Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 832 Marine Research Ship (seventh update, please vote for me)

By this time, Cornelisse had clearly seen the giant beast.

Orca! This is an orca.

But how could an orca be so big?

Here and there is an orca, a giant monster.

The largest creature known to mankind is the blue whale.

The largest blue whale recorded was thirty-five meters and two hundred and fifty tons.

But compared with this orca, it's like the difference between Guo Xiaosi and Yao Ming.

too big! It's really too big.

Without close observation, it is impossible to imagine how huge this orca is.

"What is that?" Stan asked blankly.

"Catch up, catch up!!" Cornalice seemed to be possessed.

"Cornalise...this...this is too dangerous...we still don't know whether it is an orca or not."

"Listen to me and catch up. As long as we photograph this super beast, do we still need to worry about not having research funds?"

"Okay...but it may be difficult for our submarine to catch up."

“Full speed ahead, full throttle.”

"Cornalise, it's better to be careful. Our submarine has been used for twenty years."

"No problem, catch up."

Pilot Stan had no choice but to obey Cornelis' orders.

"Cornalise, where are you going?" The voice of Professor Ruffalo, the boss of their team, came through the communicator again.

"Professor Ruffalo, we are tracking that orca just now, that super beast."

"What? You said that was an orca?"

"Yes, I saw it, an orca, a super orca!"

"There's no way... there's no way an orca could grow that big."

"I saw it, Stan saw it, and now we're going to track that orca."

Just after that, the submarine's speed suddenly slowed down.

"What's going on? Why has it slowed down?"

"Oops...the engine stalled." Stan tried to restart the engine, but failed.

Their scientific research submarine has been in service for too long, already twenty years.

However, due to problems with research funding for their scientific expedition team, they have never had the money to replace it.

The submarine could only be repaired and used repeatedly for twenty years.

"The water pressure system seems to have stopped working, and we are sinking," Stan said.

"Too bad, this sea area is at least three hundred meters deep. If we sink, we won't even be able to be rescued."

"Let me try to see if I can restart the hydraulic system." Stan tried, but failed: "Damn... why did it break at this time?"

The submarine was sinking, and the two had no choice but to put on their diving suits and plan to dive out directly.

Get out of the submarine as soon as possible while the water is not too deep yet.

"Cornalise, when you enter the sea water, take a breath first. The water here is already very deep. You can't open your mouth when you go in."

"Okay, I understand." Cornelis nodded.

"I'll go out first, you follow."

Stan went out from the launching hatch first, and the huge water pressure made Stan swim upwards with all his strength.

Since he had no diving equipment and was only wearing a diving suit, he couldn't hesitate at all.

Cornelis also exited the hatch, but the moment she entered the seawater, the huge water pressure caused her body to instantly lose power.

Gulu gulu——

Cornelis opened her mouth subconsciously, and instantly seawater poured into her mouth, and her body sank rapidly.

Just as her consciousness was blurring, a dark shadow enveloped her from below.

Immediately afterwards, Cornelis felt that her body was in contact with a solid and huge body, and then the water pressure continued to decrease.

"Is it it!?"

Cornelisse's face was full of shock, and she soon surpassed Stan who was floating up.

Stan was also startled by the black shadow that suddenly caught up from below.

Then he saw Cornalice on the back of this giant beast.

Cornelis finally broke out of the water, but by this time the giant beast had already walked away.

Even on the water, just a little bit of dragonfly is exposed.

Stan also surfaced and looked at Cornelisse: "Cornalice, are you okay?"

"Ahem...I'm fine...Where's the big guy?"

"I saw it going back out into the depths of the ocean."

"I'm going to find it, I'm going to find it."

"Cornalice, you know, it may not be a good thing for it if we continue to look for it," Stan said.

"Do you think I'd hurt it?"

"No, you, like me, are members of the Marine Animal Protection Organization. Of course I believe you will not harm it, but if the news leaks out, do you know what will happen to those whalers?" Stan said.

He is a more rational person, so he thinks more clearly.

"How valuable would such a huge thing be to a whaler?"

Today's whaling ships are not just for whale meat. Many whaling ships hunt all kinds of whales and dolphins in order to make them into specimens.

A specimen of an orca can sell for three to four hundred thousand dollars.

This is much more valuable than simply selling whale meat.

However, if it is such a super beast.

Maybe there is only one end of the ocean, so the price may increase ten times, twenty times, or maybe a hundred times.

Almost no whaling ship would miss such huge profits.

Cornelis bit her lower lip: "I...I just want to say thank you to it."

After listening to Stan's words, Cornelis also understood this truth.

Their marine animal scientific expedition team, in addition to tracking marine animals, conducts research on weekdays.

Occasionally, we have to 'battle' with some whale ships at sea.

The scientific research ship had already spotted the two of them, moved closer and pulled them on board.

The sea! The vast expanse of the sea.

For most of their family members, this is an unprecedented feeling.

Even Wanda, Heima and Baima often go to Angel Coast to play on weekdays.

But this was actually my first time going to sea.

Wanda ran excitedly along the edge of the yacht, from the bow to the stern, and from below to the top.

When little Ge Lin was in San Francisco, she went to sea once with Chen Zhao.

Steven also went to sea for the last movie celebration party.

But it was at night, and she was sleeping in the cabin.

She also liked going to sea very much. In Chen Zhao's arms, she excitedly pointed to the left and right.

Chen Zhao put a sun hat on her head. Chen Zhao didn't want little Ge Lin to get tanned.

It still makes her fair and beautiful.

"Chen, come on, I caught a fish, I can't pull it up, come on."

Chen Zhao saw Fali pulling the fishing rod, which had been bent into a full moon.

Chen Zhao was so frightened that he quickly went up and grabbed the fishing rod. Fa Li was pregnant now.

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