thief with a knife to save himself.

The little thief was a girl, not very old, with poor medical skills. Her wounds were sewn up in a mess. She wore a face scarf on a cold day and was covered in secrets.

He had a smile on his face, but his heart was indifferent.

There are countless poor people in the world, but he is not interested in the suffering of others and does not want to inquire about it.

But maybe it was because the snow in southern Sunan was too cold that night, or maybe the flame of the oil lamp under the dilapidated statue was too warm. In the quiet shadow of the lamp, he was moved for a moment and allowed the other party to force him to carve a note of debt on the wall. Gave her the silver ring.

Savior, he thought, this is a small reward.

He survived, returned to Shengjing, experienced an ambush, and met Yan Xu.

Later, this experience became the second "wood" of the wooden tower.

His third piece of wood came after he joined Yan Xu. This Privy Council commander who once proposed marriage to his mother but was rejected, and was considered unlovable by everyone, seemed to hate him very much. He made him compete with different people for training every day. He would never stop, and he would be beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he began to be asked to take on tasks, which inevitably involved killing people.

It was his first time to kill someone. After he returned, he washed his hands many times until his fingers were red. Later, he went to the ancestral hall and stared at his mother's memorial tablet in a daze.

This is just the beginning, maybe many more people will be killed in the future. Some things have no way to end from the beginning. This road is really not easy to walk. On the way, you have to go up and down, but you can't turn back.

He silently chipped off the third piece of wood and placed it on his desk.

The fourth piece of wood came from a torture to extract a confession. Yan Xu asked him to sit and watch. The person being tortured had participated in the late prince's autumn hunting incident. Yan Xu wanted to interrogate him. This man had a very tough mouth. The secret prison of the Privy Council. Ghastly, they opened a hole in the man's chest, put a black rat in it, and then roasted it with fire. The black rat was exposed to the fire and kept digging holes in the man's body with its claws, making the body **** and bloody.

The man screamed terribly. After he came out, he held on to the sycamore tree at the door and vomited for a long time.

Yan Xu sneered and walked past him: "Get used to it soon, otherwise, you will be the one on trial from now on."

He returned home, closed his eyes for a long time, and placed the fourth piece of wood on the top of the wooden tower.

The wooden tower gradually piled up like a mountain, each piece of wood was round and sharp. He took over many tasks and killed many people. After entering the interrogation room, he was able to torture and interrogate prisoners with ease.

Traveling to high places, I get used to wearing a mask, talking, laughing, killing people, and walking on the road without seeing any waves in my heart.

His tower gradually took shape, and it had been a long time since he had put another block on it.

Until he met Lu Zhuo.

Lu Yan is a man with secrets.

From the first time he saw her, from that velvet flower with sharp silver needles, even though the woman was weak, delicate, and pitiful, he saw hatred and hatred in her eyes at a glance.


He is most familiar with hatred.

So in the Wan'en Temple where the Qinglian Festival was held, I started to be suspicious the first time I caught a glimpse of her wrist.

It's strange that a female doctor with great rejuvenation skills and benevolent skills turns out to be a female Yama who knows **** people at night. She is calm and indifferent, and wherever she goes, there will always be **** disasters, whether by chance or accident.

Once the imperial examination fraud case was revealed, Lu Yan was involved in it. He was clean and innocent, but there were traces of her everywhere. So when he received the report, he personally brought people to the door, thinking that he was going to catch the female Yama.

Unexpectedly, what was buried under the tree was pork.

The woman's eyes looked sarcastic, and she turned around and framed him for murder without hesitation.

She was bold and fearless, and in her eyes he could only see madness.

He admired the scheming and calmness, but he also suspected that she was from the crown prince or the third prince, or perhaps from Emperor Liang Ming. Otherwise, she would not be so confident with no one to support her. However, as a commoner, she couldn't find any clues. He tried many times, but she didn't leak anything.

It happened that she saved her sister at this time and owed a favor.

In this world, it is difficult to repay a debt of gratitude. And the person she saved was the most important person to him. He exposed his weakness in front of Lu Yan, but he knew nothing about the other party.

After that, I had some competitive thoughts, one part sincerity and seven parts testing, unwilling to be outdone. He was the one who tortured to extract confessions, and she was the most difficult prisoner to pry open, and sometimes she even turned against him.

The chance encounter in the Yuxian Tower and the hiding place on the snowy night, fate will always pull them together intentionally or unintentionally.

He once asked Lu Yun with a smile: "As the saying goes, 'Giving kindness and kindness, how can we not meet each other in life? It is difficult to avoid enmity and hatred, and it is difficult to avoid the narrow road.'"

"Doctor Lu, is this fate between you and me a kindness or a grudge?"

Lu Yan raised his eyelids to look at him, and replied coldly: "It's a bad fate."

Bad fate.

This fate is really not a happy one.

Especially when he found out that his name was also on Lu Yan's murder list.

He had thought about many different identities of Lu Zong, including the prince, the third prince, Emperor Liang Ming, and even others, but he never expected that she was just an ordinary single medical girl who came to Beijing alone for her family. With no background and no support, she deceived him and used an unfounded "big shot" to gain weight for herself.

All just for revenge.

People who are desperate are always desperate and crazy. The incense mixed with the drug was cut into two, her dagger was as fragile as herself, the fireworks reflected the mud, the woman sat in the mess on the ground, her voice sounded like she was trying to endure the cry. “I don’t need fairness, I can find it myself.”

He stopped.

The person in front of me suddenly gradually overlapped with the boy from the ancestral hall when he was a child.

He was like this at that time, with nothing but himself.

The days passed by like water, and he almost forgot how he felt when he was fourteen years old, but he saw what he looked like back then in the woman in front of him.

So he handed over a veil.

On New Year's Eve, the fireworks at Dechuntai were about to be set off for a long time. By the time he returned home, it was already very late. Pei Yunshu and Baozhu had already gone to bed. He entered the study. On the desk, a wooden tower that had not been touched for a long time stood quietly. .

He sat down and that night placed a log in the wooden tower.

A long time later, he and Lu Zhu got married, and the guards in front of the palace drank and chatted about whether women's tears were of any use to men. As he passed by, he was stopped by his men and asked for the answer to this question.

He replied: "Divide people."

Someone else asked: "How are Doctor Lu's tears?"

Being teased by another guard: "Doctor Lu doesn't know how to cry!"

Lu Zhen acted calmly and calmly, and indeed did not look like he could cry.

Pei Yunying said nothing, but her tears on New Year's Eve were recalled in her mind.

He thought that he couldn't actually resist her tears.

It seems that starting from New Year's Eve, the wooden tower that he had not built for a long time gradually began to rise again.

Lu Yun was sent to Nan Pharmacy to pick red catkins, and was polished by Zhu Mao. Cui Min from the Medical Officer's Hospital was influenced by the Taifu Temple Minister and deliberately ordered her to see Jin Xianrong... She always had a lot of troubles, many of which were caused by herself. Looking for someone, he looked on with cold eyes, wanting to be an indifferent outsider, but he always paid attention unconsciously.

He had complicated feelings towards Lu Zhen.

On the one hand, she felt that she was overestimating her capabilities, and dealing with the Qi family in this way was like hitting an egg with a stone. On the other hand, she strangely believed that as long as she wanted to, she could succeed, and she would definitely succeed.

It was just inevitable that she would be worried, so she secretly helped her, as if placing some kind of expectation on her, to the point of doing more than she should have. Go to Mangming Township and talk about the Yang family...

The wooden tower she pushed down was in pieces, and something started to get out of control from that moment on.

Xiao Zhufeng saw through it at a glance. He was always teasing and sarcastic, but he didn't take it seriously.

Hunting until the outskirts of Beijing.

The anger at the moment he saw Lu Zhuo was injured made him almost draw a knife and kill Qi Yutai in public. He couldn't see Lu Yun being humble in front of others, and he couldn't see her enduring humiliation and bowing her head in front of her enemies. Why should the people he wants to protect be trampled on?

The emotional heart cannot be denied.

Pei Yunying wanted to help her take revenge, but was rejected. Lu Yan always refused help from others. He came closer and was pushed away again and again. The wooden tower in the study was once pushed down by her. He did not continue to pile it up again, but he was still troubled.

She became a new problem.

There are always many problems in the world, and I have heard that it is difficult for men to understand women's hearts. Lu Yan is one of the best.

Sometimes he felt that the other person might not have any intention towards him, but the next moment, she threw away the comb and pushed him away coldly.

He didn't understand what Lu Chen was thinking.

After the Nuo ceremony, Qi Yutai died at the hands of her biological father. Qi Qing was at the end of her rope. She had already made up her mind to die and wanted to die together with Qi Qing. He rushed to stop Lu Chen, but when he saw her eyes, he suddenly understood that she didn't want to live at all.

Fortunately, Chang Jin took her to Sunan.

Everything has been arranged, and he has no worries. He stays in Shengjing and adds the final touch to the long-planned revenge.

During the years when Emperor Ming of Liang reigned, the practice of recruiting power for bribes and selling out officials and titles was prevalent in the court. Grand Master Qi Qing doted on evil sons and established party affiliations to shield the virtuous. There were also many people in the court who secretly disliked them. The military power of the Privy Council and the front office of the palace was unified, and King Ning took action to force the palace, which was incredibly smooth.

The third prince and the prince were fighting openly and secretly, and they never let go of the idle prince. They settled in comfort and had been dormant for a long time.

During the fight, Emperor Liang Ming pointed at him with trembling fingers: "Pei Yunying, how dare you commit rebellion?"

He smiled lightly: "When it comes to causing trouble, who can be better than Your Majesty?"


"A person like you," Pei Yunying said coldly, "is he worthy of being a king?"

"Why don't I deserve it?" the emperor roared, "I am not as good as Yuan Xi. Just because he is the prince, the throne of the country should be in his hands. He has loyal ministers, brothers, and the best of everything. My father lied to me. He says that I am his most beloved son, but in fact he is still partial and wants to leave the best things for him!”

"They all deserve to die!"

"I shouldn't have kept you back then!" Emperor Liang Ming gasped, staring at the approaching Prince Ning with a ferocious face, "And you! You have been holding back for so many years just to be such a laid-back prince now!"

"Why not, brother?" Prince Ning sneered, "You should be lucky that you have kept the stolen things for so many years."

"It's ridiculous for a thief to want to conquer the world."

The blade cuts through, and all grudges come to an abrupt end.

The revenge he had planned for many years finally came to an end, and his great revenge was avenged. Looking back at the past, he could not remember the path he had taken, and his heart felt empty.

I wonder if Lu Chen felt the same as him when he looked up at the fireworks by the Changle Pond that night when he had his revenge?

After he took care of Yan Xu's funeral in Shengjing, Yuen Lang ordered him to go to Qishui. He knew that Yuen Lang did it on purpose. His Highness Prince Ning, who had been with him for many years, still retained his former integrity even after he ascended the throne. Click on Bagua and Market.

He follows what is good.

Pei Yunying thought very clearly that getting along with others is like walking face to face. Some people walk fast and some walk slowly.

It didn't matter if she walked slowly, he was willing to take a few more steps.

He was glad that he had taken a few more steps.

Only then did I realize that she had been so miserable, so painful, and so lonely.

It turns out that she has been pushing herself away, and there is a deeper unspeakable secret.

When he was a child, he was proud and had his eyes set high above his head. He always refused to pay attention to invitations from others. His mother told him: "Ah Ying, if you act like this, no one will talk to you in the future."


"But Aying, if only one person experiences life, whether he is happy or unhappy, he will be very lonely."

Lu Yan had been so lonely before.

Fortunately, it won’t happen again.

From now on, he will share it with her, no matter joys and sorrows, love or hate.

He walked into the study room. Lu Chen was sitting in front of the desk, carefully building his pile of wooden towers. The wooden towers stood tall in a ball, and the top one was not neatly placed. After repeating it several times, Lu Zhuo's face became impatient.

He held her lips together, walked behind her, held her hand and moved the wooden block upwards, while saying: "Don't be anxious, building a tower requires concentration."

She was trapped in his arms, and the top of her hair brushed against his chin. She paused and said angrily: "How can I feel at ease when you are here?"

"Tsk, are you blaming me for distracting you?"

"if not?"

"It's all my fault for this face." He lamented.

Lu Zhuo turned around and stared at him with a frown. After a while, he said seriously: "This face does look like an old friend of mine."

"What old friend?"

"An old friend who owes me money."

He raised his eyebrows: "I don't have any money, but I have one. Do you want it?"

Lu Yan pretended to be disgusted: "It's okay, my face is not bad."

"…Then I still make money."

She looked up at him for a moment and couldn't help but smile.

Pei Yunying laughed accordingly.

The wooden tower stood quietly on the table. It had been piled up one by one, and then quietly pushed down again and again, back and forth, witnessing its past and present, fragility and strength.

The days ahead are long and I dare not say that there will be no more confusion, but it has been a long time since he built a wooden pagoda.

She is the last one.

It is also the most weighty.

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