The next day.

Anna almost felt that she couldn’t walk, and under the strange gaze of the clansmen, she left only the sentence “I’m going out far away”, and then walked out of the villa in shame and indignation.

Anna walked out of the villa, and Akuno Lokia walked out of the door slowly, cooperating with his action of wearing a cloak over his body while going out, who could not guess what happened last night?

“Go slowly, there is still some time.”

Outside the city, Akuno Lokia and Anna reunited.

This city originally had a considerable population, and because of the arrival of Akunolokia, the civilians who originally lived here almost ran out.

“Queen Irene, don’t you take a look? You are still the guardian dragon of the Kingdom of Doragonov, right? ”

Anna remembered things on Erin’s side, although the relationship was a little chaotic, but in the end, Akuno Lokia and Erin still have a high friendship, right?

Akunolokia chuckled when he heard this, his so-called time was related to Erin.

About her dragonization.

By tasting Erin’s blood before leaving, Akuno Lokia can accurately determine the specific time of Erin’s dragonization.

So he’s ready to pinch back.

Thinking of this, the corner of Akunolokia’s mouth hooked a trace of an evil smile, “No hurry, first settle the matter on Jelf’s side.” ”


In this era without trains, without magic or dragons, it took a certain amount of time to walk from Ishgar to the address given by Jelf.

Nearly two months later, Akunolokia and Anna slowly arrived at the agreed place with Jelf, the future kingdom of Fiole.

A few months ago, some of the bones of those dragons sacrificed by the Dragon King had been buried in the soil, but they still looked chilling.

“It really made me wait for a while.”

Jelf walked slowly out of the forest behind.

“You’re not really waiting here for two months, are you? Hahaha! ”

Akuno Lokia laughed.

Jelf shook his head and smiled bitterly in his heart, secretly saying that Akuno Lokia was really a guy with a bad personality to the extreme.

I thought it would come quickly in a few days, but I didn’t expect it to take two months.

And he kept himself waiting here for two months.

The laughter gradually stopped, and Akunolokia did not intend to continue the nonsense, and went straight in, “What about the Eclipse Gate?” ”

Jelf also does not talk nonsense, his hands “snap!” “One sound, together.


As the earth under the feet of the three people shook violently, a bronze-colored magic gate that was about a hundred meters high slowly rose from the land.

“So it is, hiding in this kind of place, no wonder I didn’t find it before when the Dragon King Festival.”

Akuno Lokia smiled expectantly.

“By absorbing the magic of the Magister, and then using the power of the zodiac as a key, travel through the past to the future of the ultra-taboo magic, Eclipse.”

Jelf explained, “I was cursed by the god Axelam when I was about to finish, but I finally finished it not long ago.”

“I want Miss Anna to open it with the power of the zodiac.”

A look of anticipation flashed in Jelf’s eyes, “I want to go back in time and kill me who hasn’t been cursed yet, so maybe I can…”

Right! This would complete his long-awaited death!

Anna kind of understood the reason for Jelf’s behavior so far.

Subconsciously looked towards Akuno Lokia, only to see the other party smile back, “Isn’t it interesting?” ”

Anna nodded and took a step forward.


The magic power surged out in the outline of a wave, and twelve zodiac signs surged into the air, forming the key to open the door of the eclipse.


The door of the eclipse slowly opened outward, and Jelf slowly strolled into it, saying, “It is used to link the past and the future, and move through time coordinates.”

“Open the door again after a while, if I don’t come out of it, it proves that my death is successful.”

When Jelf completely disappeared into the light of the Eclipse Gate, Anna’s magic gradually passed, and the Eclipse Gate was slowly closed again.


The loss of mana made Anna unable to fall, and she was about to fall to the ground.

Suddenly, Anna felt a hand catch her, and looked sideways, just in time to see the side face of Akunolokia.


A hint of joy appeared on Anna’s face, and she was just about to thank her, but the sudden smile on Akunolokia’s face made her swallow the last word back into her stomach.

There was even some chills.

“Little, wait here.”

Akunolokia smiled and sat down, “Waiting is not unacceptable. ”

Anna bit her chin lightly and leaned on the other’s shoulder, a faint feeling of uneasiness welling up in her heart.

The relationship is delicate, these two people.

If there were onlookers here, they might have thought so.

Two days later.

With the magic blessing of Akunolokia, Anna once again triggers the power of the key to the zodiac, opening the door of the eclipse.

“That guy Jelf, it should be very simple to kill a self who has not grown up, right?”

The Akuno Lokia direct view was opened again, and the gate of the eclipse bloomed inside.

If Jelf doesn’t come out of it, it proves that he successfully committed suicide, because he killed himself, and theoretically his future self should die too.

However, Akunolokia was eager to ask Jelf if he knew about the concept of “parallel worlds”.

But too lazy to explain, there is no more nonsense.

Another result is that if Jelf comes out of the Eclipse Gate, it is tantamount to failure.

However, to the great disappointment of Jelf himself, he did not succeed.

The black-haired boy still withstood that bitter and bitter expression, slowly appeared from the light and shadow of the Eclipse Gate, and smiled bitterly, “Suicide… Failure? ”

PS: Today should be four more, I owe more but I have paid it off, and then it’s up to you to continue to invest things! Then you can continue to erupt!

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