Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 184 It’s weight loss, but it’s also torture (Ten updates are perfect, crazy asking for month

Most people couldn't run ten kilometers, let alone Normans.

Normans's weight of 280 pounds is almost equivalent to running with weights. One kilometer is already very taxing on her.

Two kilometers is probably the limit, and Chen Zhao's request is obviously excessive.

However, running blindly will not have much effect.

Running mainly exercises thigh muscles and fat. The most effective way is actually swimming.

When you swim, you use all the muscles in your body.

If you want to lose 80 kilograms in a month, you need crazy exercise.

Of course, Normans would definitely not be able to exercise too strenuously in the first two or three days.

Long-term laziness habits lead to physical inertia.

Once exercise begins, lactic acid builds up in the muscle tissue, resulting in creatine, muscle weakness, and soreness.

However, the body can adjust itself. As long as you get used to this kind of exercise, your body functions will start to get used to it and adjust to the best state.

This has nothing to do with physical fitness. This is true even for two extreme identities, nerds and athletes.

If athletes do not exercise for a long time, they need to perform recovery training.

The same goes for fat people. As long as they get used to this kind of exercise, they will slowly adapt.

And relatively speaking, fat people have more fat to burn.

Maybe fat people cannot exercise continuously, but if they only exercise intermittently, their endurance is definitely no worse than that of professional athletes.

The difference is only in willpower, which is undoubtedly very high in athletes.

The willpower of athletes is unmatched by ordinary people, let alone fat people who have long been accustomed to a lazy life.

Therefore, Chen Zhao could only use this method of coercion to get Normans to move.

"Stop to take a rest and eat two apples to replenish your strength." Chen Zhao said.

"That's it for today's exercise. I'm too tired to stand up."

"Want a chicken drumstick?" Chen Zhao took out a drumstick from the kitchen.

Normans swallowed, a hungry wolf shining in his eyes.

She had not known the taste of meat for two days, and now Chen Zhao was actually eating chicken legs in front of her.

"What should I do?"

"One thousand meter freestyle."

"I can not swim."

"I asked your dad if you could swim. I heard that you were in school and used to be a member of the school swimming team."

"That's in the past. Do you think I can swim like I am now?"

"Fat can help you float better on the water. Don't tell me you can't swim. Even if you row slowly, as long as you row a thousand meters, I will admit it."

"I don't have a swimsuit at home." Normans' face was full of fat, and he actually showed shyness.

It's not that there are no swimsuits at home, it's that there are no swimsuits suitable for her.

With her current figure, no swimsuit can fit her.

"Yes." Chen Zhao took out a set of swimsuits. This was an oversized swimsuit that Chen Zhao had specially purchased before coming here.

"You despicable devil! If I had the strength now, I would definitely tear you apart."

"You will gain strength after eating this apple, but I advise you to save your strength and swim one thousand meters freestyle."

"You think I will compromise?"

Chen Zhao wiped the grease on his hands: "Whatever you want."

"Okay, one thousand meter freestyle, right?"

When Normans changed into his swimsuit, he jumped into the water and splashed into huge waves.

The swimming pool built by Mr. Dorman in his manor is a standard fifty-meter swimming pool, which means that Normans needs to swim twenty laps to reach one thousand meters.

After Normans entered the water, he looked back at Chen Zhao and said, "Don't forget, you also have to swim with me."

"Okay." After changing into his swimsuit, Chen Zhao also got into the water.

Accompanying Normans, he started swimming. The distance of one thousand meters was no pressure for Chen Zhao.

Chen Zhao's speed was twice that of Normans. Normans discovered that Chen Zhao's swimming speed was very fast and his endurance was amazing.

She even doubted whether Chen Zhao was a professional athlete.

By the time she swam two laps, Chen Zhao had already swam three or four laps.

Little did she know that Chen Zhao was addicted to swimming and was completely immersed in the fun of exercise.

"This bastard, is he showing off his physical strength?" Normans felt an unknown fire in his heart and swam faster.

However, her huge body makes her water resistance greater, making swimming more difficult and consuming more physical energy.

It took Chen Zhao ten minutes to swim a thousand meters, but Chen Zhao continued to swim.

At this time, Normans had only played six laps, because after every fifty meters of swimming, Normans had to take a rest.

To be honest, Normans was also envious when she saw Chen Zhao's strong figure in the water.

There was a time when she was so strong.

But that emotional experience ruined her life.

Chen Zhao swam for a while and finally came ashore and sat next to Normans. Normans had only swum ten laps at this time.

Swimming consumes more physical energy than running.

"Asshole, why are you swimming so fast? What I need is for you to swim with me, not to show off your physical ability in front of me."

"Okay, after you get into the water, I will continue to swim with you."

"That's pretty much it."

It took Normans a full hour to swim twenty laps.

When she came ashore, she was lying on the edge of the pool like rotten meat.

"Get up and walk around first."

Chen Zhao brought another scale: "Come here and measure your weight."

When Normans stepped on the scale, the number displayed was one hundred and thirty-four kilograms.

I have to say that these two days of strenuous exercise still had an effect, and I lost a full six kilograms of weight.

However, this was in the early stages of training. Normans's base weight was too high, so slightly increasing the amount of exercise would release the water in the fat, so the weight dropped very quickly.

In the middle and later stages, this weight loss rate will slow down a lot, because in the early stage, fat water is released, and in the later stage, more exercise is needed to consume and burn fat.

"Would you like to eat roasted whole chicken?" Chen Zhao asked.

"Don't tell me to swim 10,000 meters. Even in the past, I couldn't do it when my weight was normal, let alone now."

"No, as long as you swim another two thousand meters, that's enough."

Can you swim another two thousand meters and get a whole roasted chicken?

This is a big temptation for Normans.

"Okay, I'll swim!"

"But if you fail to complete the two thousand meters, then I will only compensate you with another drumstick based on the distance."

Normans was fooled, because after she swam another thousand meters, she found that she could no longer swim at all.

Her body had reached its limit, and she felt as if her limbs no longer belonged to her.

It was impossible for her to swim another two thousand meters. Chen Zhao had accurately calculated her physical limit, so he set a trap for her.

Friends who have a monthly ticket should vote for it. If not, I don’t mind recommending it.

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