Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1657 Alternative Evolution

The monster was coming in the direction of the commandos.

Chen Zhao stood on the roof of a three-story building.

In fact, the distance between him and the commando was only twenty meters.

But the fog blocked their sight.

So much so that even standing so close, it becomes so far away.

Some monsters spotted Chen Zhao, but they were all kicked away by Chen Zhao.

These monsters were fighting each other, but they did not gather to besiege Chen Zhao.

Finally, the first commando victim appeared.

Not the infected Merrick.

But another team member.

Two living corpses rushed into the formation, disrupting the commando's deployment.

Chen Zhao discovered that the attack power of these living corpses was only average.

Of course, the so-called general is not to compare with Chen Zhao.

But compared with these American imperial soldiers.

Their only advantage is speed.

And it's still due to this thick fog.

If there wasn't this heavy fog.

The American soldiers have already wiped them out.

But it was this heavy fog that prevented the American soldiers from doing what they wished.

It was then that Merrick finally launched into action.

At this time, he is no longer himself.

Magical spores infiltrated his brain and he was now a living corpse.

Like zombie spores in the Amazon rainforest.

But he didn't just turn into a brainless creature.

He has human wisdom.

Under circumstances that no one expected.

Merrick captures a former comrade.

Then dragged into the fog.

The teammate who was dragged into the fog by Merrick was bitten to death by him.

Chen Zhao watched all this without any intention of intervening.

After Merrick ate the man, he became stronger.

The magic spores have completely changed him.

A living corpse no longer has a digestive system.

They convert food directly into energy.

One advantage of this is that in a short period of time, physical fitness can reach incredible levels.

But the disadvantages are also obvious, just like if a person takes stimulants, even sitting still is very difficult.

And once the energy is consumed to a certain level, they will feel more hungry and thirsty.

They need more food to replenish the energy they consume.

If there is enough food here, these living corpses will be exposed to the outside world together.

But except for living corpses, there are no other living things here.

They can only eat the same kind.

But now, the commandos have arrived.

Let the living corpses here focus their attention on the commandos.

Chen Zhao also discovered something.

Living corpses with more parasitic spores on them.

They are no more powerful than their counterparts, but they are more energetic.

In other words, they consume and control physical energy more accurately.

After Merrick devoured the bodies of his former comrades, he took off his isolation suit.

It comes into contact with the fog in the air over a large area, and allows the magical spores in the fog to parasitize on its body.

These magical spores cannot directly attach to the skin, but need to enter the blood or mouth in order to parasitize Merrick's body.

And this is no ordinary parasitism, but mainly based on the first magic spore.

The host is like a house, and the magic spores are the relationship between the owner and the tenant.

The owner cannot rent to as many tenants as he wants.

They need to obtain their flesh and blood by devouring more people or similar species, and then turn their flesh and blood into their own, so that more magical spores can parasitize on their bodies.

Merrick didn't just attack the commandos.

It focused on another of its kind, a relatively weak living corpse.

Without much effort, Merrick made it a part of himself.

Merrick's body begins to mutate.

An arm sprouted from its left shoulder.

But Merrick's changes don't stop there.

It's more varied than having an extra arm.

It comes more from invisible changes within the body.

Its body structure becomes more reasonable.

In a way, it is also evolving.

But how can evolution be so easy?

Chen Zhao has experienced several evolutions.

However, Chen Zhao's physical evolution came from the golden key.

Moreover, Chen Zhao needs to consume a lot of energy every time.

However, the energy required for the evolution of living corpses is through devouring.

This kind of evolution is very unstable.

If Chen Zhao's evolutionary process is like building a tall building, he only builds a little height each time, but the advantage is stability.

Then the evolution of living corpses is like stacking blocks. They can rise very high in a short period of time, but they can easily collapse.

This is the difference between the two.

In fact, this metaphor is not appropriate.

The process of human evolution is essentially a process of building tall buildings.

The foundation is already there, and all of Chen Zhao's evolution is based on this foundation.

The evolution of living corpses is different. It removes this foundation and says, come on, let's build building blocks.

In fact, there are traces of human evolution. The first is the evolution of appearance.

Human beings have been evolving in the direction of becoming taller and more in line with the physical environment.

Why humans like beauty is actually determined by genes.

Put aside the issue of individual aesthetic differences.

Human beings subconsciously believe that beauty is more advanced.

Therefore, the direction of human evolution will be more in line with human aesthetics.

As long as the sense of environment does not undergo earth-shaking changes.

Then the general direction of human evolution will not change.

It won't happen that it becomes uglier as it evolves.

Of course, this kind of ugliness is not the ugliness of the face, but the distortion of the body shape.

In fact, this kind of aesthetics does not only happen to people.

Many species in the world have actually evolved in this direction.

Humans also tend to like cute and beautiful animals.

There are also aesthetic trends among the same species.

What happened on this artificial island should have been caused by some lunatic or lunatic organization.

Maybe even the government.

Don’t think this is impossible. Some small towns on the borders of the US empire have mysteriously disappeared.

Similar secrets are kept within the Paranormal Society.

The commandos lost several more people one after another.

Merrick was more cunning.

It had been secretly following the commandos.

No matter whether the commando members were killed or the living corpses were eliminated.

It devours the corpse.

Lusenko, the leader of the commando team, felt that the risk of operating in the open space was too great.

He decided to enter the largest building on the artificial island, which was the supermarket.

The supermarket is considered a closed space, and there is not much fog inside.

But in Chen Zhao's view, this was a very wrong decision.

In this world, if there is any man-made maze, it is undoubtedly the supermarket.

Large supermarkets will try to make the terrain as complex as possible.

Just to prevent guests from leaving.

And now the commandos themselves enter a huge maze.

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