Demon's Diary

Chapter 552: Body and Sword Fusion

Demon Flying Skull spouted a large green flame from one mouth, which instantly obscured the sight of the tall and muscular man, then its green hair suddenly rolled over.

The tall and muscular man frowned. He first threw a fist at the back to break the hook shadow, then he leaped backward.

But at this moment, a crimson sword light slashed on the muscular man’s shoulder. Although it could not break through his defense, it was enough to make him stumble. At the next moment, his right arm was tangled tightly by countless green silks.

Demon Flying Skull gave a weird laugh. Its head trembled, and eight clones suddenly appeared beside him. Countless green hairs turned into a large net, entwining the tall and muscular man more closely.

The tall and muscular man’s complexion changed. He couldn’t get rid of the bind for a while. He exudes clouds of black flames by shuddering his body, trying to burn these hairs away.

At this moment, a vague figure appeared silently behind the tall and muscular man. After a golden flash, the figure struck fiercely at the back of the muscular man with a jagged golden blade, and he dragged down.

It was Liu Ming who seized the opportunity when the muscular was distracted by Bone Scorpion and Demon Flying Skull. He hid his aura, sneaked to his back and assaulted with all his spiritual power.

A loud “bang!”

The protective black flames of the muscular man were slashed into pieces. A shallow wound was inflicted on his back, and blood immediately gushed out from it.

The tall and muscular man only felt a tingling pain in his back, then he was instantly frightened and angry. Since he advanced to the Crystallization Period with his invincible evil physique cultivation, he had never suffered such damage. Not to mention the person who injured him was a junior of the Condensation Period later stage.

He yelled violently, and the black flames burst out, burning the green hairs. He then pulled forcefully to struggle out of it.

The Demon Flying Skull’s phantasms were caught off guard. Under the reaction force of the pulling, they collapsed and disappeared. Only its true body barely managed to fly for several ten meters away.

The tall and muscular man suddenly turned around and sprayed a black ray at Liu Ming.

The black ray was like an arrow, assaulting Liu Ming with a terrifying aura.

Liu Ming’s heart shuddered. He flicked his sleeve quickly, and a shield with nine skulls on its surface appeared in his hand, blocking the black ray.

A muffled “bang“!

Liu Ming only felt a huge surging force, and his whole body was blown back like he had suffered a heavy blow. He rolled several times in the air before stopping. His eyes were full of shock.

This black ray was so powerful that it was obviously a superb spiritual weapon. Thanks to the Nine Skulls Shield, he managed to defend the attack.

After Liu Ming stabilized his figure, he took a closer look. The true look of the black ray was only a palm-size small black jade hammer. It had returned to the side of the muscular man and circled around him.

The sleek hammer head was engraved with dense and complicated runes, emitting waves of strong spiritual power.

The tall and muscular man couldn’t help but snorted when Liu Ming blocked the blow.

He knew how strong the attack power of this small hammer was. Even he himself wasn’t sure whether he was able to withstand the blow. He didn’t expect this Condensation Period junior to defend this blow successfully.

The muscular man cast his gaze at the shield in Liu Ming’s hand, watching the pure black glow emitted by the Nine Skulls Shield. There was a greedy expression flashed in his eyes.

“Wuu“, a silver-white figure suddenly flew behind the muscular man. Countless black lines were blasted out by Bone Scorpion that was just thrown by the muscular man.

The tall and muscular man didn’t turn his head back. He just cast the hammer to make a strike.

Bone Scorpion let out a scream, and it was blown back by the black ray.

Liu Ming’s face turned dark. It was too late for him to help. Fortunately, he confirmed through Divine Thought that Bone Scorpion had only suffered some minor injuries, so he was slightly relieved.

At the same time, the Demon Flying Skull on the other side seized the opportunity to cast its green hair when the muscular man was disrupted by Bone Scropion.

The tall and muscular man sneered as he swung the small hammer. As compared to Bone Scorpion, he was more annoyed by Demon Flying Skull more.

As a result, at this moment, a golden light flashed in front of him; a ten meters tall figure stood in front of Demon Flying Skull.

“Pch“, the muscular man’s small hammer and his arm smashed into the golden giant’s chest, blasting a big hole on it.

The muscular man was startled slightly, and he looked at the golden armor rune soldier who suddenly appeared in front of him in surprise.

However, Liu Ming secretly cast the yellow turban soldier talisman at some point and blocked the blow.

Demon Flying Skull took the opportunity to laugh, “gaga“, and shook its head. It once again wrapped his green hair around the wrist of the tall and muscular man holding the hammer. At the same time, the yellow turban soldier also moved its arms suddenly, locking down the arm of the muscular man tightly.

When the tall and muscular man saw this scene, his face looked cold. A crackling sound appeared on his right arm, and he pulled forcefully.


The yellow turban soldier suddenly burst into black lights, and the black hammer and the right arm of the muscular man ruined the interior of the yellow turban soldier.

The body of the yellow turban soldier collapsed suddenly, turning back into a talisman with a whine.

Just when the muscular man wanted to swing the small hammer and knock back the Demon Flying Skull that was wrapping his left arm, there was an extremely bad omen in his mind.

He turned his head abruptly, seeing a human figure wrapped in a crimson red sword light soared into the sky.

After this sword light flew in the sky, the figure inside disappeared into the cold light vaguely. At the same time, the sword light suddenly swelled by double. After another blur, it flashed to the front like lightning and surged over with an icy cold sword qi.

The tall and muscular man felt horrified. It was too late to dodge now. He could only scream, and black and strange runes emerged on his face while his body burst into black demonic flames. The flames condensed and formed a black light wall on top of him. Simultaneously, his body grew one size larger with a crackling sound, planning to take the blow.


The black light wall on the surface of the muscular man could not stop the sword light. A red light flashed and disappeared, and the black light wall collapsed after a violent tumbling, revealing the muscular man again. His left arm was still bound by Demon Flying Skull.

Only at this moment, the expression on the tall and muscular man’s face was frozen, and at the next moment, a thin red line appeared on his neck.


The head of the muscular man rolled down crookedly; his face still looked unbelievable. A blood pillar spurted from the headless corpse. After it dispersed, a cloud of black gas blasted far away.

But the crimson sword light that previously killed the muscular man just rolled, and it shattered the black gas. There was a painful scream of the muscular man from it, and the scream stopped abruptly.

Not far behind the muscular man’s corpse, as soon as the crimson light faded, Liu Ming appeared holding a crimson spiritual sword, panting heavily.

Just now he desperately exhausted his spiritual power and cast the mystic arts of “body and sword fusion”. He unexpectedly killed the tall and muscular man with a single strike.

This was also the fact that the muscular man was somewhat underestimating his opponent. He relied too much on his own amazing defenses, and he was being disrupted by other demonic pets and puppet, only then Liu Ming was able to kill him easily.

Otherwise, this miss was equivalent to killing himself; the consequences were unimaginable.

Although this Demon Mystic Sect the muscular man only had the early stage of the Crystallization Period cultivation base, as a Physique Cultivator, even the intermediate stage of the Crystallization Period cultivator was not necessarily his opponent.

After a long sigh of relief, Liu Ming took a single-handed move to put away the Demon Flying Skull, Bone Scorpion and the yellow turban soldier talisman. After that, he collected out the muscular man’s small black hammer and storage talisman, then he launched two fireballs to burn the corpse into ashes.

After he finished all this, he immediately flew back to the market.

Half a day later, Liu Ming had changed into a green robe on the road, then he returned to the Bai Lian Pavilion.

As soon as he entered the door, Shopkeeper Ye walked out from behind the counter with joy and greeted him.

“Shopkeeper Ye, don’t worry anymore, then Yin Yang Strong Demon has been killed by me. By the way, is Master Hua back?” Liu Ming asked calmly before Shopkeeper Ye could speak.

“Master Hua has returned half a day ago. He is now meditating in his room to recover. Thanks Envoy Liu for helping him this time.” Shopkeeper Ye hurriedly bowed and replied; he was obviously more respectful than before.

Liu Ming just nodded gently, and he walked quickly to the third floor secret room.

In the lobby on the first floor, the other guys were chatting excitedly.

“Envoy Liu really killed the Yin Yang Strong Demon? I heard that although this person has only the Condensation Period later stage cultivation, his strength is comparable to Crystallization Period.” A young guy asked incredulously.

“How can Sir Envoy deceive you and me for such a major event?” Shopkeeper Ye said with a serious face.

“I have long felt that the newcomer Envoy Liu is not a simple character.” Another young guy smiled.

“In short, since Yin Yang Strong Demon has been beheaded, we don’t need to be worried and stay in the market.” Shopkeeper Ye said and motioned a few people to go back to work.

After all, things like Yin Yang Strong Demon were not something that ordinary disciples like them who had already left the sect could handle. They only needed to take charge of the store.

In the secret room on the third floor, Liu Ming was sitting cross-legged on a yellow futon.

Every short time, he poured a red elixir from an emerald green bottle beside him and swallowed it.

After two hours of this, Liu Ming’s bloodless face gradually became ruddy, and some minorsmall wounds on his body were healed rapidly.

He was also worried that in addition to the tall and muscular man, there would still be other people from Demon Mystic Sect tracking the soul mark on his body and pursuing him. However, he did not expect the trace of soul mark left by Yin Yang Strong Demon to disappear as soon as he returned to the market. It seemed that such tracking mystic art only lasted for half a day.

Liu Ming was relieved only by then.

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