Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1331: Feeling sleepy halfway (first update, please vote for me)

"Indis, you come with me to the hospital."

Indis was a member of the military's criminal investigation unit.

Generally, cases handled by the military's Criminal Investigation Division are more difficult than ordinary criminal investigations.

Because the subjects of their investigation are military personnel.

The military knows much more than ordinary people.

Many times they will destroy many pieces of evidence.

Investigators were left with little to no evidence.

As the top investigator of the military's Criminal Investigation Division, Indis has cracked many military crimes.

So it was natural for Mansari to ask Indis to assist him.

The two went to the hospital, where they met the survivors.

"Hello, Mr. Coleman, we are the police and we have a few questions to ask you." Manshari said.

The survivor Coleman turned his head to look at Mansari and Indis with dull eyes.

"You have asked me many times, and this time I have asked someone else. I have told you everything I know."

Koeman's tone was impatient and out of breath.

This is understandable, after all, the kidney was cut.

"Mr. Coleman, we want to help you."

"Help me? Help me find my kidney? Or help me get a kidney?"

Indis spoke: "Mr. Coleman, it may not be impossible to recover your kidney. The premise is that you are willing to assist us. You are our only clue. If you give up, I am afraid there is really no hope of catching the murderer." , got your kidney back."

Koeman struggled to hold himself up, both of his kidneys had been cut out.

He now relies on machines for excretion, and if a kidney that can be transplanted cannot be found in the short term, he is likely to face death.

"If you have anything to ask, just ask."

"Can you re-explain the environment of the crime scene? The more detailed the better." Indis said.

Koeman took a deep breath and began to state again.

He had repeated this process many times.

Basically, he has said everything that can be remembered.

Nothing more new.

"Were you fully conscious or semi-conscious at the time?" Indis asked.

"Sober up," Koeman said.

"Did you feel cold or hot?"

"Hot, hot." Koeman replied again.

"The murderer used drugs to stun you. Did you feel the sting?"

Koeman was stunned for a moment, frowned and recalled, and nodded after half a meal: "Yes, pungent."

“Are the indoor lights incandescent or fluorescent?”

"Incandescent lamp, but the coefficient should be very low, the light is dark yellow."

Mansari walked to Indis and looked at Indis's notes.

However, he discovered that Indis was not taking notes, but drawing pictures.

Indis turned the picture he drew to show Coleman: "Is the environment at the crime scene like this? Or is there something else wrong?"

Coman's face changed drastically, his whole body was shaking, and his eyes were full of fear.

Indis took him back to the terrible slaughterhouse...

"Mr. Coleman, thank you for your cooperation."

Manshali and Indis walked out of the ward, and Manshali asked: "How is it? Have you found any clues?"

"When the murderer kidnapped people, he used doflurin, which can quickly induce coma and has a strong pungent smell." Indis said: "According to the victim's explanation, he felt hot and hot. In the past five days, Los Angeles The daytime temperature in the city is around 19 degrees, and the night temperature is around 11 degrees. During the day, there will be a certain amount of warmth, but you won’t feel hot and dry. Hot and dry weather generally occurs when the humidity is high. In the past five days, Los Angeles and There is no rainy weather in the surrounding areas, which makes people feel hot and dry. There is only one possibility. The first crime scene is not on the ground, but in a cave, and it is at least ten meters deep underground. Only in this way can the overall environment be good. It will give people a feeling of heat, and the murderer deliberately arranged the cave inside the building, but because it was arranged randomly, it looks quite crude and rough. The dark yellow light has a very poor lighting effect, but it has a stronger sense of blood color. Shock, so the murderer deliberately used dark yellow incandescent lights. Even if someone woke up halfway, they would only notice the body on the chopping board, the blood stains, and the murderer, but ignore the surrounding environment. This is mainly because human senses have the ability to focus. effect, people will only notice information that their subconscious mind deems important.”

It has to be said that Indis’s analysis amazed Manshari.

Manshali himself listened to Koeman's answer and came up with almost no clues.

But Indis actually analyzed so many clues.

Mansari had worked with Indis in the past, so he knew how good Indis was at guessing.

Just as the elevator door was about to close, a hand suddenly blocked the elevator door.

"Wait a moment." Chen Zhao walked into the elevator.

But when Chen Zhao looked up, he found Mansali actually standing in the elevator.

Manshali's expression also froze, and his expression suddenly became unnatural.

Chen Zhao remained expressionless, yawned, and then waited for the elevator to reach the first floor to leave.

He is here to treat a patient.

However, during the treatment process, Chen Zhao was not in good condition.

The sleepy feeling came again, and I barely finished the treatment for the patient.

Indis looked at Mansari doubtfully.

"Do you know that person?" Indis looked at the person in front of him who yawned repeatedly.

It was obvious that they all knew each other.

Indis felt it from the first moment they looked at each other.

But they are definitely not friends.

Mansari was very nervous just now.

It's like a mouse meeting a cat.

Even for thirty seconds in the elevator, Mansali didn't dare to breathe.

He was really afraid of that man.

At this moment, the man in front suddenly tilted and fell to the ground.

Soon, a female nurse next to him ran up and helped him up.

He seemed to be asking what was wrong with him.

The man shook his head and then kind of waddled away.

Such a weak person, would Manshali be afraid of such a person?

Manshali looked at Chen Zhao's back with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Mansari simply ignored Indis's question.

Chen Zhao was driving the car and was about to go back when he received another call from West.

"President, Osorisa has officially returned. We are going to hold a welcome party for her tomorrow night."

"Oh, okay, I remember, I will go." Chen Zhao hung up the phone and suddenly felt more sleepy.

No, I can't drive the car.

Chen Zhaoqiang braced himself, parked the car on the side of the road, and picked up the phone at the same time: "Hey... Fali... I... seem to be sleepy again..."

Chen Zhao didn't even finish the phone call. He yawned and lay down on the passenger seat.

At this time, a man wearing a hooded jumpsuit walked to Chen Zhao's car, looked at Chen Zhao lying in the car, looked around, and took out a handkerchief from his pocket...

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