Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 274 We have reconciled (please vote)

Bang - bang - bang -

"Kane, do you think that boy will break open the ice cave door?"

"It's impossible. That's a fifteen centimeter iron door. Even ten kilograms of TNT can't blow it open." Kane said.

"Unless he has the tools," Karim said.

"There's nothing else in there except ice."

Ice cubes! ? Everyone suddenly realized the problem.

"Mr. Laurent, I think we should go."


"If Chen comes out, he will kill us," Kane said.

"Can he really break open the ice cave door?"

"He is probably wrapping ice cubes in his clothes and smashing the door..." Kane said with a solemn expression.

"How long will it take for him to break down the door?"

"I don't know, but it will definitely be dangerous for us to stay here now."

At this time, the iron door of the ice cave had been smashed and bulged out, but the sound of banging on the door was still heard.

Kane, Kareem and Howard watched from the outside, which was really shocking.

If they were caught by the monster inside, they would definitely be torn into pieces.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have helped Laurent set up this situation.

He didn't get any benefits, but Chen Zhao was worried about him.

All three people's eyes fell on Laurent, who was very unhappy.

They obviously won and sent Chen Zhao into their trap.

As a result, they had to run away in embarrassment, feeling like they were the losers.

But it would be too dangerous to stay here any longer.

Chen Zhao, who had been locked in for more than an hour, if he broke out, I really don't know what he would do.

"Come on, I don't want to see him," Laurent said.

The four people fled the factory in despair.

"Laurent, why are you back so early? Didn't Chen come back with you?" Huinip asked in surprise when he saw Laurent coming back.

"There are no interesting places in Los Angeles, and that guy doesn't know any place. It was a mistake to let him take me out." Laurent said disapprovingly: "Huinip, when are we going home?"

"Not so soon. It's rare to come to Los Angeles and I have to go shopping again. By the way, I'm going to visit the Avenue of Stars tomorrow."

Chen Zhao's clothes were wrapped in ice. After being smashed for half an hour, they were completely broken and there was no way to wrap the ice anymore.

Chen Zhao started to punch him with his fists, but it was really painful. After a few punches, he could no longer continue.

In the end, I had no choice but to kick with my feet, but I also tried with my feet.

But this door is too thick and cannot be kicked down at all.

There is only one way to get out.

The mouth of the glutton in the right hand!

Only it can open the door.

Chen Zhao took out the magical scroll of spiritual connection. Although he had seen it several times before, he never remembered it completely.

At this time, Chen Zhao could only sharpen his guns before the battle, although the hope was not very high.

However, without the hustle and bustle outside, Chen Zhao is calmer than before.

Chen Zhao moved his right arm but failed.

When activating the spiritual connection, Chen Zhao felt more like creating a bolt of magic power and inserting it into a groove.

It is not easy to accurately place the latch in the groove, and the latch cannot be too big or too small, it must be just right.

Chen Zhao collected a little bit of his magic power and tried to control the glutton's mouth again.

But this time it failed again...

The magic released this time seems to be too great and needs to be readjusted.

Tried again, failed...

Tried again, failed...

After a few times, Chen Zhao felt a little dizzy.

Unable to continue any longer, the chill hit him. Chen Zhao shivered and suddenly became much more awake.

Chen Zhao took out some more roasted flying dragon meat to replenish his physical strength and energy.

Chen Zhao once again tried to connect his mind to the glutton's mouth. Suddenly, Chen Zhao felt a slight tingling in his head and his arms trembled violently.

Chen Zhao quickly stopped, but the stinging pain came and went quickly, as if nothing had happened.

Is it because you use magic too often?

Chen Zhao was unsure, so he tried to activate the spiritual connection again.

But what surprised Chen Zhao this time was that the spiritual connection seemed to be much smoother than before.

Success, connected!

Chen Zhao finally felt that his right arm was different from before. He could control it as freely as if it belonged to his own arm.

Chen Zhao's right arm began to grow in size and was covered with a layer of metallic color.

Chen Zhao can not only control the mouth of a glutton, he can even feel the sensation of a glutton's mouth.

And its appetite!

The glutton was not interested in the iron door. Chen Zhao took a deep breath and waved his arms heavily.


The tempered glass was shattered, and the entire iron door was completely dented.

A large amount of cold air began to escape outwards. Chen Zhao didn't know how much stronger this punch was than his original strength.

Chen Zhao gathered strength again and punched again.

This punch was more powerful than the previous one, the entire wall was shaking, and the sound echoed in the icehouse.

The iron door flew out in response. At this moment, Chen Zhao could breathe the fresh air and enjoy the warm airflow.

It was already late at night. Chen Zhao walked out of the factory. It was silent and no one was outside.

This is an abandoned neighborhood, no one has lived there for a long time.

Not only did Laurent lock him in the freezer for eight hours, but he also took his car away.

Without even a mobile phone, Chen Zhao could only walk home.

After running for an hour, Chen Zhao ran back home from the abandoned neighborhood, a distance of at least fifty kilometers.

"Chen, come back." Fali saw Chen Zhao coming back. He was sweating profusely and his whole body was soaked. "How did you play with dad today? Are you happy?"

"I'm very happy, very happy." Chen Zhao said with a warm and bright smile.

"How do you get along with dad?"

"I think we have solved the knot in our hearts." Chen Zhao said with a smile: "We made an appointment to go out to play together tomorrow."

"Really? That's great, I can finally feel at ease." Fali hugged Chen Zhao, and the worries in her heart were finally relieved: "By the way, is your mobile phone out of battery? I can't get through when I call your mobile phone. "

"Oh, it's out of battery. I forgot my phone at your dad's place. Go get it from him tomorrow."

"Where did you go to play today?"

"This is our men's secret, so don't ask."

"Well, I'm really happy to see you guys getting along well."

"I'm very happy too. I think your dad and I will be very good friends."

"Did you have meal?"

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