Huinip's proposal was actually just a casual comment.

Even she knew that it was impossible for Chen Zhao to agree to this request.

How could a company with a very clear market prospect, strong profitability, and strong liquidity itself accept external funds at will?

Dashan Beer's profitability is so strong that it doesn't look like a new brand newly launched on the market.

You know, Dashan Beer is only a medium-sized beer brand company.

And the profitability is already comparable to that of large beer brand companies.

This is what Huinip is most jealous of.

You must know that Dashan Beer is not a listed company, and all this money goes into Chen Zhao's pocket.

However, this money is not unlimited. To be precise, productivity is not unlimited.

If it were another brewery, they could produce unlimited amounts.

If productivity is not enough, opening a branch factory can increase productivity infinitely.

But Dashan Beer can’t do it.

One of the raw materials of Dashan Beer is the water of Mirror Lake.

The main source of water in Mirror Lake is the waterfall.

The flow of the waterfall is limited, and the flow of the waterfall is the upper limit of the brewery's productivity.

Of course, it is still very difficult to reach the maximum flow rate of the waterfall.

At least with the current productivity, it is still far, far away from the upper limit.

With the arrival of Huinipu, Chen Zhao and Fali had a rare moment of leisure, just in time to spend their time together.

Whinip wished she could take care of little Greene and Larissa all by herself.

For her, this is the greatest happiness.

Chen Zhao finally didn't have to worry about Fali's health and spent the whole day messing around with Fali.

You don't have to worry about anything, just focus on your own happiness.

At this moment, Chen Zhao and Fali were interrupted by a phone call.

"Hello, Chen Zhao, I'm Li Qiong."

"Oh, Li Qiong, when do you have time?"

The next day after the storm passed, Chen Zhao called Li Qiong.

Because as mentioned before, Li Qiong is needed to help install and debug the housekeeper system.

Li Qiong also had a job, so she made an agreement with Chen Zhao to call Chen Zhao when the work was arranged.

"After today, I will have time." Li Qiong heard laughter on the phone.

"Have you resigned?" Chen Zhao vaguely understood the meaning of Li Qiong's words.

"The company doesn't allow me to take leave, so I can only resign." Li Qiong said helplessly.

" seems that I caused you to lose your job, so I'm really sorry."

"Are you kidding? You have to pay me 400,000 U.S. dollars, and my weekly salary is less than 3,000 U.S. dollars. Even fools know how to choose." Li Qiong chatted easily with Chen Zhao.

"By the way, what did you study in college?"

"I am philosophy and artificial intelligence." Li Qiong said.

"Philosophy and artificial intelligence? These two majors are too different, right?"

"You are not an expert in this field. You may not know that today's technological development of artificial intelligence is largely based on the human philosophical system, so these two subjects are far less biased than you think. "

"Okay, do you have time tomorrow? If you have time tomorrow, I will ask the security system company to ship the equipment."

"No problem, then I'll contact you tomorrow."


Chen Zhao had just hung up the phone from Li Qiong and was about to continue being affectionate with Fali when the phone rang again.

"Hey, Mr. Andrews, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Chen, I should congratulate you." Andrews' tone was quite polite: "Congratulations on your company's great success."

As the financial trader directly responsible for Chen Zhao, Andrews is similar to Chen Zhao's property steward. He is well aware of every capital incoming and outgoing of Chen Zhao. Of course, he also knows that the popular Dashan beer is Chen Zhao's private property.

Even if the tax bureau asks Andrews to investigate Chen Zhao, if Andrews is willing to cooperate, then Chen Zhao will definitely bleed a lot.

Of course, Andrews cannot do such a thing. He is the most professional financial steward.

His first duty is to protect his clients' personal property.

But Andrews really admired Chen Zhao.

In his opinion, Chen Zhao's huge investment in building a beer brand was completely thankless.

For at least the next three years, Andrews predicts that Chen Zhao will either lose a lot of money and accept a loan agreement from the bank, or he will not be able to sustain it.

But no one expected that Dashan Beer would be so popular. Currently, about US$60 million has been invested, but the market valuation has reached one billion US dollars.

What is this concept? In just half a year, Dashan Beer’s return on investment exceeded fifteen times.

Moreover, the market prospects are very good, and I believe that the market valuation of Dashan Beer will further increase.

Of course, banks hope to enter the market as soon as possible.

The earlier the entry time, the higher the profit will naturally be.

Just like Penguin and TB in China, the value of the original shares is the greatest.

Even the banks are a little bit restless. In the face of huge interests, who doesn’t want a share of the pie?

"You're not just congratulating me, are you?"

"Haha... Is Mr. Chen interested in accepting external capital injection?"

"It's too early now." Chen Zhao said.

Now Dashan Beer is limited by its output and distribution rate, so Dashan Beer's valuation is just over one billion US dollars. Chen Zhao is confident that Dashan Beer's valuation will increase several times. When others want to enter the market, it will not be possible. Ten million dollars is enough to qualify for admission.

Chen Zhao also knows that it is impossible to keep all the shares in his hands forever.

When necessary, shares still need to be divided.

Otherwise, if you make too much money, you will definitely attract the jealousy of others, and it will be really hard to prevent you from stumbling at various levels.

But Chen Zhao can buy time and hold on to his shares until the valuation of Dashan Beer does not meet his psychological expectations.

Andrews thought about it and said: "Our bank is willing to acquire Mr. Chen's shares at a premium of 200%."

Chen Zhao took a breath: "Is this what Yamila means?"

"No, it was a decision made by the senior management of our bank after deliberation."

Andrews's meaning is very clear. The bank's premium is 200%, which makes the bank also bear a lot of risk.

If the appreciation of Dashan Beer does not meet expectations, then the bank will suffer a big loss.

But similarly, if the appreciation space meets or exceeds expectations, the bank will make money.

Risks and returns definitely coexist. Even if Chen Zhao knows that his Dashan Beer can make money, it is impossible not to let banks make money. Banks are not fools when the valuation is high before letting banks enter.

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