Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 756 Is she the strong one? (First update, please vote for me)

Moore and English dared to resist and handed the magic testing instrument to Giselle directly.

"What is this?"

"Magic testing instrument."

"205? Is this my magic value?"


Giselle quickly figured out how to use the magic testing instrument. She tried it on Moore and English and found that their values ​​were quite low.

"Who are you?"

"We are members of the Paranormal Association, miss. Our mission is to investigate every paranormal person who comes to Los Angeles. We have no malicious intentions."

Giselle nodded and handed the instrument back to them.

Every city has its own rules. In the past, when they went to other cities, they would also be investigated by local supernatural forces.

"Miss, are you interested in going to our association for a more accurate magic level assessment? Our association can give you the most professional assessment, as well as a level certificate and status symbol."

"Yes, miss, you see this is the ring that symbolizes my rank."

Both of them shook the gray rings on their fingers.

"Supernatural Society?"


"Okay, let's go take a look." Giselle nodded.

Now she also wants to inquire about the supernatural situation in Los Angeles.

In fact, Moore and English also wanted to confirm whether Giselle was a fallen person.

Although the magic power testing instrument can test magic power, it cannot determine whether the opponent is a fallen person.

The two took Giselle to the Supernatural Society, and Giselle followed them and got out of the car.

At this moment, Giselle saw a tall woman waving a huge sword in her hand.

And the big sword was burning with heart-stopping flames.

That was no ordinary flame, it was a raging flame that could destroy even the soul.

The sword edge waved in front of Giselle from a distance of more than ten meters, and Giselle felt the magic power erupting from the sword edge.

Giselle not only felt the magic, but also the power of destruction.

is her! That's her!

Those two women said that she was the one who could fight against the source of corruption!

Giselle looked at Gaia with bright eyes.

"What's her name?"

"Gaia, she is the strongest member of our Supernatural Society."

By this time, Gaia had finished practicing, and her giant sword was stuck on the ground.

"Moll, English, who is she?"

"Gaia, she is the witch I met at the airport. She wanted to conduct a magic test."

"Oh, just in time, I also want to test my magic power. I feel that my strength has improved a lot recently." Gaia said.

"Hello, my name is Gisele and I'm from Denver."

"Denver, it seems like there just experienced a heavy rain."

"Yes, many people died." Giselle said meaningfully.

"Let's test the magic power first." Gaia said.

"Miss Giselle, there are many free magic level evaluations. Please pay 10,000 US dollars first."

“Do you swipe your card?”

"Of course." English took Giselle's card excitedly: "By the way, I sell insurance in my spare time. Does Miss Giselle want to buy an insurance?"


"205 magic value, level C, Miss Giselle, this is your magic ring." English handed Giselle a ring: "Excellent strength."

Indeed, in the entire Supernatural Association, only Gaia can compete with Giselle.

Of course, there is also their terrifying president.

However, in the minds of the association members, their president cannot be considered a human being at all.

"Silver ring? What grade is Miss Gaia's red ring?"

"I am Class B." Gaia said, but at this time her hands held the sphere on the testing instrument, and at this moment the value on the magic testing instrument began to soar.

"Wow, the magic value is 588. Gaia, you are too powerful, your progress is too fast, you have actually reached A level."

English changed Gaia to a golden ring, and Gaia was very satisfied with it.

Giselle looked at Gaia with admiration: "Miss Gaia, have you fought a very, very powerful monster before?"

Gaia was stunned for a moment: "Are you a fortune teller?"

Seeing that Gaia didn't deny it, Giselle decided that Gaia was the one.

"Miss Gaia, I want to be your attendant."

"Uh...sorry, I can't accept that."

"Why? Is it because I'm not strong enough?"

"No, because I don't think I'm worthy of having an entourage."

"No, you are qualified."

"No matter what you say, I won't accept it."

At this moment, the door outside was pushed open.

Giselle found an Asian man standing outside the door.

"Where's West? Where did that bastard go?" Chen Zhao asked.

"Uh...Chen, what are you doing with West?"

"Go fishing at sea." Chen Zhao said.

Gaia rolled her eyes. She didn't believe that Chen Zhao wanted to go fishing.

Chen Zhao has never been the kind of person who is willing to spend hours sitting still in front of a fishing rod.

Even during meetings on weekdays, Chen Zhao could not maintain the same posture for three minutes.

Unlike Gaia's thoughts, Giselle glanced at Chen Zhao and already regarded Chen Zhao as a passerby.

He is probably a fringe figure in the Supernatural Association like Moore and English.

"By the way, is that big sword outside your new one?"

"Yeah, I just got it today."

"Fake, what about mine? Why did you promise me and make me a set of weapons? Moreover, the weapons I requested were paid for by myself, but your weapons were paid for by the association. Why is it so unfair?"

Giselle secretly thought, can you compare with Gaia?

Gaia is the strongest combat force of the Supernatural Association.

"Do you want a weapon too? Don't you have a weapon?"

"I don't give it to myself, it gives me a new pet." Chen Zhao said.

"Is that the gorilla?"

"Yes, this is Los Angeles... By the way, who is she?"

"Giselle, the witch."

"Hello, Miss Witch, where are you from?"

Giselle turned her head, looking arrogant.

Chen Zhao curled his lips in a somewhat self-indulgent manner: "Tell West, if he doesn't appear in front of me within ten minutes, I will throw him into the sea to feed the fishes."

"President, President, I'm here..." West's voice came from outside.

"Have you done what I asked you to do?" Chen Zhao asked.

"It's done, it's done, the weapons are outside."

Chen Zhao and West left as they spoke. Giselle asked, "Is that man your president?"


"What kind of wizard is he?"

"He? He's a Druid, maybe. Our president is so awesome, he's simply my idol." Moore's eyes were full of admiration.

"Okay, Chen isn't here either, so you don't have to flatter him here." Gaia rolled her eyes.

Giselle was even more certain that even Gaia was so dismissive of the president.

Sure enough, he only wears the title of president, but is actually an incompetent waste.

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