Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 204 Fighting Course (Tenth update, please vote for me)

When Chen Zhao arrived downstairs at the gym, the female reporter appeared in front of Chen Zhao again.

"Mr. Chen, are you an illegal doctor? Have you given Ford any illegal drugs? Ford's performance has improved amazingly. Is this related to the drugs you gave him?"

In this country, journalists are truly the uncrowned kings, able to twist any sentence into what they need.

"Who told you I'm a doctor? I'm not a doctor."

If Chen Zhao admitted that he was a doctor, the first person to come to his door would not be the Hospital Authority and the Ministry of Health and Safety, but the Taxation Bureau.

How terrible is the U.S. Tax Agency?

There is a rumor that a drug lord was targeted by the tax bureau for tax evasion.

Then the drug lord was finally brought to justice because the tax bureau found evidence that the FBI could not find.

You can imagine how scary the US tax bureau is.

"Mr. Chen, this is what Mr. Ford personally admitted."

"What are you admitting? Just because I know Ford doesn't mean I'm going to treat him."

"Mr. Chen, are you trying to hide the truth about Mr. Ford's doping?"

"If Ford has taken doping, the IAAF and anti-doping organizations will naturally come forward. If you have evidence, please show it. If not, then be careful to receive a letter from a lawyer."

In fact, the lawyer's letter has no legal effect. To put it bluntly, it is a verbal warning. If you beep again, I will attack you.

Just find any law firm and you can get one written by the law firm for a hundred dollars.

Kate gritted her teeth and looked at Chen Zhao. This Chinese was more difficult to deal with than she had imagined, and he answered her questions impeccably.

"Mr. Chen, if you are worried about your identity being exposed, I can guarantee that your identity information will be hidden..."

"What is my identity? I am just a Chinese working in the United States with a green card. If you continue to make malicious speculations, I will sue you for harassment, malicious slander, and racial discrimination."

“When did I become racist?”

Any professional status that is related to racial discrimination is a big problem.

Even reporters who are the Uncrowned King dare not touch this line.

If she is taken to court for this crime, she will lose her job even if she is not found guilty.

In the United States, people of color, especially black people, always like to make excuses based on their skin color.

Chen Zhao is just using a big stick to play tricks. If you want to make trouble with me, I won't make it easy for you.

"I think you are being racist." Chen Zhao replied matter-of-factly.

There is a concept among the black community that if I think you are being racist, then you are being racist, but not the same.

That is to say, you can't let me feel any malice on your part, otherwise you are being racist.

Kate looked at Chen Zhao's back and clenched her fists.

When Chen Zhao arrived at the gym, he would say hello to familiar gym members.

Chen Zhao is considered an old acquaintance here. After all, there are not many people who dare to hire Adam as a fighting coach.

Gaia is currently in the ring, sparring with a student.

That student was about the same height as Chen Zhao, about 1.8 meters, and his weight should be about the same.

However, his strength was much smaller. At least Gaia was holding the pad in one hand. The student's fist hit the pad, but Gaia didn't move at all.

If it were Chen Zhao, Gaia would need to hold the pads with both hands.

"No matter how important it is, no matter how important it is, it's too light. Anderson, didn't you have breakfast? Or are you using all your strength on the woman's belly." Gaia used a protective pad to push away the student's fist, and the student took two steps back. The steps were already a little weak.

"Okay, Anderson, go down and rest for a while." Gaia patted Anderson on the shoulder.

"Chen, put on your protective gear and come up and practice a few times."

Gaia and Chen Zhao were sparring, and Chen Zhao became the defender. Chen Zhao was holding a protective pad and wearing protective gear.

"Up, down, up, down, left, right, right, left, up..."

Every time Gaia takes action, she will remind Chen Zhao in advance of the direction in which she is going to attack.

Chen Zhao blocked accordingly. After fifteen minutes of sparring, both Chen Zhao and Gaia were sweating.

Anderson stepped forward to hand over the water and patted Chen Zhao's arm: "Chen, why are you and I similar in physique, but there is such a big gap in strength and speed?"

Anderson wanted to learn from Chen Zhao. Chen Zhao said, "Maybe it's because I exercise regularly. I'm also a coach myself, so I'm familiar with how to make myself stronger."

The same physique does not mean the same strength. There is also the issue of fat ratio.

A person with a normal body shape has a fat content of about 12% to 10%, while an athlete's fat content is about 5%, and some top athletes even have a fat content as low as 4% or 3%.

The lower the fat content ratio, the stronger the short-term burst of strength.

Biologically speaking, fat is used to store energy and prevent starvation in the absence of food.

Muscles are the level of a species in the food chain during hunting. The stronger the strength and speed, the greater the advantage.

After the emergence of civilization, society shifted from primitive hunting to agriculture, and fat was no longer an advantage for survival, but became a disadvantage that hindered labor.

However, during thousands of years of evolution, the human body has not completely broken away from the primitive social state, and even being too strong will lead to a shortened life span.

Just like many athletes, they may be very talented, but this talent is reflected in the potential they unleash.

In their careers, they can indeed be taller, stronger and faster, but after their prime age, their condition will decline rapidly.

Then the injuries accumulated in the past career began to invade the body.

Anderson and Chen Zhao communicated for a while, and Chen Zhao learned that Anderson was an amateur boxing enthusiast.

His goal seems to be to box in official matches, but his potential is average.

"Andersen, you and Chen are sparring, and you can feel his strength." Gaia said.

After Anderson and Chen Zhao both put on protective gear, Anderson could really feel Chen Zhao's heavy fist.

Even if Chen Zhao withdrew most of his strength, Andersen was still beaten back every time.

"Andersen, Chen, you swap, Anderson attacks, Chen, defends."

The identities of the two were reversed, and Anderson's feelings changed again. He felt that he was not sparring with a person, but facing a wall, motionless.

Gaia, as their coach, can certainly see the difference between them.

Chen Zhao's physical fitness is so outstanding that even if it were her, she would have no chance of winning in a pure strength comparison.

Not to mention Andersen, who has average physical fitness.

After getting off the ring, the three of them stood in front of the window to rest and drink water. Anderson asked: "Gaia, how can I be like Chen?"

Gaia glanced at Chen Zhao: "In terms of physical fitness, it is almost impossible for you to surpass Chen, you can only do it in terms of skills."

"So is there still room for improvement in my skills?"

"Continuous practice." Gaia replied: "There is no possibility of cheating. Even a genius needs constant hard work. You are not a genius, so if you want to become a professional boxer, then you need to work harder. , and my suggestion is that you hire a professional boxing coach."

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