Demons Beside You (The Demons Beside Me)

Chapter 1140 Spider Demon (Fourth update, please vote for me)

"Who is she?" The female Crypt Demon looked at Winnie.

Wei Ni suddenly became nervous and looked at Chen Zhao with confusion.

"We came together." Chen Zhao said: "She is injured, can you help me take care of her."

Wei Ni finally breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that Chen Zhao would kill her directly.

"If I can help you deal with the spider demon, can you give me two Nissans?"



"Of course, the faster, the better." said the female Crypt Demon.

"Then take me there and tell me what's going on with this spider demon."

"The spider demons and our history have almost co-existed. They have been lingering around our lair, especially the Nissan species we have raised in captivity." The female crypt demon said: "Every once in a while, the ones we have raised in captivity will The Nissan species will be attacked by spider demons, which has caused the Nissan species to become almost extinct on several occasions."

"Aren't you going to protect the bred Nissan species?"

"We have protected them, but the Nissan species are free-ranging. They will form a group on their own, and it is impossible to send people to follow them all the time. The Nissan species often go to some remote places, and these places are often very dangerous."

The female crypt demon paused and then said: "Some places lead to the abyss, and their scent will be smelled by the spider demons in the abyss, and then they will be preyed upon by the spider demons."

"Since you have been able to maintain the Nissan species from extinction for such a long time, you must also clean up the spider demons frequently, right? Can't you clean up the spider demons this time?"

"There are too many spider demons this time. If we start a direct war with the spider demons, I may lose almost all of my descendants. Moreover, there are big spider demons crawling out of the abyss this time. I have already sent some The descendants went to test it, but they all went away and never came back."

Wei Ni sat on Lot's back, and she also heard the conversation between Chen Zhao and the female crypt demon.

In her opinion, even these crypt demons could not defeat the spider demons, let alone Chen Zhao alone.

But Chen Zhao didn't seem to realize this problem.

After entering the entrance to the ruins, there was completely no light here, and everything was in darkness.

There was not even a signal, which made Winnie very anxious.

In an unsafe environment, people can easily lose control of their emotions.

Moreover, the heat under the ground can also confuse people's thinking.

"What do nerubians look like?"

"Their bodies are very large. The larvae are about the same size as the largest among us, while the adult spider demons can be three times our size. The spider demons that appeared near our lair this time were led by a large spider demon. , the limbs of that big spider demon are spread out, at least ten times as long as ours."

Chen Zhao took a breath, it was so big!

What kind of monster would this be?

Wei Ni listened from behind, as if she were listening to a fantasy.

Calculating based on the average body length of crypt demons of four and a half meters, ten times their body length would be equivalent to a length of forty-five meters. It is simply unimaginable what kind of monster this would be.

After walking for thirty minutes, a bright light appeared in front of us.

This bright light surprised Chen Zhao.

Cryptodemon should be light-hating creatures, but there is actually light in their lair.

But soon, Chen Zhao discovered that it was a river of magma.

This is a huge cave, very huge.

Chen Zhao grinned. Even if he fell into this lava river, he would probably kneel down.

Because Chen Zhao's body possesses the golden key, he can adapt to an environment that was originally unsuitable for human survival in a short period of time.

But this does not mean that Chen Zhao can instantly adapt to the temperature in the magma.

The magma will kill Chen Zhao instantly, giving Chen Zhao no chance to struggle at all.

These crypt demons don't hate light, they hate sunlight.

But this is understandable, after all, Chen Zhao remembered that the predecessor of the Crypt Demon was a vampire clan.

They also inherited the vampire family's aversion to sunlight.

Chen Zhao soon realized that he had made a mistake. This was not the lair of the Crypt Demon.

It was the spider demon's lair, because Chen Zhao discovered that there were some giant spider-crab-like creatures in the magma.

This should be the so-called spider demon.

The body of the spider demon was red, with eight slender limbs standing in the magma.

It turns out that their bodies are not more than ten meters long as Chen Zhao understood, but that their limbs add up to more than ten meters.

Their bodies are actually about the same size as crypt devils.

Not only can they survive in magma, but they can also climb on rock walls.

But they have a pair of large claws in front, which are very strong.

After they discovered the crypt demon coming over, the two spider demons immediately launched an attack on the crypt demon.

The Crypt Demons also rushed forward and started fighting with them.

Although male crypt demons are protected by a hard outer skeleton, the spider demon's large claws can still crush their outer skeleton easily.

In addition, the spider demon's limbs are very sharp and can easily penetrate the shell of a male crypt demon.

Several crypt demons were quickly killed.

However, the number of crypt demons is still dominant.

Therefore, these two spider demons were still killed under the siege of the crypt demon.

Chen Zhao came to the spider demon's body and looked at the spider demon's body.

"We can only send you here. If you go deeper, it will easily attract the giant spider demon. The next step is up to you."

Wei Ni looked at Chen Zhao, she was a little scared.

Because these underground demons wanted to leave her and Chen Zhao here.

She already knew at least a little bit about the Crypt Demons and knew that they could communicate.

However, these spider demons behave like beasts and are completely unable to communicate.

If she was left here, she would definitely die miserably.

Chen Zhao walked into the cave, and Lott carried Wei Ni and jumped into the cave.

"How are you going to deal with the spider demon?" Winnie asked.

"Of course it's to kill, otherwise how can we solve it." Chen Zhao said matter-of-factly.

"But you are only one person."

“A lot of the time, I solve problems alone.”

"This is different from the problems you've faced in the past."

"There's no difference."

Chen Zhao turned his head and looked in the direction of the cave entrance. The female crypt demon and her offspring did not leave.

Chen Zhao shouted: "Why hasn't the spider demon come yet?"

"You have to make noise to attract the nerubians to come out of the lava. Their vision is poor, but their hearing is very good."

"All right."

Chen Zhao took out a grenade from nowhere and threw it directly into the lava in the distance.


The lava set off a sheet of red fire water, and Chen Zhao lost another one.

The effect was obvious, as a spider demon immediately jumped out of the lava.

The spider demon did not attack Chen Zhao immediately. Instead, it used its large claws to hit the shell on its back, making a gurgling sound.

"What is it doing?"

"Perhaps it is provoking me, or calling its companions."

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