Feng Yu walked all the way, of course, because Xiao Hei didn't know where to run.

After walking for a while.

"Xiaobai, I don't seem to know where to settle down..."Feng

Yu said to Xiaobai on his shoulder.

Xiao Bai heard the call, slowly opened his eyes, stretched his waist and said: "Where the master goes, Xiao Bai will go..."

"Emmm, do you want to go back to the Butterfly House?"

"I just don't know if Butterfly Shinobi will kill me when he sees me

..." "Butterfly House can't go...""There's

no mission right now... The addresses of the other columns are also unclear, and the key is that Xiao Hei doesn't know where to go.

"When Xiao Hei comes back, he must be beaten up."

Say Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei flew from the sky.

"Quack, master, go back to the organization headquarters, the leader summons, the leader summons!"

Then it slowly descended, turning into a little black flying mount, waiting for Wind Feather to come up.

"Could it be—"

Feng Yu had already guessed the reason why Yaoya had summoned him, so he followed Xiao Hei to the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Team.

As soon as I entered the courtyard, I saw the corridor in front of the house, where the two siblings were sitting on the left and right.

There were only three people in the entire courtyard, and Feng Yu thought that the other pillars were also here.

"Good afternoon, Nakagawa Fengyu, the weather is just as good today."

Yaoya said with a smile.

Feng Yu half-knelt to show respect

, "Good afternoon, Lord Chief."

"I already know what you've done during this time, so you remember what I told you last time about making you the backbone of the Demon Slayer Team, protecting humanity and fighting evil spirits."

Sanyashiki said calmly.

"yes, yes."

Feng Yu replied.

"Half a year ago, I passed the final trial, completed three tasks, and killed two lower string ghosts alone, one with three sick leaves, and one with more than one lower string, killed countless evil ghosts, and contributed to the marrow washing pill and healing pill."

"This is what you thought you were doing by joining the Demon Slayer."

Yuzuru said, who was in the delivery house on the side.

"Nakagawa Kazeha, first of all, on behalf of the Ghost Slayer Team, I would like to thank you for your contribution, and second, you are willing to be the pillar of the Ghost Slayer Team."

"Two titles, the Pillar of Water and the Pillar of Light."

"Your self-created Breath of Light has already taken on its wanton form, and I believe you can create the moves behind the Breath of Light."

"The water column is now held by Tomioka Yoshiyoshi, and although he has also told me that he can quit the position of the water column and recommended you to take the position, I think you can take up this title together."

"The reason why the pillars of the ghost killing team are called pillars is because they are stronger and can support the entire organization and lead the entire ghost killing team to fight against the evil spirits."

"The pillar is not to see how a person is, but to see if he can be recognized by everyone."

"Whether it's strength or contribution, you've already met the qualifications to become a pillar."

"So I want to invite you to be the pillar of our Demon Slayer Team!"

Yaoya said calmly.

"Become a pillar of light or serve as a water pillar with Brother Brave..."Feng

Yu measured in his heart.

"Lord, then I will take over as the tenth pillar of the organization, the pillar of light!"

Feng Yu said firmly.


A smile began to appear on the face of Yaoyashiki.

"If you really do what Shinobu said, you will serve as the title of the pillar of light instead of the pillar of water."

"Butterfly Shinobi?"

Feng Yu asked suspiciously.

"Well, two days ago, she also recommended you to me to become the pillar of the ghost killing team, and she also told me everything you did, so she summoned you alone."

"Say it, Shinobi."

Yaoya said behind him.

Wind Feather: "!! The

door behind Yaoya slowly opened, and a familiar figure appeared.

"Long time no see, Feng Yu-kun."

Butterfly Shinobu smiled and greeted Feng Yu.

"Ahem... Butterfly Shinobi... I haven't seen you for a long time..."

Feng Yu felt that he was choking, otherwise why would his throat be so itchy, and he wanted to cough and didn't want to speak.

Originally, Feng Yu was ready to be beaten by Butterfly Ninja, but who knew that he hadn't seen it for a long time.

Looking up, Butterfly Shinobi was still the same as before, with a smile on his face forever, but it was different from his previous dull eyes, and at this moment Feng Yu could actually find emotional fluctuations in it.

"It seems that it has really changed from before..."Feng

Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it's inevitable that I don't dare to do anything in front of the maternity house

..." "It's better to stay away from her later, otherwise if you suddenly stab me, I won't be poisoned to death..."


the maternity yakoshiki began to cough violently.

"Leave here, Chief, you need to rest."

Yuzuru said.

So Feng Yu and Butterfly Shinobu sent the maternity house Shiki Yoya into the house and left the place.

"Feng Yu-kun seems to be afraid of me?"

Butterfly Shinobu said with a smile.

"Ahh Have it...... I just have something..."

Feng Yu's body trembled when she said this.

"It's over, this woman shouldn't be going to do it..."

"Don't worry, Feng Yujun I'm not angry anymore, I will take good care of my body in the future."

With that, Butterfly Shinobu left on his own, leaving only Feng Yu standing in place.

"That's leaving?"

"And she just said... Will you take good care of your body?

"I guess I heard it right... Xiaobai.

Feng Yu was a little surprised, he didn't expect Butterfly Shinobi to say such a thing.

"Yes, master, what Butterfly Shinobi-sama just said is that he will take care of his body."

Xiaobai said truthfully.

"That's good... At least you can not go according to the original book, then the final tragedy may be avoided..."

Feng Yu recalled that the final ending of Butterfly Shinobu was to sacrifice himself and not kill Tong Mo, and finally relied on Chanel and Yin Zhisuke to kill him.

Although the poison on Butterfly Shinobi's body was the key to killing Tong Mo, Feng Yu always felt that it was a bit of a pity.

Not only did he pay for his life, but in the end, he couldn't see his enemy die with his own eyes.

The character of Butterfly Shinobu was really stabbed too much by the original director.

"I hope that this ending will change a little bit of my fate and change her fate..."

Feng Yu thought to herself.

"That's right, Xiaobai... Where do you think we should go..."

Xiaobai:"? "


Soon, the news that Wind Feather had officially become the tenth pillar of the Ghost Slayer reached the ears of every member.


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