Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 40 For the sake of free drinks (scroll to ask for recommendation votes)

"Grandma, I'm here to see you."

Ethan knocked on the door, and an old woman with a hunched back, a cane, and thick glasses was hugged by Ethan.

Ethan is a big fat man, and his tonnage is at least three times that of the old woman.

"Damn it, did you drink before you came here? Let me go... you're intoxicating me."

The old woman saw Chen Zhao standing behind Ethan: "Ethan, you didn't tell me that you would bring a handsome young man. Look, I'm not even dressed up."

"Ethan, you didn't tell me that we were going to meet such a beautiful lady today."

"Young man, I like you, what's your name?"

"Just call me Chen. I don't know if I have the honor to know your name."

"You can call me Wright, or like Ethan, call me Grandma."

"It's hard to believe that you will be Ethan's grandma. I'll just call you Wright."

Chen Zhao hugged the old woman face to face, and Ethan gave her flowers.

"This is for you." Chen Zhao gave the tablet to the old woman.

"Thank you. I just lack a tablet. Young man, you are so considerate. If I were still sixty years younger, no, as long as I was fifty years younger, I would pursue you crazily."

"It's not too late."

"This is the money I paid for it." Ethan added: "Grandma, it's me you should praise."

A fifty-year-old man still had the nerve to compete with Chen Zhao for favor.

"Come in, come in."

The decoration in her home is slightly darker, with period furniture, but it is all clean, and the indoor lighting is very good, at least it does not make people feel depressed.

The old woman has already cut the fruit: "Young man, are you Chinese?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"I once served as a professor at Nanjing University. During that time, I learned Chinese. Chen is one of the most common surnames in China, but Chinese is the most complex language among all the languages ​​I have learned. I also have A Chinese name, Li Chuntian."

"It's a nice name, whether it's your real name or your Chinese name."

"Ethan, you should learn from Chen, you see you don't know how to say such nice things."

"I'm just telling the truth."

"Chen, what do you do? You can't be Ethan's little brother, right? This bastard is a villain who does all kinds of evil."

Obviously, Wright also knew some of Ethan's deeds, and her impression of Ethan still stayed there.

"I'm a doctor."

"You guys sit down first and I'll prepare lunch for you."

"Grandma, remember to make barbecue and don't give me too many vegetables."

Even a fifty-year-old middle-aged and elderly person still shows the nature of a child when facing his grandmother.

After Wright entered the kitchen, Ethan approached Chen Zhao and asked, "How are you doing? Is my grandma okay?"

"Not very good."

"But she seems to be in good spirits."

"She's just pretending in front of us."

"What should we do? Does she have any illness?"

"Some elderly diseases are common diseases, which is inevitable, but I just saw that there seemed to be plaques on the skin under her collar."

"What's wrong with this?"

"When your grandma comes out of the kitchen, remind me."

Chen Zhao walked to the cabinet next to him and rummaged through it, and saw the medicine inside.

"How about it?"

"She may have cancer. I have found some drugs that inhibit cancer cells. However, I am not sure yet whether it is malignant or benign. It may be in the lungs or stomach."

cancer! ? Ethan's face turned solemn.

Even though he knew nothing about medical science, he knew what cancer meant.

Wright was clearly energized by the arrival of Ethan and Chen.

A sumptuous lunch can match a luxurious banquet.

When people reach a certain age, even the most capable and independent women will feel lonely.

Wright just didn't show her loneliness, and she couldn't have said it.

However, she was obviously very happy for their arrival.

While Ethan was going to the bathroom, Wright said with a smile: "Chen, did Ethan ask you to help me see a doctor?"

"Wright, you look so radiant. I think Ethan's work has been in vain this time. But if you want to come out for coffee, you can call me. This is my phone number. I will be with you anytime."

"How did you and Chen meet?"

"I was a homeless stray until Ethan took me in and found me a job."

"Help me take care of him. Although he is old, he still doesn't know how to take care of himself."

"I refused and he charged me a dollar for the hamburger."

"Bastard!" Ethan had already walked out: "Every time I charge you one dollar, you still have to pay me a can of Coke. You know that a can of Coke is already one dollar."

"Since you no longer make money, you shouldn't accept my money."

"Don't ever think about it."

"Wright, have you seen that, a bastard like him, will I help you take care of him?"

After lunch, the three of them sat on the balcony and chatted.

Ethan was bullied by Chen Zhao and Wright. Under Chen Zhao's instigation, Wright told many embarrassing things about Ethan's past.

Ethan was furious, but it was obvious that Wright was very happy.

Even though Ethan had disappointed her before, Ethan was still her grandson.

It wasn't until about three o'clock in the afternoon that the two got up to say goodbye.

Chen Zhao hugged Wright: "Wright, don't forget my phone number. I really want to have a candlelight dinner with you."

"Of course, handsome boy."

After going downstairs, Ethan's expression calmed down: "Do you have any idea?"

"Don't worry, I can't directly ask for a physical examination just now. Your grandma obviously doesn't want to make you worry."

"What should we do?"

"Get in touch slowly, and I will find a time to make an appointment with your grandma again."

"Well, God bless."

Chen Zhao can only say that he will do his best, after all, it is cancer.

"Does she still have a job now?"

"She is a professor at UCLA and is still taking classes."

"What department is she a professor in?"

"Department of Medicine."

"Fuxx, you asked an illegal doctor to treat a professor of the Department of Medicine. Are you sure I am more capable than her?"

"But I only know one doctor like you."

"I suddenly realized that I was under a lot of pressure. Can I refuse this request?"

"Then you'll never get a free burger."

"You never give me anything for free."

"But at least the drinks are free."

"Okay, for the sake of the free surprise, I'll do my best...but Ethan, she should know better than anyone else, I'm afraid there's not much I can do due to her physical condition."

"I know, just do your best."


Thanks to the brothers and sisters who tipped yesterday

I haven’t used a pseudonym for 1 yuan in a long time.

1 yuan of joyful love, Qidian Reading iOS

1 Yuan Ear Eaten by a Cat, Qidian Reading iOS

20 yuan to destroy the world and destroy the day

1 Yuan X Dragon X Heaven X Earth

1 Yuan Xie Ye Yu

1 yuan book friend 20180419012506468

1 Yuan from Ah Bai from Aye’s house

1 Yuanfeng's Summer of Sorrow

1 yuan is very lazy, very lazy, lazy

1 Yuan Lily Dal

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