Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 22 Discussing History with Beautiful Women

"Wait...I seem to be confused."

“Can characters be mixed up too?”

"No, the lines were mixed up..."

"Get out." Chen Zhao kicked Beelzebub out of bed.

Beelzebub and Raymond were used to sleeping next to Chen Zhao, while Lao Hei was a nocturnal animal. In fact, he was quite active during the day.

If you have a job, focus on your work. If you don't have a job, go to Chen Zhao to chat.

Or arguing with Raymond and Beelzebub, Chen Zhao felt that he was turning a capable god of death into a loose waste.

Although there are two demons around him, Chen Zhao's sleep quality has always been very good and he never has nightmares.

Early in the morning, Beelzebub ran out of the room and went to the counter to ask for breakfast from Ethan.

Ethan was also used to it. At this time every day, Beelzebub would come to ask for food.

"Little devil, is Chen up?"


"Why did you get up so early today? It's weird. You usually sleep until nine or ten, but you got up so early today. Do you have a date?"

"Morning." At this time, Chen Zhao also came downstairs and took out a carton of milk from the cabinet.

"Are you busy today?"

"Exercise, I feel fat recently."

Chen Zhao replied seriously that he really thought so.

It seems that because he has been eating only meat and carbonated drinks recently and almost no vegetables, Chen Zhao found that his blood pressure has increased slightly and his fat has also increased a lot.

"You actually care about your body shape."

"I am a doctor."

"A fat man can also be a doctor."

"Fat people will make patients feel distrustful." Chen Zhao glanced at Ethan's short figure: "A doctor who can't control his own figure, can you expect him to control the patient's condition?"

"You are lying heresy. Fat people can also be very good doctors." Ethan argued with reason.

"Have you had insomnia, night sweats, lack of energy, or poor appetite recently?"

"Chen, am I sick?" Ethan knew that Chen Zhao's medical skills were very good, so when he saw Chen Zhao asking such a serious question, he couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat and screamed secretly.

"This is a sign of kidney deficiency, fat man, take good care of your body. After all, finding a good doctor is quite expensive." Chen Zhao patted Ethan on the shoulder and had already gone out for a morning run.

"Asshole, even if I am impotent, I will not seek treatment from you!"

Beelzebub also followed him out with the barbecue in his mouth. His hyperactivity was acting up, and the small room obviously could not meet his needs.

The morning air had a bit of sweetness, and Chen Zhao felt that every cell was activated.

"Morning." A woman wearing close-fitting sportswear ran up to Chen Zhao. With a hot and sexy figure and an almost flawless face, she was definitely the most beautiful European and American woman Chen Zhao had encountered so far.


"I've never seen you before."

"I just arrived in the United States not long ago." Chen Zhao replied.

"I'm Kelly."

"Chen Zhao, you can call me Chen."

"Is this your dog?"

"Yes, its name is Beelzebub, you can also call it the little devil."

"How long do you plan to run?"

"Five kilometers, if it's any more, I won't be able to work today."

"There is a coffee shop in the block ahead, which is about a few kilometers away. Whoever arrives last pays."

"Okay." Chen Zhao accepted happily.

However, this beauty is obviously better at sports than Chen Zhao. She has a firm grasp on both endurance and rhythm.

Kelly always takes precedence over Chen Zhao. Although Chen Zhao is not an athlete, he still exercises regularly in China.

You know that long-distance running is not a sprint. It requires endurance and rhythm. You cannot blindly sprint, otherwise you will only fall in the middle.

If you want to catch up with Kelly, you will disrupt your rhythm. If you disrupt your rhythm, you will disrupt your breathing and exercise habits, which means you need to consume more energy.

But gradually, Kelly slowed down and ran side by side with Chen Zhao.

"Did I disappoint you?"

"I used to be a track and field athlete, and most people couldn't outrun me." Kelly replied with a smile.

"What now?"

"Long-term training in track and field has deformed my thigh muscles. I don't want this, so I now work as a clerk in a company."

Kelly takes her body very seriously, to the point where she would give up on her interests and maybe even her career.

"It's such a shame. If you keep persisting, you may be able to compete in the Olympics or even the Golden League in the future."

"Even if you really get on the field, you won't be able to achieve too high an achievement. Track and field has always been dominated by black people. From the perspective of human evolution, black people's endurance and explosive power are second to none. This has nothing to do with the way they live. It’s related to the African environment, but you Asians are more focused on skills, just like China’s table tennis is absolutely dominant.”

"So why do yellow people prefer skills?"

"This is mainly due to the fact that over the past two thousand years, Asian civilizations have been in a complex environment, and the physical requirements have declined, replaced by adaptation to civilization, for example, represented by the Tatars Nomads, they need to learn and be proficient in bows and arrows during wars, and countries represented by agricultural countries also prefer skills in farming, and even learning and writing require skills, which leads to the In genes, the use of skills has penetrated into the bone marrow. Among the three major skin color races, Caucasians are mostly in warm and cold environments. Therefore, Caucasians should be regarded as the most complex race. Geography The colder the area, the braver and better at fighting, while the warmer the area, the more conservative the race is and the lazier it is."

"So lazy people started the industrial age." Chen Zhao laughed.

"Yes, that is indeed the case."

"Are you really practicing track and field? I suspect you are a world historian."

“Just because I practice track and field doesn’t mean that I’m not good at other subjects.”

"But you said that people from warmer areas have more conservative personalities. I reserve my opinion. After all, the largest chaotic war in the world was caused by the Germans. Germany is considered a person from a warm area, right?"

The warm area here does not refer to how cold the winter is. In fact, it also snows in Germany. The so-called warm area refers to the temperature difference between winter and summer.

"No, no, no, your understanding is wrong. Although the Germans caused two world wars, they were caused by the times, not by race. The Germans caused the world wars. We cannot say that the Germans are cruel. We are discussing now What is important is a comparison of the entire race and regional races, rather than an individual case or a special case in the context of the times."

"Historians have always believed that racial differences are actually very small, and what is recognized is geoculture and geopolitics."

"What's the meaning?"

"To put it simply, it means what kind of civilization develops according to the geographical environment. Let's take the simplest example. People living on the seaside and people living inland have different cultures and ways of thinking. People on the seaside see the water. What they think of is danger, while people in the inland see water, which represents vitality and survival. Two different ways of thinking have produced different politics, economies, and cultures."

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