Since the Battle of Amagi Mountain, Feng Yu has been here in Qingyuan Town for a month.

Feng Yu has also gradually come out, from the original state brought about by the breakthrough of the spiritual power secret technique every day, to now wearing a simple dress every day to fish in the Qingyuan River.

The breeze blew on the face, making the entire Qingyuan River burst with white scales.

"I've been studying for half a month

, and this state seems to be the transparent world described in the original book..."Feng Yu is now in this state, the world in his eyes has completely changed, the speed of time around him seems to have slowed down, there is no trace of distraction in his mind, the whole world is like transparent, all the creatures and objects or other special things he wants to see and feel, he can see the essence clearly.


can get all the information about that object as long as he wants.

For example, the fish swimming at the bottom of the river, as long as Feng Yu wants to, then all the information of this fish from birth to the present will be captured by Feng Yu in an instant.

It's just that in such a state, the consumption of the body is also very large, and Rao is as strong as him, and he can only be in this state for an hour.

An hour after the perfect stuck point, Wind Feather found that it seemed that it had taken longer to open the transparent world.

"Is it because my body is already familiar or because I'm getting stronger..."

, Feng Yu said quietly as he looked at the calm lake.

Suddenly, the fishing rod in Feng Yu's hand trembled, and with a slight flick, a herring was pulled into the air and flashed in a perfect arc.

Feng Yu looked at the herring that was struggling on the ground, gently picked it up, and then put it into the river.

"Others say I'm blaming me, I think you're really weird, you obviously caught a fish, and finally let it go, do you say you're stupid!"

A little girl's voice came from behind Feng Yu.

"You're here,"

said Feng Yu with a smile.

"You know me?"

The girl jumped down from the tree and asked suspiciously.

"yes, I know."

Feng Yu looked at her quietly.

The girl has a pair of turquoise eyes, clear and clear, bright as stars, a pair of double ponytails tied to her head, a pair of faint bamboo eyebrows on her melon-like face, and two small tiger teeth and dimples adorn her cuteness.

"Not only do I know that you've been peeking at me here for more than ten days, but I also know your name, where your home is, and how many people are in your family!"

Feng Yu smiled.

"I don't believe it, so tell me my name!"

The girl said with a flushed face and unconvinced.

"Your name is Nanako, you're ten years old this year, and everyone in your family calls you a monster, and..."

Nanako hurriedly said.

"Hey, who are you, why do you know about me?"

"You're not going to be a pervert, are you?"

Nanako covered her mouth and looked at Feng Yu in surprise.

Feng Yu said with a faint smile.

"No, just wonder, because the light in this world is everywhere..."

Nanako didn't understand what Feng Yu meant, but she could feel that the Feng Yu in front of her seemed to have changed at this moment.

It became very scary, as if he was standing naked in front of him.

Nanako looked at Feng Yu in horror.

"You... You—"

Nanako's legs trembled, and she finally fell to the ground weakly.

"I know you had to steal to treat your mother, but have you ever wondered what would happen to the person who stole something?"

Wind Feather said.

"What do you know!"

Nanako shouted at Kazeha with tears in her eyes.

"It's impossible for a rich family like you to experience the life of our people, we are trying to live every day, you don't understand it at all..."

"You... Do you really give it to me?

Nanako blinked, looking incredulous.

"Well, you'll take what you're giving you, but promise me not to do anything sneaky anymore."

Feng Yu gently wiped the tears from her face, then put away the fishing rod and left the place.

Looking at the back of Feng Yu leaving, Nanako's mouth spat out the word "thank you" that only she heard.

Feng Yu knew that Nanako had been treated as a monster since she was a child because of her special pupil color, the son of a ghost god, and her father chose to commit suicide because he couldn't accept her existence.

From then on, her mother supported her, but it was difficult for a woman with a child to survive in such a world, so her mother started a leather and meat business to earn food.

But because of this, her mother was infected with the virus, which is what she called the sexually transmitted disease "syphilis" in her previous life.

After being infected with the virus, her mother became thinner and thinner, and her body was getting worse day by day, and everyone in the whole town knew that her mother was infected with wind willow disease, and they were even more spurned, and even expelled.

As a last resort, the mother and daughter could only live in a dilapidated house outside the town.

Nanako's mother can't move around much, so she can only go to the town to beg, but the people in the town still have a little impression of her, after all, those turquoise eyes are so conspicuous.

The people of the town think that she is also infected with venereal diseases, that she is filthy and that she is a representative of the devil.

Never once did he give her money and food.

Seeing that her mother would be unable to stand up if she didn't treat it, Nanako had no choice but to become a thief.

With her own unusually fast speed, Nanako ran away every time she stole money and food, and when the stolen person found out, Nanako had already disappeared.

In this way, Nanako relied on the stolen things to buy some medicine for her mother.

It was also ten days ago that Nanako spotted Feng Yu who was fishing in the Qingyuan River.

Looking at Feng Yu's clean and gorgeous clothes, he concluded that he had money on him, and there was a lot of it, but he had been struggling to find a chance to start.

In addition, Nanako found that Feng Yu was very strange, and the fish she caught were all released, and she scolded every time she saw a fish caught and put it in the water.

It's just that when Feng Yu sometimes deliberately throws the fish to her side, he will say, "This person is a weirdo".

Over time, Nanako became very curious about the man Feng Yu, and wondered why Feng Yu did this.

Just thinking about it, there is only one answer, and that is that Wind Feather is either a fool or a weirdo.

Nanako looked at the money in her hand and quickly got up and ran towards the medical hall in the town.

It's just that what she doesn't know is that there is an uninvited guest in her home...

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