Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 709: Mother (Second update, please vote for me)

The death of the eldest father was also a surprise to the eldest mother.

She never thought that her eldest father would die so suddenly, so sudden that she couldn't believe it was true.

However, it was not all without gain.

After the death of the eldest father, his property naturally becomes the eldest mother's.

My father's death was not without value.

Most people think that the Great Father’s entire property is the Evil Spirit Society.

In fact, the Evil Spirit Society is composed of a group of evil spirits mixed with dragons and snakes.

Some are strong and some are weak, but they are still evil spirits in essence.

And in this city, there are as many evil spirits as you want.

The evil spirit society can be reorganized after it is disbanded.

What is truly valuable is the legacy that the Great Father has hidden in unknown places.

The other two forces of the Japanese invaders in New York City, the Witch Club and the Wizards' Guild, have also disappeared.

The Evil Spirit Society, the Witch Society and the Wizards Society, these three seem to coexist.

They were all founded at almost the same time, and the three have been fighting each other for two hundred years.

Now the time of their demise is so close.

Although this was an accident, it was not a destined result.

Although the eldest mother is a little sorry for the death of the eldest father, she is not sad.

She was even glad that her eldest father was dead and no one could control her anymore.

No one can threaten her.

The Great Mother has always relied on constantly devouring the souls of the living, and then stealing the bodies of the living to continue her existence.

For example, her current body is an ordinary maid.

It is not easy to find a body that can sustain her for a long time.

The eldest mother doesn’t know where the next body that can accommodate her is.

And this body is aging rapidly. The body that was originally in its twenties now looks like it is in its thirties.

This is also the result of being leaned over by the Big Mother. The aging rate of the physical body is accelerating and getting faster and faster.

According to the normal speed, in about five years, this physical body will completely age and then lose its function.

But now, the eldest mother has obtained the eldest father's inheritance, and even the eldest father's secret.

This secret is also the most valuable thing in the Great Father's legacy.

She no longer needs to work so hard to find a physical body to attach to as she did in the past.

She can exist for a long time just like her great father.

And as powerful as the Father.

No, he is more powerful than the Great Father!

Because she has something that her father doesn't have.

The eldest mother dug out her eyeballs, but her expression didn't change at all.

This body was not hers in the first place, she was just an outsider occupying the magpie's nest.

The soul and body are not fused, so injury and pain will not affect her.

Then, the eldest mother put the eyeball that she dug out from Norma into her own eye socket.

The next step is to use black magic to fuse the eyes with the body.

At this moment, the green pupils began to emit a strange light.

At the same time, a stripe path began to spread from around the orbit of the left eye.

These lines began to cover the left half of my cheek.

As the original owner of this eyeball, Norma didn't know how to use her eyes at all.

It is impossible for ordinary people to understand the purpose of this eyeball.

These are the eyes of nightmares. In Western myths and legends, nightmares are monsters that can spread nightmares.

In fact, nightmares don't stop there. They like to get into dreams and then use dreams to control each other.

The controlled creature or person is like a walking zombie.

Ten years ago, the eldest mother discovered the special bloodline of young Norma.

In addition, she happened to be staying in Undine's body at the time.

So the eldest mother has been waiting, waiting for Norma to come of age.

Waiting for her eyes to begin to truly possess the power of nightmares.

Not long ago, the long-awaited fruit finally ripened.

The Great Mother began to channel the power of nightmares.

In fact, what Norma saw was not an illusion.

What she saw were the scenes and people in other people's dreams.

Nightmares can detect who is dreaming nearby and sneak into other people's dreams.

The eldest mother suddenly frowned, it was not enough!

It seems that the power of nightmare is not perfect yet.

Yes, it's because it's just an eyeball.

Therefore, the power of nightmare cannot be fully exerted.

In other words, only by gathering two eyes can one have complete nightmare power.

At this moment, an ethereal figure floated in.

This spirit is none other than Bragg.

Life in Prague is full of sorrow.

First, he was deceived by his eldest mother. He naively thought that he could really obtain the endless wealth of the Clelem family.

But from beginning to end, he was just a tool of the eldest mother.

Even if the plan really succeeds, he will not be able to escape the end of being controlled by his eldest mother.

Of course, the current results are still sad.

Even if he died, he could not escape the control of his mother.

"Master." Bragg lowered his head and saluted respectfully.

What he hates most is not Louis who killed him.

Not Norma, but Big Mother.

He was originally the heir of a small family, and he also had some magical powers.

In addition, she and Norma have been engaged since childhood.

Originally, as long as he followed the normal trajectory, he could marry Norma and then become the controller of the Claylem family's huge empire.

But he wanted to be the master, not just the controller.

It was such a mistake that ultimately reduced Prague to the efforts of others.

Of course, the reason why the eldest mother chose Prague as her subordinate was because the eldest mother was lonely, but there were some things that she couldn't do by herself.

For example, if we go to negotiate with other evil spirit groups, we can't get the Big Mother to show up.

"The tyrant I asked you to contact, is he here?"

"Yes, Master, the tyrant is already waiting outside."

The Tyrant, the evil spirit of Jersey City, New York City's neighboring city, controls an organization similar to the Evil Spirit Society.

The name sounds very powerful, but in fact anyone can have such a name.

The Tyrant is certainly more powerful than ordinary evil spirits, but compared to the Great Father, he is far, far behind.

There are many, many more evil groups like this in New York City or surrounding areas.

The tyrant was not the only one invited by the eldest mother this time.

There are also several evil spirit group leaders who are comparable to tyrants.

And the leaders of these evil spirit groups gathered here with their men, which also caused the air of death to permeate the air.

The heavy fog that shrouds New York City is their fault.

In the sewers, at least three thousand evil spirits gathered.

After these three thousand evil spirits gathered together, they never had any time to relax.

You devour some of me, and I'll devour some of you.

In just one day, more than two hundred evil spirits have already disappeared while fighting and devouring each other.

"Go and gather all the evil spirits, I have something to say."

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