Chen Zhao couldn't explain Jin Tong's stubbornness in just a few words.

And Chen Zhao was not interested in competing with Jin Tong for Ziwu Choumao.

For example, Beelzebub who is following Chen Zhao is a subordinate of the King of Gluttony, or the great lord Beelzebub Zoffei.

Are they evil? According to human rules, they are indeed evil.

But is that caused by their blood?

Not at all, but caused by the environment of hell.

They have to do that to survive in hell.

In fact, in Chen Zhao's view, hell is also the law of the jungle, where the strong are respected and the fittest survive.

In fact, those old-timers in the supernatural world, and even those who are older in the supernatural world, should understand that there is no such thing as evil power in this world.

After noon, everyone will go to Gaima Island again.

Chen Zhao provided a lot of things, including tents, food and water, as well as various tools.

There are more people on Gaima Island today. Yesterday there were only more than a hundred people. Today there are three or four times more people on Gaima Island. It is estimated that there are four to five hundred people.

"With so many people, even if we join forces, we may not be able to win many meritorious achievements." Jolene Nash was not confident.

If it was one-on-one, she might be sure.

But there are too many people on Gaima Island today.

"The others are similar," Jin Tong said.

"To be honest, if your teacher is willing to take action, you will be more confident." Pei'an said.

Although she and Jin Tong had the same idea, they both felt that Chen Zhao and Chen Zhao's disciples were a bit ignorant and fearless.

But I have to admit that Chen Zhao is indeed very powerful.

If you put them on this island, they might be top-notch beings.

But, everyone didn’t think so.

If Chen Zhao takes action, there will be no chance for them to take action.

They have seen with their own eyes how terrifying Chen Zhao's strength is.

The only time Chen Zhao acted for real, and the only time he was injured, was when he fought the three-headed dragon.

It's a pity that only Moore Raz was lucky enough to see that battle.

However, compared with the three-headed dragon, the Turin is not so scary.

Moreover, the main purpose of their coming this time is not the reward from the Scarlet Church, but the trial.

That's what they really need.

If it's just a reward, then Chen Zhao only needs to take action.

In the association, the most important thing is practical ability.

Even Erdos dared to walk into the trial tower.

Therefore, for Little Grove and others, what is really important in this Turin ghost ship encirclement and suppression operation is the actual combat trial, not the reward.

Jin Tong and Pei An began to draw the magic circle again, while Qiao Lin Nash and others stayed to help them.

Of course, when the Turin arrives, they will fight on their own.

Jin Tong and Pei An also trust Qiao Lin Nash and others.

The people on Gaima Island are basically preparing nervously for war.

Because no one knows whether the Turin will arrive tonight.

The detection of the Turin can only rely on some supernatural spy satellites organized by the organization.

After all, it is impossible to send an airplane or ship to investigate. Once an airplane or ship is used, the greatest possibility is to be attacked by the Turin and silenced.

The Turin cannot be detected during the day and will only appear at night.

The factor that determines whether the Turin will come tonight is the air currents in the Pacific Ocean.

If it doesn't show up tonight, it will definitely show up tomorrow night.

However, starting from the afternoon, the wind in the sea around Gaima Island became stronger.

This was a harbinger of the arrival of the Turin.

Every time the Turin appeared, it was accompanied by violent storms.

Dark clouds began to obscure the sun.

The entire Gaima Island was shrouded in dark clouds.

On the Hydra, Chen Zhao raised his head and glanced at the sky.

"Will it come tonight."

The waves were also a little bigger, shaking the Hydra a little.

Although it is not strong, it still has some influence.

Chen Zhao controlled the sea water to reduce the impact on the Hydra.

Chen Zhao has been thinking recently about how to fill his body with magic power while controlling his body from flying without weight.

This problem has been bothering Chen Zhao for several days.

Although flying is an eternal pursuit for human beings.

But when Da Lao truly has the ability to fly but is unable to control it, it feels very bad.

If every cell in Chen Zhao's body was full of magic power, then Chen Zhao would fly directly to the stratosphere.

However, after several days, Chen Zhao still had no clue.

Chen Zhao thought about carrying weight, but it was okay.

Wearing something hundreds of kilograms on his body would not be a burden to Chen Zhao.

But it will be very inconvenient in life.

For example, sitting on the sofa, lying on the bed, or driving.

Take the Porsche 918 at home as an example. If Chen Zhao was wearing a load of hundreds of kilograms, it would probably be crushed by the wheels.

What Chen Zhao needs is a method that does not affect his life and can be controlled.

Chen Zhao's current state, to put it bluntly, has a mass density lower than that of air, which is similar to a hot air balloon in principle.

So in fact, this is not flying in the true sense. If it is in an environment without air, then Chen Zhao will not be able to fly.

What does flying really look like from a scientific perspective?

Through propulsion, escape from gravity counts as one.

There is also anti-gravity, but this kind of anti-gravity cannot be realized with current technology and is still at the conceptual level.

But Chen Zhao suddenly thought of a way.

Or rather it is a possibility.

That's the quality of the magic that changes.

The most fundamental reason why he got rid of gravity is because the magic changed the quality of every cell, thereby freeing himself from the constraints of gravity.

The quality of magic power is lower than that of air, and this is the most fundamental reason.

So what if the mass of magic is greater than air?

Changing the quality of magic power is equivalent to compressing magic power at a higher density, which is to increase one's own magic power in disguised form.

From a scientific perspective, it can be done.

But this is not science, this is magic, a supernatural power.

Can you really do it yourself?

Chen Zhao was not very sure.

Each cell is like an oxygen bottle or a gas tank filled with gas.

The technical principles of oxygen bottles and gas tanks are the same. Through air compression, oxygen and gas are compressed into liquids, which increases the density of oxygen and gas.

Chen Zhao thought. If it was a liquid, he would be able to control it.

Maybe this method works!

But now there is the most critical step.

How to compress magic power?

Chen Zhao stretched out his palm, and a ball of magic power gathered in his palm.

Then Chen Zhao's palm began to shrink, the magic power began to shrink, and the density began to increase.

A blob of liquid begins to appear.

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