The two of them remained in a team until the fourth day of the trial, when Tanjiro found that the surroundings, no, the entire Fujixi Mountain, had become much quieter.

Whether it was ghosts or people, they gradually became silent.

Originally, there were still four or five people on the first day, and there were also many ghosts. You could even hear the screams of fighting, but they gradually decreased, and only the sound of the wind remained.

"Tanjiro, let's wait and act."

Zenitsu pulled Tanjiro's sleeve fearfully and dragged him to a remote corner. Tanjiro looked around and followed him.

These days, Zenitsu didn't help in killing ghosts, but his strong hearing helped the two avoid the siege of seven or eight ghosts.

Tanjiro squatted down against the wisteria tree, scanning the surroundings with vigilance in his eyes, and asked Zenitsu why he was hiding, "Is there anything new?"

Zenitsu closed his eyes and listened carefully, but the muttering he heard just now disappeared.

Helpless, he could only shake his head, "I heard some strange voices, but I couldn't hear the content clearly, so I thought about hiding first."

"But suddenly the voice seemed to disappear..."

Tanjiro moved his nose and smelled the smell of fear coming from a distance, which was comparable to Zenitsu who was emitting fear beside him!

"Help! Someone save me!"

Zenitsu suddenly shrank behind Tanjiro and covered his ears with his hands, while Tanjiro drew his Nichirin sword and ran towards the sound.

Looking up at Tanjiro's back, a chill came from behind, and his hair stood up. Zenitsu stood up and staggered, then tossed his legs to catch up, "Wait for me! Don't leave me here!"

Through the vines and bushes that blocked the view, a huge figure appeared in front of him.

The ghosts he had seen these days were all thin and short ghosts. Tanjiro was slightly stunned when he saw such a huge body.

The hand ghost ignored Tanjiro who suddenly broke in and continued to grab the person on the ground. Tanjiro came back to his senses, adjusted his breathing and approached from the side.

He twisted his waist and waved his hand, "Water Breathing·Tanjiro Form·Waterwheel!"

A wave wrapped around Tanjiro like a wheel, and rushed straight to the outstretched hand, cutting it off.

The pain came, and the hand ghost screamed and retracted his hand. The broken arm twisted and crawled on the ground, turning into flying ash and disappeared.

"You damn kid!"

"I'm going to kill you! Tear you into pieces!"

Tanjiro held the hilt of the knife and began to test the hand ghost, and gradually moved away, looking up and observing the surroundings, looking for a combat environment that could be used.

A yellow figure broke into the field of vision, and Tanjiro was delighted, "Zenitsu! Please take the injured team member away!"

The injured team member could only move limpingly. If it weren't for Tanjiro to attract attention, he would have been caught and crushed into pieces by the hand ghost.

Fighting is not his strong point, but running away is!

Zenitsu used the tree as a barrier to hide his body and moved to the side of the wounded. At this time, a hand grabbed him.


Zenitsu did not notice this attack, and wanted to protect the wounded, so he became the target of the hand ghost and was directly beaten away.

The strong impact made Zenitsu breathless, and his spine seemed to be broken. Tanjiro was also disrupted by the sudden situation. The hand ghost gave up entanglement and walked towards the wounded with thick legs.

"Hurry up! Where is the masked kid!"

"Eat him, I want to eat him!"

"Urokodaki Sakonji! I will kill all your disciples! All!"

Looking at the hand ghost with arms all over his body and shouting strange words, the wounded had been scared to the point of being speechless, his eyes trembling, and tears kept flowing.

No one was wearing a mask at all. This was just a lie he made to survive.

Now these two people can't beat them, can they just wait to die?

After hearing the words of the hand ghost, Tanjiro seemed to know what Giyu wanted to tell him.

Tanjiro held his sword in front of the wounded, his eyes were firm, his body was tense, and he stood up without any flaws.

"Why are you looking for the masked man?"

This question seemed to stimulate his trigeminal nerve, and his hands exploded like hedgehogs, waving randomly, hammering the trees around him, the ground, and himself.

"Then I will torture them!"

"The damn Urokodaki Sakonji caught me in. I can't kill him, so I will kill all his disciples!"

"He is so stupid. Every time he makes his disciples wear that ugly mask, they are simply the best targets!"

"Thirteen? Fifteen? I don't remember, anyway, I will kill them all!"

The hand ghost laughed wildly and proudly. Tanjiro was stunned by the story, and then the anger overflowed from his chest.

He roared and rushed towards the hand ghost. One arm after another flew like a long thorn, and Tanjiro cut them off one by one.

The ground shookA dangerous breath came, Tanjiro made a quick judgment, bent his knees and jumped up, and at this moment, four arms broke out of the ground.

The sharp claws could tear a person's belly apart in an instant.

Seeing him jump into the air, the hand ghost secretly mocked this kid for seeking death, and grew a stronger and more powerful arm from his left shoulder and grabbed Tanjiro.

The situation was very bad. Tanjiro looked at the approaching giant hand, gritted his teeth, tilted his head back slightly, and gave it a headbutt.

Taking advantage of the giant hand's movement being blocked, Tanjiro rolled forward and stepped on it and ran forward.

Many small hands separated from the arm, and those who wanted to stop Tanjiro were cut off one by one.

"Full concentration of water breathing"

"One form: water surface slash!"

Looking at the approaching blade, the hand ghost trembled and wanted to wrap his hands around his head, but found that he could no longer control his body...

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