"Wanda!" Fali looked happy, but the next moment, Fali showed hesitation.

The big dog in front of me looks very much like Wanda, but... Wanda can't be so energetic.

And Wanda is not that big either. Wanda was tortured by illness before and lost a lot of weight. At that time, her weight was even less than 25 kilograms.

But looking at the big dog in front of me, it weighed more than twice as much as Wanda.

It's just that kind of look, that kind of intimate look.

Fali also became hesitant. Is it really Wanda?

"Chen, do you need help?" Leonardo also came.

"Wanda?" Fali only had Wanda in her eyes at the moment.


Wanda had already run to Fali's side and licked Fali's hand.

"Are you really Wanda? Are you not dead?"


"Miss Farley, what are you going to do to my Wanda?"

"Your Wanda? You thief, you stole Wanda, I'm going to call the police on you!"

"When did I steal your Wanda?"

"Isn't it enough proof?" Fali pointed at Wanda.

"I have its pet license. Can you please show me Wanda's pet license?"

"I...I thought Wanda was dead, so I had logged off."

"Why do you think your Wanda is dead?"

"It has cancer. My colleague said that he has been euthanized."

"Look...does it look like it has cancer?"

"Are you that doctor!? Did you cure Wanda?"

"Leonardo, do you believe her? Do you think I can cure a dog's cancer?" Chen Zhao refused to admit it now.

"I don't care what method you used to cure Wanda, but it still knows me. You all saw it, it knows me."

"Wanda, do you recognize Leonardo?"

Wanda trotted to Leonardo again and licked Leonardo's palm.

"You see, it's so welcoming to anyone."

"No, it's different. The way it looks at me is different."

"Please, Miss Farley, if you can't produce evidence to prove that I stole your dog, then please leave my house. I don't welcome a crazy woman who accuses me of stealing a dog."

"Why did you name it Wanda? Or was that the original name?"

"Um...Leonardo, can't I name my dog ​​this?"

"Of course, miss, if nothing happens, please leave here." Leonardo said unkindly.

"I'm not leaving unless Wanda comes with me."

"If you continue to make trouble unreasonably, then I can only take you to the police station." In Leonardo's view, Fali was making trouble unreasonably.

He was more willing to believe Chen Zhao's words. After all, Fali herself said that her dog had cancer and had been euthanized.

Just because Chen Zhao's dog has the same name as her dog does not constitute evidence.


"Are you...are you Ge Lin from the major crimes unit?" Leonardo then noticed that Ge Lin was here too.

"You are not needed here, Chen and I will solve the problem."

"Okay, Chen, I'm leaving first."

Chen Zhao didn't understand what Ge Lin was going to do.

"Chen, and this Miss Fali, I don't know if it is the Wanda you mentioned, but it seems to like you very much, so I think we can let it make its own choice, choose you or him."

"Ge Lin, is this necessary?" Chen Zhao looked at Ge Lin dumbfounded.

"This is a sign of respect for everyone present, what do you think, Chen?"

"Okay, let it make its own choice."

"You and her stand over there, Wanda, come here."

Wanda obediently ran to Ge Lin, and Ge Lin leaned down and touched Wanda's head.

"Wanda, would you like to go with Chen? Or Fali, you make your own choice." Ge Lin pointed at Chen Zhao and Fali, who were standing side by side.

Wanda tilted his head and looked at Chen Zhao and Fali. He didn't quite understand what Ge Lin said.

"Wanda, do you choose me or her?" Chen Zhao asked again.

"Wanda, you remember me, right? Let's fight side by side." Fali looked at Wanda eagerly.

Wanda sat next to Ge Lin, choosing no one.

"It doesn't seem to have made a choice." Chen Zhao said, "But I believe that it would rather be with me, its master, than this strange woman."

"It didn't make a choice, why do you say it prefers to be with you?" Fali retorted not to be outdone.

"This is its home, and here are its friends."

Chen Zhao called out: "Beelzebub, Carrie."

Beelzebub and Carrie ran out, and Wanda immediately stepped forward to fight with them.

"Look, I really can't find a reason for it to leave me and my friends." Chen Zhao said with a smooth face.

Fali was furious: "I think there is someone who can prove that it is Wanda."

Fali dialed Robbio's phone and pressed the speakerphone: "Robbio, I'm at Chen's home now. Come here."

Chen Zhao's heart skipped a beat, Fali was trying to dig a hole for Robbio.

"Chen? Which Chen?" Robbio asked.

The stone in Chen Zhao's heart suddenly fell to the ground. Fortunately, Robbio was not stupid and his reaction was really fast.

"Do you still want to lie to me? Wanda is not dead, you did not kill Wanda, you gave Wanda to Chen, right?"

"Fali, Wanda is dead, why are you still unwilling to accept this fact? She is already dead. She has cancer and will never get better."

"Robbio!" Fali growled through gritted teeth, "If you cheat on me again, then we will break off our relationship."

"Fali, I'm sorry, Wanda is dead. If you blame me for killing Wanda, I accept it, but please also accept the fact that it is dead." Robbio's answer was extremely calm.

"I don't believe it, and I don't accept it!"

"Whether you want to accept it or not, this is true."

Kenan patted Fali on the shoulder: "Fali, let's go."

Although Kenan was more willing to support Fali, rationally, he still believed in Chen Zhao's side.

After all, dogs with the same name are nothing unusual.

And he felt that the Wanda Fali mentioned was indeed dead.

It's just that Fali is unwilling to accept the reality, so she insists that Chen Zhao's dog is her Wanda.

"I will find evidence!" Fali gritted her teeth and stared at Chen Zhao: "I will expose your true face and let everyone know that you are a shameless thief."

"Before you find evidence, you'd better not harass me again, otherwise I will call the police."

Chen Zhao closed the door, but there was a chill behind him.

He was confident that he could deceive the whole world, but he could not deceive Ge Lin.

"Can you explain what's going on?"

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