Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1187 Underground Lake (Fourth update, please vote for me)

There is no light here, but the darkness has no effect on Chen Zhao.

The surrounding rock walls are brownish red, and there are some black substances.

This is already a depth of two thousand meters underground.

But this is not enough. The depth of two thousand meters is only the earth's crust.

The thickness of the Earth's crust is approximately thirty-three kilometers.

So far, human technology is still unable to penetrate deep into the earth's crust.

Chen Zhao found that the temperature here was higher than expected.

Chen Zhao began to walk through the cracks.

The width of the crack is not static.

Some places were very narrow, and Chen Zhao had to use violent means to widen the width of the cracks.

And Chen Zhao's incomplete little world provided Chen Zhao with sufficient magic power.

The environment here and the test on creatures are more severe than imagined.

If Chen Zhao had come down before, before he understood the chaos and emptiness, in half an hour, Chen Zhao would have either turned around or died here.

Every minute he walked, Chen Zhao seemed to be experiencing a battle.

The magic power was consumed like a tide.

However, the golden key in Chen Zhao's body is also changing.

Chen Zhao felt that his body was no longer so uncomfortable.

At least the high temperature here is no longer the biggest trouble.

Xiaotiandi is maintaining Chen Zhao's own magic power consumption.

On the contrary, it reduced Chen Zhao's burden.

Today, Chen Zhao is in the best condition.

The incomplete little world brought Chen Zhao a huge source of magic power, but it also brought a burden to Chen Zhao.

And now Chen Zhao's crazy consumption of magic power is decompressing Chen Zhao himself.

It's like the weight that was originally carrying fifty tons has been reduced to forty tons.

Of course, there are disadvantages to carrying heavy loads, but there are also advantages.

Because Chen Zhao's own quality has increased.

Chen Zhao always had a drawback when fighting some large or super large monsters.

Even if Chen Zhao's strength is greater than that of his opponent, his own weight will cause him to be knocked away without a point of focus.

This is like if Chen Zhao fell from a high altitude, the impact it would bring was very limited.

Because with Chen Zhao's weight, he was like a drop of rain falling from the clouds.

If raindrops could accelerate infinitely, then raindrops could kill a person.

In fact, raindrops cannot, because their mass is too small.

But if it is replaced by a large-mass object, such as hail, it can really kill people.

This is the impact change brought about by quality.

The same is true for Chen Zhao now. Chen Zhao can now run rampant like a monster.

No fancy moves or attacks are needed, just use impact to destroy the enemy.

Suddenly, Chen Zhao's footsteps stopped.

The edge of the small world seemed to feel a force rushing from the front.

Chen Zhao immediately used Qingyi Xia to protect himself.

The next moment, a violent burst of heat rushed towards Chen Zhao.

That's water vapor with a temperature of hundreds of degrees.

And the water vapor brought by this geothermal heat brings great impact in this small space.

Even Chen Zhao couldn't resist. Chen Zhao was directly hit by the water vapor and hit the rock wall.

"Huh..." Chen Zhao shook his head. The force of this impact was really too great.

This is the power from nature, completely beyond human understanding.

But this also sounded the alarm for Chen Zhao.

Even now, I may be at the top of the food chain in the world.

But compared with nature, I am nothing.

Now I am facing the most terrifying side of nature again.

Therefore, I will be even more humble.

Chen Zhao continued to move forward, and no fork in the road appeared as he imagined.

This actually surprised Chen Zhao.

But it's understandable.

Some land plates are unstable, and small-scale changes in geological structure are normal.

Of course, the land plates mentioned here are not continental plates.

Continental plates are generally between 50 kilometers and 250 kilometers thick.

Chen Zhao's current location is only on the surface of the American continental plate.

However, the surface plates will still move.

Chen Zhao walked for another half an hour, and suddenly a light appeared in front of his eyes.

The light was not strong, but Chen Zhao still saw the blue light.

Chen Zhao walked forward quickly. Chen Zhao couldn't believe his eyes.

This is a super huge lake cave. The top rock wall of the cave is covered with a layer of light blue fluorescence.

The fluorescence is reflected on the lake, making it look like sapphire.

According to Chen Zhao's visual inspection, the visible area of ​​this lake is at least dozens of times that of Mirror Lake.

The surrounding temperature is not very high. It should be the water here that lowers the temperature here.

Chen Zhao thought about it again and felt something was wrong.

Although this underground water lake is very large, in this environment and under the heat of thousands of years, the water temperature here will become very high.

Chen Zhao had already arrived at the lake and tested the water temperature. It turned out to be normal temperature water.

If this was a hot spring, Chen Zhao could accept it, but the water temperature here was only over ten degrees, which was too low.

Unless there is another water source here, keep pouring water here, and then the water here flows to other places, so that the water can be kept at normal temperature.

Suddenly, a tentacle emerged from the lake and wrapped around Chen Zhao's ankle.

Chen Zhao pulled his feet and pulled the tentacle body out of the water.

This is a large, strange-looking octopus, and its body emits fluorescence.

The next moment, the fluorescence on the fluorescent octopus became bright.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Zhao felt a powerful current pouring into his body.

However, the intensity of the current is very average, and the current does not pose any threat to Chen Zhao.

The strong current emitted by the fluorescent octopus replenished Chen Zhao's magic power.

Chen Zhao directly tore off the tentacles of the big octopus, and a large amount of milky white liquid spattered out from the severed limbs of the fluorescent octopus.

Huh? Is this diluted earth essence?

This big octopus actually has the essence of the earth in it?

Chen Zhao became excited immediately and began to absorb the essence of the earth from the big octopus.

Soon the essence of the earth in the fluorescent octopus was drained by Chen Zhao, and the fluorescent octopus also lost its life.

Chen Zhao threw the fluorescent octopus back into the lake.

But at this moment, another big mouth appeared in the water and bit off half of the fluorescent octopus' body in one bite.

Chen Zhao looked towards the lake. There was an eye under the lake that was also watching Chen Zhao.

It was a waterhopper, a very big one.

Water flies are a very special creature because they are actually the larvae of dragonflies.

But in fact, by the time waterhoppers grow into dragonflies, they are already in their old age.

Human beings are more familiar with beautiful dragonflies and are full of disgust for ugly water flies.

This water hyacinth seemed to regard Chen Zhao as its prey.

Chen Zhao had similar thoughts. This water hyacinth should also have the essence of the earth in it.

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