
Chapter 238: Holy hand in white

Chapter 238 The Holy Hand in White

 The wild ice is bright and frosty beards.

Sunan is gradually reaching its coldest time.

The ruined temple at the execution ground could no longer block the increasingly severe wind. Chang Jin took the initiative and asked Li Wenhu and Cai Fang for help to move the temple from the ruined temple to an abandoned dyeing workshop in the city.

The dyeing house is spacious enough to accommodate many people. Moreover, in recent days, the rash on the bodies of those infected with the epidemic has gradually stopped spreading and deepening.

The golden berries that Lu Zong brought from Luomei Peak had miraculous effects.

This flower can relieve heat and poison, and its medicinal properties are weaker than those of red wood vine. While waiting for red wood vine, the medical officers tried to replace the prescription with golden cinnamon and replaced two of the medicinal materials. Because of Ding Yong’s past experience, it was safe this time Many, but seven or eight days passed, and the repeated situation did not occur. At the same time, the redwood vines shipped from Pingzhou also arrived in southern Jiangsu. The medical officers changed two sets of prescriptions and gave them to the patients alternately. Within a few days, no one fell ill midway.

Although we don’t know what the future will bring, at least for now, the epidemic is under control for the time being.

 Cuicui ran out from the door of the dyeing workshop, grabbed Lin Danqing's clothes, looked at her and said: "Medical Officer Lin, isn't Medical Officer Lu feeling better yet?"

Lin Danqing paused for a moment, then forced a smile and said: "It's almost. She will get better soon."

 Lu Zong's condition is getting worse and worse.

 At first, I could still wake up occasionally, but gradually, my coma became longer and longer. Even when I woke up occasionally, I was in a hazy state, and it seemed that I couldn't distinguish between dreams and reality.

 What’s even more troublesome is that all the medicinal materials are useless to her.

The half-written booklet clearly stated the poisons that Lu Tong had tried in the past. For this reason, the medical officers boiled the prescriptions prepared for her into soup and fed her carefully after taking them. The stone is lost in the sea, and there is no trace of the medicinal effect.

 It’s useless.

Seeing that Lu Zhuo was getting weaker day by day, the medical officers were anxious and helpless, and Chang Jin was so worried that half of his hair turned white.

Lin Danqing walked to Chang Jin's house, opened the door and walked in.

 In the room, several medical officers were sitting at the table, lowering their heads and arguing about something.

Ji Xun sat aside and sorted out the newly written prescriptions. During the days when Lu Xu was seriously ill, Ji Xun did not stop for a moment. He used to be a handsome young man, but now his face is tired and his eyes are red. He is very different from the calm and calm past. .

Lin Danqing entered the room, Chang Jin waved to her and asked her to sit by herself. These medical officers were all the medical officers who treated Lu Zhu. Now that Lu Zhu's breath was weak, apart from the epidemic, it had become the most important matter for all the medical officials.

"Yizheng, I have something to say about Medical Officer Lu's illness." After a pause, Lin Danqing spoke.

 Everyone in the room looked at her.

She used to be lazy and playful at Shengjing Hanlin Medical Hospital, and was scolded by Chang Jin for not being steady enough. Now that she has come to Southern Jiangsu, in just a few months, she seems to have grown up a lot, and her eyebrows are a little less jumpy. A little more calm.

“Medical Officer Lu’s illness cannot be treated any longer.” She said, “All medicines are useless for her. If we can’t find a way, her life will be in danger within three to five days.”

 No one said anything. This was a fact that everyone knew but did not dare to say.

Ji Xun looked at her and said, "If Dr. Lin has something to say, you might as well say it directly."

Lin Danqing took a deep breath: "I have a method, but it is very bold and I may not dare to use it."

  Chang Jin: “Talk about it.”

“Our ancestors of the Lin family once had an ancestor who was known as the ‘Holy Hand in White’. It is said that this man had excellent medical skills and was able to bring people back to life.”

"He once wrote a handbook, which I memorized. It said that when he was young, he went to the battlefield with his friends to control the plague, but in the end his friend was unfortunately killed by a poisonous arrow from the enemy. He regretted it all his life. Later, Guangluo detoxifies and prevents the same mistakes."

 Speaking of this, Lin Danqing paused.

"The medical knowledge is endless, and so are the poison scriptures. Sister Lu was exposed to too many poisons, and her body gradually got used to it, so all the drugs had no effect on her. It was also when I saw Huang Jinqin that I remembered that my ancestor had written a poem The doctor said that if someone is poisoned and his life is in danger, he can use a blood transfusion. "

Ji Xun’s brows twitched: “Exchange blood?”

"It's not a real blood transfusion, but a poison to fight poison, and disease to make the disease easier. This medical prescription requires Sister Lu to take a large amount of poison first, and then use acupuncture to detoxify it and eliminate it at the source."

She hesitated for a moment before continuing: "But our ancestors also wrote that this method is only suitable for people who are dying. Secondly, during the process of taking poison and detoxification, the pain is better than the pain of arrows stabbing the heart and thousands of knives." Damn, few people can persist. And..." She looked at everyone: "There will be risks."

"It's not foolproof. Sister Lu may die."

 You could hear a pin drop in the room, but no one spoke a word.

Lin Danqing gritted his teeth.

"If I had not been in this situation, I would never have taken such a bold step. But now Sister Lu is getting weaker and weaker day by day, and those antidotes have no effect on her. Do we have to watch her die?"

 At this point, his tone was a little excited.

 She studied at the Imperial Medical Bureau for many years, and later went to the Medical Officer's College. Because of her cheerful and bright personality, everyone made friends with her, but Lu Yan was not the most enthusiastic one.

 But Lin Danqing likes Lu Huan the most.

Lu Zong may be cold and distant on the surface, but he will leave the light on for her late at night in the dormitory. She casually complained about the medical classics and pharmacology that she couldn't understand, and before long, the borrowed medical books would be filled with annotated notes. Lu Chen knew the secrets and secrets of her Lin family, and he also gave her aunt the advice to "shoot the eyes" to cure the poison. Colleagues in the medical college may not be fighting overtly and secretly, and would like to keep the medical prescriptions they know to themselves, but Lu Chen is the only one who is open and honest, and will give whatever the doctor says without any selfish motives.

 A person who has a completely different temperament from hers always makes people admire her. Even if she is jealous, she will blame herself for being dark.

Her ancestor failed to save his best friend and regretted it for the rest of his life. Lin Danqing did not want to be like him.

 She wanted to save her friend.

In the silence, someone suddenly spoke: "I think we can give it a try."

Lin Danqing looked in surprise.

Ji Xun was the one who spoke, and Ji Xun looked at her: "Doctors are here to save people. It would not be the right thing to give up the possibility because of possible risks."

"Nonsense!" A medical officer said in disapproval: "Doctors should not treat diseases and save people quickly, and fall back to the original point. It is just the word 'treat'. This does more harm than good. It is not treating people, but only harming them!"

Hearing this, Ji Xun was startled for a moment. He didn't know what he thought of, and his expression became distant.

 After a while, he shook his head and spoke softly.

"This statement is wrong. It is said that 'Tianxiong Wucitron is a poisonous medicine, but a good doctor can revive her.' Diseases are ever-changing, and medicines are also ever-changing. Since medicine can't cure her, maybe poison can."

"You and I have stayed in Hanlin Medical Hospital for too long. We all have our own fears. If we insist on seeking stability, we will lose our original intention. Why don't we ask ourselves, is it for the patient or for ourselves if we refuse to help?"

As soon as these words came out, all the medical officers were startled. The person who had just spoken turned red and did not speak for a long time.

Being an official or a doctor are generally different. As a doctor, the first thing you should do is empathize with the patient.

 And they have been in office for too long.

After a long silence, Chang Jin spoke: "Just do what Dr. Lin said."

 “Medical correction!”

"Sickness does not happen overnight, it develops gradually." The good old man who was always on the defensive looked at everyone, "Medical Officer Lu has been a medicine man for many years, and his heart is a hundred times stronger and tenacious than ordinary people. Instead of being helpless and letting her weaken day by day, it is better to Be prepared to fight hard.”

“Everyone,” Chang Jin said seriously, “Human life is precious and should not be discarded lightly.”

The person who spoke just now stopped talking. Chang Jin looked at Lin Danqing and said, "Medical Officer Lin, please quickly write down the medical prescriptions written in the note. Only after you have read the prescriptions and are in good condition can you arrange for medical treatment for Dr. Lu."



  The medical prescription for the new clinic was quickly determined.

Medical officials had different opinions after learning about Lin Danqing's medical treatment method.

Some people think that this move is extremely risky, and will fail in all likelihood, and will cause Lu Chen to experience great pain before his death. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Some people also believe that a person's life is only once, and it is better to have hope than no hope.

 Lu Zhuo woke up once.

At that time, Pei Yunying was guarding her by the bedside. When Lin Danqing brought the news, she kept her head lowered and did not dare to look into Lu Yan's eyes.

Lu Zhen leaned in Pei Yunying's arms. She was already very weak and could barely speak. After listening to Lin Danqing's words, she laughed instead.

 “Okay,” she said, “just try it.”

Lin Danqing couldn't help but raise his eyes: "That will be very painful."

 “I’m not afraid of pain.”

"It may not succeed... Bah, bah, bah, I'm not cursing you."

“It’s okay.” Lu Yan said, “I’m very lucky. I’ve tried many medicines and it’s okay. I will definitely be able to pass this time.”

Pi Yunying's hand holding her arm was slightly stiff, but Lu Zhu didn't notice it.

She looked at Lin Danqing. There was a faint light in her usually calm and indifferent eyes. Lin Danqing was familiar with that look. The patient wanted to live and had a longing for life. Lin Danqing had seen it many times in the hospital.

Lin Danqing suddenly choked up.

 She held Lu Yan's hand and said, "Okay, we will definitely pass."

After confirming the treatment plan, Lu Zhuo fell into a deep sleep again. Lin Danqing looked at Pei Yunying on the side and said, "Shuai Pei, please move."

Pei Yunying remained motionless, looking down at the person on the bed.

These days, he has been guarding the landing and never left. Medical officers who diagnose and treat patients are used to seeing separation in life and death. It is difficult for loving people to stay together. It is regrettable to be separated in life and sad to be separated in death. She has read so many story books, with good endings and bad endings, just a few sentences. Now here, looking at the lonely silhouette in the darkness, I feel sad.

She didn't know what the young commander was thinking at the moment, but his lowered eyebrows and gaze staring at the person on the bed were so deep and silent, as if his beloved was gradually leaving her, feeling dazed and powerless, and his vulnerability was different from the past. .

There was a sound of the door ringing behind him, and the medical officers came in one after another. The consultation with Lu Shi could not be completed by one person. Ji Xun, Chang Jin, and several other medical officers were all present.

Chang Jin walked to Pei Yunying and sighed: "Sir, please move."

Hearing this, Pei Yunying came back to his senses, glanced at the person on the couch again, stood up silently, turned around and left the room.

The door of the house closed behind him and he walked out of the yard.

On the winter solstice, heavy snow falls from the sky to the ground, and the fields are covered with silvery white, mixed with light rain, which soaks people's clothes in the cold.

He walked in silence, and unknowingly, he came to the ruined temple at the execution ground.

All the patients in the hospital have been moved to the warmer dyehouse, and the ruined temple has returned to its former deserted appearance, desolate and lonely in the rain and snow.

 He opened the door and walked in.

The temple, which was crowded and lively just a few days ago, suddenly became empty, with only a few braziers burning all the herbs left in the corner. There was an oil lamp upside down in front of the altar, and there was only a little oil left in the lamp. He lit it with a fire stick, and the dim yellow light suddenly enveloped the entire ruined temple.

The offering table was moved past, revealing the earthen wall behind it. On the earthen wall, a line of "debt notes" written many years ago were deeply traced, clearly visible under the light of the lamp.

Pei Yunying leaned over and stroked the writing marks on the wall with his fingertips.

That trace of writing that he and Lu Zhen wrote here many years ago.

  At that time, he was a sick person and she was a doctor. She stitched up his wounds. The wounds were crude but useful. Now that she was sick, there was nothing he could do.

 It is ironic that Lu Zhuo has been a medicine man and a doctor, but he has never been a patient. The decoctions she had taken were to test the poison. Now when she took the medicine for the first time as a patient, ordinary medicines no longer had any effect on her.

  Catalogue plays a trick on people.

Pei Yunying raised his eyes.

On the altar table, the statue of the **** whose face was blurred by the rain looked down at him quietly. Just like many years ago or many years later, in front of the gods and Buddhas, people were as small as ants and as fragile as grass.

 He has never believed in gods and Buddhas. Since his mother passed away, he has been walking outside. Fate and people have suffered hardships, giving people strength and indifference. He no longer believed that anything in this world could save him except himself. However, at this moment, he looked at the blurry statue of the **** above his head and slowly knelt down on the futon.

 Put your hands together and kneel down devoutly.

It is said that gods and Buddhas are corrupt and never grant blessings to others for no reason. Whatever is given to others, a corresponding price must be taken away. Sooner or later, a fair deal.

 “The gods and Buddhas are above, and ghosts and gods are hard to bully.”

 He bowed his head and his voice was calm.

 “I, Pei Yunying, would like to exchange one life for another, in exchange for Lu Zhu’s peace for the rest of his life.”


The snow in southern Jiangsu has rolled over the long and wide rivers, and when the gentle breeze reaches Shengjing, it turns into a vast field of poplar flowers.

Lanterns are hung on the plum trees in the yard of Renxin Medical Center on West Street.

A Cheng came out of the kitchen and went into the back shop carrying the hot rice wine. Yin Zheng took a bowl and filled a bowl for everyone.

 Tonight is the winter solstice. It is a custom in Shengjing City to eat glutinous rice **** and drink rice wine. Du Changqing sent Luo Miao Liangfang and Acheng to prepare meals yesterday. After resting tonight, we will have dinner at the hospital.

"Come on," Du Changqing held up the bowl and stood up to speak, "Today, after the winter solstice, we turn to celebrate the New Year and celebrate that we have made it together for another year. We can make it together every year, and we can make it together every year."

This toast was really not very good, but everyone still gave him face, touched the bowl with him, and said a few perfunctory words.

Acheng picked up a glutinous rice dumpling. The dumpling had a thin skin and a big filling. Yin Zheng and Miao Liangfang made it together. It was stuffed with sesame and peanuts. It was fragrant and glutinous. Acheng took a bite and said, "It's so sweet!"

“I added the sugar osmanthus left over from the Mid-Autumn Festival in it.” Yin Zheng said with a smile: “Sister-in-law Song taught me how to make it. If the girl is here, I will definitely be able to eat a big bowl...”

At this point, there was a sudden pause, and everyone at the table was stunned for a moment.

Lu Zong has been to southern Jiangsu for a long time.

Sunan and Shengjing are thousands of miles apart, and it has been many days since news of the epidemic came and went. Miao Liangfang asked his old acquaintances in the imperial city to inquire, and they only said that the epidemic in southern Jiangsu was serious, but that it had improved due to the efforts of a group of medical officers. As for the specific condition of a certain medical officer, he did not know.

 There is no news from Lu Zhuo.

"I wonder how the girl is doing now..." Yin Zheng was a little worried.

The journey to southern Jiangsu is so long, and Lu Zhen himself is very weak. He has to rescue an epidemic after a long journey, and Lu Zhen is not the type to complain about being tired, which always makes people feel uneasy.

Du Changqing saw the worried look on Yin Zheng's eyebrows and waved his hand: "Hey, don't worry about it! I told you not to let her get into the limelight at the beginning, but Lu Zhen, even though he is as stubborn as a cow, But she is quite capable and will never fight an uncertain battle. Since she is going, she is definitely not going blindly. Our medical clinic can revive the dead in her hands, so what does it mean to be a mere epidemic? "

“When it stops snowing and the weather clears up in a few days, go to Wan’en Temple and offer some incense sticks to the monks. I hope our doctor, Dr. Lu, will be free from all diseases and return to Shengjing in full!”

 The words made everyone at the table feel relaxed.

Acheng smiled and said: "Okay, okay, when the time comes, let's offer some incense and give the Buddha a big bribe!"

Miao Liangfang picked up a glutinous rice dumpling and stuffed it into his mouth. The sweet osmanthus and sesame were mixed together. He praised it for a while and then looked out the window.

 In the yard, red plum blossoms bloomed on a tree, and pieces of jade flew into pieces.

“Today is the winter solstice. There is famine and disease in southern Jiangsu, so there is probably no glutinous rice **** to eat.” He sighed: “I wonder what Xiaolu is doing now?”


Late at night.

  On the Luomei Peak, the strong wind swept, and the red plum blossoms danced.

At the foot of the mountain, the city’s doctor’s office is brightly lit.

Ji Xun and Lin Danqing were in front of the couch, giving Lu Zhuo acupuncture.

Chang Jin helped Lu Zhuo from time to time, with a very solemn look on his face.

The "White Saint Hand" has given the highly poisonous prescription to Lu Chen. I don't know whether it is because her physique is too special, or there are hidden dangers in the highly poisonous prescription itself. In short, after taking the medicine, Lu Chen has no reaction, but still remains. As sleepy as before.

 In the medical hospital, Ji Xun had the best acupuncture skills, while Lin Danqing was the one who knew the manuscript best. The two worked together to perform acupuncture on Lu Xun.

 This acupuncture method was more difficult than before, and cold sweat gradually broke out on the foreheads of Ji Xun and Lin Danqing. When the lights in the room were getting shorter, Lu Chen suddenly changed.

As if the delayed pain finally hit her at the last moment, she began to tremble, her body trembled violently, and the golden needles were shaken everywhere by her. Ji Xun said sternly: "Hold her down!"

Lin Danqing hurriedly held Lu Huo down.

Lu Zong was held down, and a look of pain gradually appeared on his face. He couldn't help but groan and shouted: "It hurts..."

Ji Xun paused, and everyone in the room was startled.

 No one has ever heard Lu Yan cry out in pain.

She is very calm and faces everything calmly. She has been a medicine practitioner for many years. She has already experienced the pain recorded in the manual at a young age. Most of the so-called pain in the world should be ordinary to her.

 But now she is crying out in pain.

Chang Jin's expression changed: "Her pulse is weakening."

Ji Xun and Lin Danqing looked at each other, and Lin Danqing held Lu Huan's hand: "Sister Lu, cheer up, can you hear me? Don't sleep! Hold on!"

Ji Xun buried his head, his hands trembling slightly, and inserted a golden needle into her neck.

Lu Zhen's expression became even more painful, and she began to struggle desperately. Lin Danqing held her hand down to prevent her from touching the golden needle.

But at the next moment, there was a "pop" sound, and he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

The blood was actually black.

Chang Jin was surprised: "Medical Officer Lu!"

Her expression suddenly relaxed, as if the last bit of strength had dissipated. She seemed to be trying her best to open her eyes and take a look in front of her, but finally closed her eyes.

Chang Jin hurriedly felt her pulse.

 He froze and spoke tremblingly.

 “There is no breath…”

After a while, Lin Danqing's soft sobs could be heard in the room, and Ji Xun's face turned pale.

Pei Yunying, who was waiting at the door, suddenly raised his eyes.

The long night was so dark that it couldn't be turned away, and the biting cold wind pierced his bones. He stood there, and for a moment, he felt like he was falling into the abyss.

I don’t know when the snow in Sunan stopped.

 The crane is a symbol of good luck~

 Forward this auspicious crane, may you live a long life, and the pine crane will extend your life!

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