"Where are you living right now?"

"I've been hiding in the church. I don't even dare to go out to church these days."

Sienna shook her head, those Catholic guys didn't know how to exorcise evil spirits.

If that church had any holy relics, maybe it would be okay.

But if it's just an ordinary church, no matter how magnificent it is, it's useless.

"Would you like to stay at my house for a few days? I'll pay the rent."

"Um...how much?"

"It depends on how long you're staying. How about two hundred dollars for a week?"

"It's so expensive. I can stay in a hotel for up to twenty dollars a day." Chris is not rich either. She is now unemployed.

"That's one hundred and fifty dollars. You know, my home is much better than a hotel."

"So what's my problem?"

"For another hundred dollars, I will definitely help you get rid of all your troubles. At least I guarantee your safety."

"Has Nance turned into an evil spirit? Is he cheating on me?" Chris's tone was full of sadness.

At this moment, she was completely awake. People can only feel fear after experiencing despair.

She didn't even dare to imagine how desperate that moment was.

"Maybe. Will your ex-boyfriend show up at night?" Sienna patted Chris' thigh.

"Most of the time, he will show up. You can really get rid of evil spirits, right? Are you a real psychic?"

Different from when she was nervous just now, Chris was not only sober at this moment, she even started to question Sienna.

"I'm a professional."

"Professional? Just set up a stall here?"

"Whoever stipulates that professionals cannot set up stalls? If you look at the boastful psychics in the media, they are just parallel imports."

"The reward must wait until you help me solve the problem before I give it to you."

"Pay half first."

"The most I can give you is another fifty dollars, and I can't give you all until the whole thing is done." Chris was also poor and had lost her job.

"One hundred dollars, I will provide you with food and accommodation. The rent must be paid first."

"Okay, one hundred dollars, the rest will be paid after it's over."

After discussion, the two women finally reached a consensus.

Sienna is a witch, a very, very poor witch.

Sienna called David: "David, are you busy now?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"I have a friend, a female, a very beautiful woman, who wants to stay with us for a few days, is that okay?"

"Of course, no problem, you can stay for as many days as you want." David said excitedly.

Sienna clenched her fists and felt a little excited.

After hanging up the phone, Chris' face suddenly turned ugly: "You live with your boyfriend?"

"No, it's just an ordinary friend. That house belongs to him, and I rent it from him temporarily." Sienna replied.

In fact, it's just borrowing, not renting.

She doesn't pay the rent, and she doesn't have the money to pay the rent.

As for borrowing chickens to lay eggs, she was already extremely poor anyway.

He didn't care about the face, not to mention that David was very happy.

"Ordinary friends? Is it safe?" Chris has little confidence in a man's integrity.

To her, men are all the same.

"David is a cop and a coward."

Today is Chen Zhao's first day of class, fighting class.

Behind Gaia were two muscular men with similar builds to Gaia.

Gaia waved her hand, and the two muscular men dropped the protective gear they were carrying on the ground.

"Put it on."

"Do you have to wear protective gear when taking fighting classes?" Chen Zhao asked.

Gaia shook her head: "Only needed for the first class."

While putting on protective gear, Chen Zhao asked: "Why is it necessary in the first class?"

The two muscular men had already put on their boxing gloves. Gaia looked at the two muscular men, and then her eyes returned to Chen Zhao.

"the first lesson……"

"Are you fighting them?" Chen Zhao asked.

"No, the first class is an anti-blow class."


"To put it simply, it's a beating."

"I want my money back." Chen Zhao suddenly became angry.

I spend money to learn how to beat people, not to get beaten.

Gaia looked at Chen Zhao with a smile, and Chen Zhao settled for the next best thing: "It doesn't matter if I don't refund the money, I won't study anymore."

"Okay, don't lose your temper anymore. They are all professionals and will be measured." Gaia said seriously.

“What are they professionals at?”

"In terms of beating people up."


After the banter, Gaia returned to her professional self.

Chen Zhao was neatly dressed in protective gear, and two muscular men were already wearing boxing gloves and standing in front of Chen Zhao.

"Chen Zhao, when you face one or more opponents, you must first make a judgment, attack or defend, and defense requires your resistance to blows and defensive skills. Now you are facing Artest, Johnny is your enemy..."

"Can I fight back?"

"No." Gaia replied without mercy.

Bang bang——

Artai's gloves touched each other and made a rough sound.

"Young man, put your hands on your head to protect your head. I don't want to kill you." Artest reminded.

"Holy shit, I want to go home..."

Anyone surrounded by two muscular men would flinch.

However, when Artest's fist hit his head, Chen Zhao's head shook slightly.

It doesn't seem to hurt that much...

At this moment, Artest's second punch had arrived.

When Artest threw his first punch, Chen Zhao was prepared.

But Chen Zhao was distracted at this time, causing the second punch to hit Chen Zhao's ear directly.

Chen Zhao staggered to sit on the ground, Gaia frowned, and then made a gesture to Artai.

Artai took off his gloves and stepped forward to support Chen Zhao: "How are you, boy, are you still conscious?"

"Yes, I'm awake."

"How much is this?"

“Here’s the middle finger, fu**, let’s move on.”

To be honest, Artest's fist power is far inferior to Gaia's.

Chen Zhao's pressure was not great, and then Johnny also joined the team besieging Chen Zhao.

Johnny's attack was weaker than Artest's, and Chen Zhao estimated his ability to resist the attack.

Even if he is surrounded by two people, as long as the fist does not directly hit his vulnerable part, it is difficult for him to be injured. At most, he will be a little bruised.

"Fu**, boy, I'm tired from beating you, aren't you tired at all?"

"You're not tired, keep going."

"Artai, you come down and rest, let me do it instead."

"I'm tired, I want to rest." Seeing that Gaia was about to play, Chen Zhao gave in decisively.

If this female Greymon was serious about it, it would really kill people.

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