In the suburbs, Gray Water Lake.

This place has been completely blocked and isolated by the military department of the Taiwu Alliance branch. Except for the Taiwu Alliance, no one else can get close to the ten-mile radius.

Su Xinyi looked at the head on the ground with an ugly expression.

It was indeed Jin Changhe's.

Although she also hated Jin Changhe, her status was there after all.

The deputy leader of the Yuhua Alliance, this position is not a joke.

In the past, he was the second in command of a small country!

He died inexplicably in the area under her jurisdiction.

If this can't be investigated and reported to the Yuhua Alliance, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Minister... the Yuhua Alliance has sent people over. Should we take the body back?" Jiang He asked in a pale voice.

The body and the head have been here for half an hour. No one dared to touch them. The eyes are still open.

Su Xinyi waved his hand.

"Hurry up, pack up the body and take it back. Remember, be careful not to bump into anything!" Jiang He immediately said to his men.���Si and the others looked at Su Xinyi.

They hadn't figured out the matter of the one-eyed snake this morning, and now something even more terrifying had happened. The Grandmaster was dead!

After working in Nanlong for so many years, this was the first time they had experienced such a terrifying moment.

"Have you checked the area nearby?" Su Xinyi asked

"We have checked everything. From the investigation of the surroundings, half an hour ago, Jin Changhe's aura moved all the way south. They said that the space suddenly became very sticky, like a quagmire, and then there was a huge movement here in the Gray Water Lake, and then it is like this now."Shang Lisi said with a wry smile.

At the beginning, they sent people to investigate, but did not get much useful information.

"Space is viscous?"Su Xinyi frowned.

"Could it be a spatial restraint? I heard that this is a strength that only a grandmaster has?" Zhang Baihan said in shock.

"Grandmaster? I have never seen a grandmaster in my life. They are like gods. How can I kill a grandmaster?" Another manager, Xu Shaocheng, sighed.

Su Xinyi ignored his subordinates and walked to the edge of the evaporated gray water lake. He looked at the surrounding environment and the places that were damaged by the battle.

"Killed? The battle between masters at the Grandmaster level is bound to be devastating, but the degree of destruction here is not even as high as that of an eighth-grade warrior."Su Xinyi analyzed.

After hearing what Su Xinyi said, everyone's face turned even paler.

What does this mean?

Strength crushing!

Who has the strength to crush the Grandmaster?

That is the Grandmaster!

But which Grandmaster in the world is not the king of one side? How could they run to this broken place to kill a second-grade Grandmaster?

This is unscientific!

Nowadays, demons are still invading the human world. The warrior alliances all over the world are cooperative relationships. It is possible for the warriors below to have private grudges and fights, but it is definitely impossible for the Grandmaster and above.

The death of a Grandmaster, if not handled properly, will even lead to a civil war in the human warrior camp!

No one would be so stupid as to not be able to weigh the consequences, let alone the Grandmaster's action.

But the fact is that Jin Changhe was indeed killed, and he was killed overwhelmingly, which is weird.

Su Xinyi rubbed his temples with a headache.

I have to work overtime again tonight.

"Continue to investigate the scene, I'll make a call."

Su Xinyi said this and returned to her car.

She took out her cell phone and called Fang Chen.


"Hey, you missed me again, baby?"

There was some noise over there.

"Why is it so noisy over there? Where are you?" Su Xinyi asked

""The vegetable market, I'm buying vegetables. Didn't you say you wanted to eat sweet and sour pork ribs?" Fang Chen said happily. Su Xinyi looked a little guilty and said softly:"Husband, I may not be able to go home for dinner tonight. Something suddenly happened at work and I have to work overtime."

Fang Chen was stunned for a moment and asked:"Is there something else?"

"Yes, something big happened. I'm afraid I've been very busy recently." Su Xinyi said with a wry smile, her voice a little tired.

Fang Chen understood instantly.

It must be that Jin Changhe!

"I should have buried it earlier!" Fang Chen wanted to slap himself. He didn't think too much about it just now. Killing is killing. In the past, he only cared about killing and not burying. It was just a habit. He wanted to help his wife solve the problem, but now, he has created even bigger trouble.

""What did you buy?" Su Xinyi asked in confusion.

Fang Chen hurriedly smiled and said,"Nothing, I mean I bought all the food, I'll cook a midnight snack for you."

"I'm afraid I can't go home tonight."

Fang Chen:...

What do you mean by courting death?

This is courting death!

In order to be able to have dinner with my wife and go to work on time at night, now I have directly screwed my wife so that she can't go home.

Fuck your mother!

Fang Chen now wants to jump up and curse

"I'm sorry, husband, don't be angry."Su Xinyi saw Fang Chen didn't say anything and thought he was angry.

"It's okay, I'm not angry. You're busy. I'll cook and send it to you later. Food outside is not healthy. Fang Chen said.

Su Xinyi showed a hint of hesitation.

She didn't want Fang Chen to know her identity, but then she thought that she and he were already married. If he didn't even know what her job was, it would be unfair to Fang Chen, and she would feel bad.

"Okay, thank you for your help, husband. Su Xinyi agreed.

"Okay, I'll contact you when I'm done cooking, you go ahead"

""Okay, bye, husband."

After hanging up the phone, Fang Chen's expression was a bit complicated.

Su Xinyi actually asked her to deliver food.

That is to say, she was planning to let him know her identity and job.

But he still had to hide it.

She was a demon slayer,���He is a demon boss...

Can paper cover up the truth? What if he knows his identity in the future, will he divorce him?

No, no, divorce is considered peaceful. He is afraid that his wife will kill him...

Thinking of this, Fang Chen got a headache.

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets...)

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