Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1457 Tridacna becomes spirit

Not on the sea?

Chen Zhao was confused, could it be that the psychic master sank into the water?

However, no one was seen in the shallow water area.

Did it sink into deep water?

If it sank into deep water, it would probably be dead.

After all, ordinary psychics shouldn't be able to withstand that much water pressure.

And judging from the fluctuations of magic power, the owner of this magic power is not strong, and his strength should not be very good.

But the magic is always there.

That means the master of the magic power is not dead yet.

Chen Zhao dived into the deep waters and began to search on the seabed.

After searching over and over again, I still couldn't find anyone sinking in the water.

Chen Zhao can basically determine that it is within a sea area of ​​about one kilometer in diameter.

Because as long as Chen Zhao leaves this range, he will feel the magic power fluctuation disappear.

Chen Zhao searched back and forth in this area again.

I really didn't find any ghost victims.

Chen Zhao suddenly stopped and slapped his head, wait... isn't he a human?

Why does it have to be human? It could also be other creatures.

Maybe it's a magical creature.

This time Chen Zhao searched in more detail.

The first thing is that it must be of sufficient size and cannot be small fish or shrimp.

Those creatures that only have instincts definitely don't have magic power, don't even think about it.

Even in an environment like hell, small fish and shrimps will not have magic power, let alone in the human world.

And these creatures tend to be larger than normal for similar species.

Because magic can stimulate abnormal biological characteristics.

For example, this is the case with the mixed-race people in the family.

At this moment, Chen Zhao saw a fish.

It has a colorful body and a round mouth that can probably fit an adult's fist in. It's about 80 centimeters long, but it's quite fat.

But Chen Zhao didn't recognize the species of this fish.

Is it that fish?

Chen Zhao suddenly accelerated and carried through the water.

Chen Zhao believed that there was absolutely no creature in the water that could be faster than him.

Even fish are no exception.

Even the sailfish, the fastest swimmer in the world, can't swim faster than Chen Zhao.

The normal speed of the swordfish is 110 kilometers per hour, and the maximum speed that bursts out in a short period of time is close to 200 kilometers per hour.

Although Chen Zhao has never tested his speed, it is definitely far beyond this speed.

Since Chen Zhao absorbed the deep sea realm, his speed in the sea has been close to that on land.

In an instant, Chen Zhao caught the fat fish.

Fatty Fish struggled twice in Chen Zhao's hand, but could not break free.

However, the moment Chen Zhao caught the fat fish, he felt that there was no magic power in the fat fish.

Obviously, the magic power fluctuations are not emanating from this fish.

Chen Zhao loosened his grip and the fat fish jumped out.

Chen Zhao originally wanted to let it go.

But it was so stubborn that it headed directly towards the five tiger generals and the dolphin family.

Under normal circumstances, it will be very cautious and will flee as soon as a shark approaches.

But just after being caught by Chen Zhao, he was still in panic, so he had no idea about his escape route.

Lao Zhang opened his mouth and bit off half of the fat fish.

This fat fish is not dead yet. It is still struggling to swim with half of its body.

The dolphin family is not a believer, and they will rush for food when they go up.

Chen Zhao continued to search for the source of magic power.

With a diameter of one kilometer, this is not a small area.

At least for one person, this area is still very large.

In the deep sea, big fish are nothing unusual.

There were not even a hundred but eighty big fish in the entire area.

When Chen Zhao saw any suspicious fish, he went straight up and caught it.

If you find something wrong, throw it away, but the five tiger generals and the dolphin family behind you will accept all comers.

Chen Zhao let go of his front hand, and the back fell into their mouths.

Suddenly, Chen Zhao's figure paused, and there was a huge clam in front of him.

so big! What a big clam! !

Look at the diameter, it's almost five meters, right?

The clam opened slightly, and there was an irregular black pearl inside.

Generally, pearls are nearly round in shape.

But the black pearls can no longer be described as pieces, but only as blocks.

The piece of pearl was probably as big as an adult's thigh, like the plasticine a child had played with, or chewed gum.

Chen Zhao's heart moved, it was definitely this guy, it was the magic power emanating from this guy.

Chen Zhao slowly swam over and reached out to grab the pearl. As if the clam was aware of the danger, or sensed Chen Zhao through touch, the lid suddenly closed and clamped Chen Zhao's arm.

I'll go, the response is so fast!

Chen Zhao tried to open it with his other hand, but failed.

Try it again! Still haven't broken it apart.

Isn't it? Can't you break this up?

The power of this clam is too great.

Chen Zhao couldn't use all his strength now, and Chen Zhao didn't really want to hurt this spiritual creature, so Chen Zhao didn't kill the clam directly.

Chen Zhao wanted to bring the Tridacna home, build a water tank at home, and raise it in his own home.

But the power of the clam was beyond Chen Zhao's expectation.

This made Chen Zhao stop thinking.

It is indeed very ornamental to keep at home.

The key is danger.

Especially the two little ones at home, they don’t understand danger.

If they climb into the water tank and get caught by this guy, it will definitely be very dangerous.

However, it is still possible to keep them in nearby sea areas.

Anyway, Chen Zhao wanted to get this good thing into his home.

Killing is definitely reluctant to kill.

But the clam refused to let go.

Chen Zhao was a little depressed.

If you force it open, it is not impossible, but it will cause muscle strain inside the clam.

Despite their size, clams are actually quite fragile.

Chen Zhao still wanted to open it in a gentler way.

How to do it?

Although the power of the clam is great, it does no harm to Chen Zhao.

But you can't just let it bite your arm like this.

Chen Zhao suddenly thought of a way. The fingers of Chen Zhao's right arm moved and lightly pressed on the tender meat of the clam.

Chen Zhao wants to tickle it.

Sure enough, the clam became looser than the flesh wall, and Chen Zhao immediately retracted his arm.


Fortunately, he let go. If he didn't let go, Chen Zhao would really have to use more ruthless methods.

In this case, the clam will inevitably be harmed.

It's better to get it home now.

Chen Zhao picked up the clam and felt its weight.

It weighs about ten tons.

This clam is probably going to be the best in the world, right?

This guy is probably about to become a sperm.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to drag home the world’s largest clam and keep it.

In the sea, Chen Zhao took the clam home without much effort.

But where to place it needs to be carefully considered.

Because clams can also run away, if they appear in unfamiliar waters, they may escape.

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