Youming's previous arrogant demeanor has disappeared, replaced by gloomy resentment.

He looks down on everyone, and everyone is a trash ant in his eyes, which can't cause any fluctuations in his heart.

But as soon as he saw Fang Chen, his blood pressure rose, and an uncontrollable anger surged in his heart.

The kick that year was still vivid in his mind, and he even had nightmares and woke up.

His hatred for Fang Chen was not even less than that of the Burning Moon Clan.

Qingyan's huge body like a hill was lifted by Fang Chen with one hand.

This picture was like an ant lifting an elephant, which gave people a huge visual impact.

"If you had come later, I would have been killed by this idiot!"

Qing Yan roared angrily.

He wanted to sit on Fang Chen to death.

Just to agree to one thing from Fang Chen, he almost lost his life.

If Fang Chen hadn't taken him away in time, Youming's move would have definitely killed him.

It was so fucking perverted and terrifying that he couldn't help but tremble all over when he thought about it now.

"This isn't coming.���? It’s just a minor injury, I’ll help you heal it later." Fang Chen said with a smile.

Qing Yan snorted arrogantly, and his huge body began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into a human form.

He looked no different from before, but his face was pale and his breath was very weak.

Fang Chen looked at Qing Yan in surprise and asked,"Why did you turn into a human form?"

"I'm so big, but I'm tired just looking at you!" Qing Yan cursed angrily. It

's really uncomfortable for an elephant to look at an ant.

"I don't care, you must help me heal this injury!" Qing Yan snorted.

He was really helpless and wronged now. No one cared about him in the first place, but he was seriously injured.

If Fang Chen didn't help, this injury would definitely not recover in thirty to fifty years.

Fang Chen smiled dumbly and said,"Of course, it must be healed."

The two of them talked one after another, like chatting and performing crosstalk, and did not take Youming, who was already blue in the face, seriously at all. With

Fang Chen around, Qing Yan was completely settled.

Even if he couldn't beat him, he knew that Youming would definitely not be able to kill them.

When it comes to running away, no one can outrun Fang Chen.

Those two legs are simply like cheats, so terrifying that it's outrageous.

"Have you guys had enough chatting?"

Youming finally couldn't help it, and asked in a cold voice with his ferocious eyes narrowed.

Fang Chen and Qingyan looked at Youming at the same time.

Qingyan sneered,"What? Just now you had an expression that said the whole world was garbage, and you were so arrogant. Now that Fang Chen appears, why do you look like a shrew?"

Fang Chen asked in surprise,"Was he very cold and high-class before?"

"Do you think that I am the only one who is supreme in the world with an indifferent expression and unfocused eyes?"Qing Yan teased.

You Ming was even more furious and murderous after being mocked by Fang Chen and Qing Yan.

"After so many years, you still like to talk nonsense."Youming gritted his teeth and looked at Fang Chen with eyes that were about to burst into flames.

Fang Chen chuckled and said,"After so many years, you still like to show off."


These words almost choked Youming and made him go berserk.

Seeing Youming's angry and frustrated look, Qingyan felt refreshed, and his injuries seemed to have healed a bit, and he laughed non-stop.

"You disappeared very cleanly these years. I sent people everywhere to look for you but couldn't find you. I didn't expect you to show up on your own initiative." Youming's eyes flashed coldly and he grinned.

Fang Chen shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly:"There's nothing I can do. I was so busy with my love that I forgot to kill you. I just happened to meet you today. How about we settle our grievances? So that you won't have nightmares about me in the future."

Youming took a deep breath, suppressed his violent emotions, and said with an angry laugh:"Do you think you are still my opponent now? No, you were not my opponent back then. If you hadn't sneak attacked me, I would have taken over the entire Blue Star by now!"

Youming was indeed upset.

Among the demon gods, his cultivation could rank among the top three!

Moreover, he had contacted the Shadow Realm and received support from the major forces in the Shadow Realm. He only needed to practice steadily and he would surely be able to become the number one demon god on Blue Star!

When he had planned everything and was about to kill Qin Tian, Fang Chen kicked him in the back.

That kick almost killed him.

He had to hide for a long time and used the things given by the Shadow Realm to heal his wounds.

There is a saying in the demon god circle of the demon world:

When Fang Chen raises his leg, the sky will collapse and the earth will be destroyed.

This guy has always been a reckless man, just going head-to-head with you.

"Take Blue Star? Do you think Feng Sihai doesn't exist? Fang Chen shook his head and chuckled.

Feng Sihai is still very powerful.

Fang Chen also had to admit that the guy was a big shot.

"If you hadn't attacked me back then, Feng Sihai would have been killed by me years ago!" Youming roared angrily.

He could no longer control his emotions.

The entire area around him was covered by his murderous intent, and purple demonic energy vibrated out of his body like ripples.

"I just like your character of bragging with your eyes open. If Qingyan had half of your pretense, he wouldn't still be a Futian Demon God."Fang Chen said with a sigh.

Qingyan was stunned for a moment when he heard Fang Chen suddenly cue him, and then he reacted and glared at Fang Chen fiercely and asked:"You can insult him if you want, why are you dragging me down? Besides, I'm already in Futian very quickly now, okay? When I was exiled here, I was only a fourth-level demon! Wait!"

Qingyan instantly heard something and shouted:"Are you really infinite?"

He had this guess that Fang Chen might have broken through, but it was just a guess. The meaning of Fang Chen's words just now was obviously admitting that he was an infinite demon god, which made him feel uneasy for a while.

Fang Chen was the little demon that he chased back then, and now he was riding on his head...

Although he was a little Buddhist and didn't like to practice and run around, he shouldn't be so far behind now, right?

"You are infinite?"

Youming's face was ugly and his eyes were grim.

He had never been able to see through Fang Chen's strength. No one even saw through his strength.

In the eyes of the demons, Fang Chen was a weirdo.

No one knew where he was before, and he suddenly appeared, and then made a big splash.

Even if he was just a demon lord, he dared to provoke the demon god and made a mess.

It can be said that the demon gods on Blue Star almost killed Fang Chen, because this guy was too arrogant and unbearable.

But they all failed and he ran away.

"You have already reached the limitless level, if I haven't reached that level yet, I will seem so unmotivated, just like Qing Yan." Fang Chen said with a teasing smile.

Qing Yan's blood pressure also rose, and he clenched his fists, resisting the urge to punch Fang Chen in the face.

You Ming's arrogant and contemptuous expression suddenly appeared on his face again. The corners of his mouth raised, and he grinned:"So this is the reason you dare to appear in front of me, right? Do you think that you can compete with me just because you have reached the limitless level? Or, do you think you can kill me?"

Fang Chen rolled his eyes, looked at Qing Yan and said:"You see, this brain-dead pretense is imprinted deep in your soul, and he will show off to you out of the blue."

"Why are you still nagging? Beat him up! I'm really annoyed by his behavior!"Qing Yan cursed angrily.

Fang Chen laughed and rubbed his wrist.

"Okay, I'll beat him up, no, this time, I have to kill him."

(Although it's on the shelves, I still need flowers, comments and monthly tickets~)

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