Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 825 It’s time for me to take action (Tenth update, please vote for me)

"I seem to really want that now..."

"Hold it, think about it. This month you were imprisoned, think about it again. You have had almost no one to talk to you this month, hold it in."

"But I really couldn't help it."

"Okay, come where you are."

"..." Emel said with a grimace, "Do you have any paper?"

"Go find them."

"Forget it, I'll endure it a little longer."

"Lynn, come on, we can't stand it anymore."

Lin En lifted the vaginal leg with one move and just exploded a man's lower body.

Can't stand it? You don’t have a single enemy there, and you’re telling me that you can’t stand it?

Are you doing something wrong with the air?

"Chen, don't disturb Lin En, don't distract her."

Aimaer really didn't want to cause Linn to have a condition because of his physical needs.

He has discovered that Chen Zhao is just here to cause trouble.

Chen Zhao's greatest contribution may just be his two cheers.

Really, just two.

After a total of twenty minutes, Linn finally killed all the legionnaires.

Linn looked up at the supervisor and others in the audience.

"Now it's your turn, are you ready to die?"

The supervisor and others were still calm and calm: "Lynn, I will give you one last chance to consider and give up the confrontation. After all, you are our most important experimental subject. We will not I hope something goes wrong with you.”

"Are you begging for mercy now?" Lin En felt that the supervisor was at the end of his rope.

A smile appeared on the supervisor's face and he pressed the second black button on the remote control.

At this time, a mechanical door opened on the ground, revealing a stone chamber below.


There was a roar from below, and a huge figure jumped up from below.

This is a five-meter-tall giant monster. This giant monster has almost no human appearance.

The skin is dark red, the upper body is very large, especially the arms, like a hammer, and the lower body is slightly short.

It has a round head, no ears, and a pair of tentacles on its forehead, which look like some kind of sensory organ.

A huge mouth let out a deafening roar, and there was a metal collar around his neck.

Everyone's expressions changed, even Lin En took a few steps back.

She originally thought she was well prepared, but when the giant monster appeared, she was still frightened.

This giant monster exudes a dangerous aura.

Yes, let her feel the aura of danger!

"I'm dead... I'm dead this time. How can humans defeat this kind of monster?" Amel's face turned pale with fear.

Linn finally made a gesture of going all out.

This time she finally felt uncertain and fearful.

"Let me introduce it to you solemnly. He is your brother. At least in terms of the structure of the DNA helix, you should be the closest to it." The supervisor said: "It is called the Demon King."

Lin En suddenly rushed towards the Demon King and stabbed the Demon King's abdomen with the bone spur in his hand.

However, she attacked with all her strength, but the Demon King was not harmed at all.

The bone spur actually broke, but it didn't penetrate the devil's skin.

The Demon King was angered by Lin En's sudden attack and slapped Lin En with his claws.


Linn flew out and hit the wall hard.

Vomiting out a mouthful of blood, her body's functions were rapidly repairing her body.

But this also made her already weak body much weaker.

Linn's mind was spinning rapidly. The power of this monster completely surpassed his own.

This monster is definitely the most powerful creature on land.

Even with his current seventh period strength and physical fitness, he has fully evolved.

But there is no chance of winning in the comparison of strength.

His body is small, so he is good at speed and agility.

I should be able to take advantage of it.

Linn's eyes turned and began to search for the vulnerable parts of the monster's body.


Lin En's eyes locked on the Demon King's eyes, and his figure moved again.

She burst out as fast as she could and rushed towards the Demon King like Li Xuan's arrow.

But the Demon King did not attack as she planned, but actively avoided Linn's attack before throwing a punch.

Lin En quickly blocked his face with both arms and forcefully received the demon king's crushing fist.

There is no doubt that Linn was blown away again.

"Lynn!!" Michael's face was filled with tension and worry, and he wanted to rush forward to help Lynn share the burden.

But Lin En shouted: "Don't come up. You are no match for this monster. You will only cause chaos if you come up."

"Come on, Lynn, come on!"

"Chen, please don't cause trouble...and don't attract that monster's attention." Emel's face was full of despair.

The most powerful combat force on their side has been completely suppressed by this monster.

Of course, Lynn didn't give up.

She was still fighting back tenaciously, but the effect was not obvious.

If she didn't have strong recovery power, I'm afraid she would have fallen down by now.

This monster called the Demon King is really too powerful.

Lin En's heart moved, and while the devil was chasing her, she began to consciously lead him in the direction of the supervisor.

The Demon King punched the bottom of the auditorium, and half of the auditorium collapsed in an instant.

The supervisor, Stellan and others all fell into disgrace.

Of course, they all have enhanced physiques, so they won't be injured.

"Idiot, you idiot!" the supervisor roared at the devil.

This is also the reason why he has been pursuing the perfect evolved individual. The Demon King is indeed powerful.

It is even far more powerful than the seventh issue.

But its IQ is too low, and it is completely different from Lin En, who is also in the seventh period.

It's just a monster, a beast.

This isn't the perfect evolution he's after either.

What he needs is an individual with perfect levels of wisdom, strength, and self-healing ability.

Not this beast that only knows destruction and killing.

The Demon King turned a blind eye to the supervisor's insults and continued to look for Lin En.

Although Lin En had avoided the Demon King's attack just now, she was also affected by the collapse of the auditorium.

The Demon King looked at Lin En and raised his giant fist again.

At this moment, a pebble hit the devil on the head.

Michael yelled, "Come on, bastard, come to grandpa."

Sure enough, the Demon King gave up on Lin En and turned to Chen Zhao and the others.

Emael was scared to death. Brother, if you want to die, don't drag us with you.

Chen Zhao pulled Michael away: "Okay, leave the rest to me."

Michael and Amel both looked at Chen Zhao with disbelief.

From beginning to end, apart from verbal harassment, Chen Zhao did not bring any help to their small team.

Why are you suddenly brave now?

Did he know that he was bound to die, so he planned to be a hero before dying?

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