Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 820 The quality of this gun is really bad (fifth update, please vote for me)

It took three hours.

Normally, Chen Zhao couldn't even calm down for thirty minutes.

Let him sit calmly in this isolation room for three hours.

This kind of pain is unimaginable to others.

Of course, what's even more painful is that Chen Zhao would rather calm down.

Because his roommate is a chatterbox.

Chen Zhao wanted to die.

Chen Zhao stood up and walked under the surveillance camera: "Hey, can you change a room for me? I don't want to stay here anymore, can you change a room for me?"

"Chen, do you dislike me so much?" Aimier looked at Chen Zhao aggrievedly.

"Yes, I just dislike you."

"Wouldn't it be better if I accompany you to relieve your boredom?"

"Thank you to your whole family."

"I would also like to thank you for your greetings on behalf of my family. By the way, is this the Chinese way of greeting you?" Amel asked sincerely.

"Help..." Chen Zhao grabbed his hair and said, "Stop annoying me and leave me alone for a while."

"How long will it be? Give me an accurate time."

Chen Zhao's head was about to explode.

He finally understood that Amel had not been bored for too long.

He is simply a talkative person with low emotional intelligence.

Just then, Stellan walked outside.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, are you still used to being here?"

Chen Zhao looked at Stellan, who was wearing a white coat.

"It's not good at all. I haven't seen my girlfriend or my daughter for twenty-four hours."

"You will get used to it gradually. After all, you may be here for the next few years."

"Haha... I bet, it's absolutely impossible." Chen Zhao looked at Stellan: "I will leave here, then grab you and stuff your head into the toilet."

"First, we need to pull a lump of shit." Amel added.

Chen Zhao and Stellan both turned back to look at Amaire.

Emel touched his nose a little embarrassedly: "I just want to remind you."

"Okay, I agree." Chen Zhao turned back and continued to look at Stellan: "So, I think you should let us out now, and then I will pretend that this never happened, although I will continue to kill your head Stuff it into the toilet, at least I won't let Emel poop that shit."

" you know what Potion X is?"

"Don't change the subject..."

"Pharmacion After the human body is released, it will melt back into electrolytic substances, and then the first stage is to break the spirochetes and reorganize the DNA spirochetes. After reorganizing the DNA, you will become smarter and stronger at the same time."

"Mr. Chen, I have checked your file. You are an excellent doctor with excellent medical skills, so I sincerely invite you to become a member of our team and work with me to complete the research on Agent X."

"Didn't you give me the X potion? Why do you continue to study it?"

"That is an imperfect X-drug. If you cannot grow to the fourth stage, then you are likely to accelerate cell division and die."

"How long can we survive?" Amer asked.

"It won't be more than four years at most, and in most cases it will be three years."

"What's the fourth issue you're talking about?"

"If it is a perfect X potion, it can help ordinary people grow into supermen. This is a theoretical result. However, so far, the only person who has grown to the seventh stage has completely lost himself, and no one can grow. By the eighth period.”

"Can you fly in the sky like Superman?" Amiel asked.

"Of course it's impossible. Everything we study is based on science, but its strength and various resistances are almost ten times that of ordinary people."

"Then can the eyes emit infrared lasers?" Amel asked.


"So do you have X-ray eyes?"






"That would be really boring."

Chen Zhao nodded: "I think so too. If you can't fly at supersonic speeds, don't have laser eyes, don't have clairvoyance, don't have clairvoyance, and don't have ears for the wind, what kind of superman can you be?"

Stellan's face turned dark, these two guys were completely unreasonable.

"I will give you two three days to think about it. If you still insist on your own way after three days, then I will execute you. Our laboratory does not support idlers."

"Um...before you execute us, can you have a good meal first? I'm hungry." Chen Zhao grinned.

Stellan glanced at Chen Zhao coldly, and finally said to the attendant beside him: "Get them some food."

"Chen, we only have three days to live. I'm starting to miss my dad and mom."

"You can comply with his request and it will last longer than three days."

"No, I will not violate my philosophy."

"What is your philosophy?"


"Forget it, we can't talk anymore."

At this moment, the alarm sounded, and the red alarm kept turning.

Boom boom——

Suddenly, two violent explosions were heard, and a stream of flames poured in from the exit outside.

Three people were blown away by the flames, and then two people came in.

Lin En and Michael, Chen Zhao looked at these two people.

Lin En and Michael also looked at Chen Zhao.

"Why are you here?" Linn asked with a frown.

"'s a long story."

"Then let's make a long story short."

"Simply put, I was caught."

Lin En looked at Chen Zhao, thought for a second, and pressed the code lock on the door.


The door is open! Chen Zhao and Aimaer regained their freedom.

"Can you use a gun?" Lynn asked.


Lin En didn't wait for Chen Zhao to answer, and directly handed Chen Zhao and Aimaer an automatic assault rifle each.

"You also have to join us and help us destroy this laboratory."

"Um...can I not participate?" Amel asked cautiously.

Lin En glanced at Amiel coldly: "What do you think?"

"There are a lot of X weapons here. If you don't fight back, they will kill you." Michael said.

Suddenly, Lin En raised his gun and pointed it at Chen Zhao without warning.

Chen Zhao was stunned for a moment, Lin En had already fired.

However, this shot was not shot at Chen Zhao, but at the person running in from the passageway behind Chen Zhao.

Lin En glanced at Chen Zhao: "Your gun should be loaded first."

"Oh..." Chen Zhao pulled the barrel of the gun hard.

Click, the gun was broken by Chen Zhao, and the barrel of the gun was pulled out directly.

Chen Zhao was stunned for a moment, and his strength became stronger again.

Every time Chen Zhao's strength increases, it means that he has to adapt to the new strength again.

Lin En looked at Chen Zhao with a dark face, and Chen Zhao was also a little embarrassed: "The quality of this gun is really poor."

"You should have taken Potion

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