"I see, don't stop him.

Feng Yu hung up the phone, the expression on his face was extremely indifferent.

"This drama is about to start completely, Kaneki... Don't let me down... After all...... The stage has been set up for you..."The

night was bleak, and the whole area was in chaos, with fires soaring into the sky and sirens piercing the sky.

This is a battle between humans and meows, and the ordinary humans living nearby have all been evacuated, and they have long been accustomed to such things.

"Humanity ... Meow seeds... If the plan succeeds... So...... There may be a thaw between the two camps..."

Wind Feather's eyes flickered, looking at the huge red figure that streaked across the sky in the distance.


"Buzz!" The

buzzing sound in the dark night sky suddenly surprised everyone on the ground and in the building, whether it was the mew or the investigator.

"That's... What's that!"

The investigators who surrounded the building all looked up at the sky with horrified expressions on their faces.

"It's a one-eyed owl!"

"No... Didn't you say that the one-eyed owl had already been killed... Why are you here!

" "Aren't you dead!" "

It can't be... Matt and others say that the one-eyed owl is dead... Could it be that there is another one-eyed owl in this world!"

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar.

"How can this be... The Meow camp already has the Grim Reaper... How could there be another one-eyed owl!

" "No... This is definitely not true!"

"If it's true... So how are we going to win..."


The people at the bottom have begun to break their defenses in their hearts, and they are all in despair.

"Stinky boys, admit defeat before the fight starts, isn't it just a one-eyed owl, the one was not killed last time, and this time it is the same, and we still have Matt and Chuan Fengte and others

!" "We have to trust them, don't lose the confidence of our investigators

!" "Kill all these damn meows, protect our families, and guard our homes!"

The sound of Marutesai's scolding came from everyone's headsets, which brought them back to their senses.

"Yes, we have Matt and Chuan Feng, and we humans haven't lost yet!"

"Kill all these damn meows!"


Wiping away tears and regaining confidence

! Weapons in hand, ready for battle!

The spirit of seeing death as if it were home was once again aroused, sweeping away the previous breath of despair.

No matter how many companions die in the world, they are still at the forefront of ordinary people.

Looking outside, the soldier regained his confidence, and Marutesai took off his headset and slumped into his chair.

"It's a lie... Why are there really two one-eyed owls..."

"It's really troublesome now... Hopefully they'll be able to come a little sooner... Otherwise, I'm afraid that this kid won't be able to withstand it..."

Maru Tesai rubbed his temples in pain and muttered.

Inside the building, the investigators looked at each other, but in their eyes, they did not flinch in the slightest.

"Are you afraid?"

"Hahaha, just kidding, since I joined the position of investigator, I have long been afraid of death, and what I am most afraid of is not being able to kill one more mew. "


Before each mission, they will write their suicide note, which

can be said to be a battle with the determination to die in every battle.

Fight the enemy, either you die or I live.

The former companions fell to death one by one, and loneliness was always with them.

Listening to the shouts of the humans below, Izumi Takatsuki only felt a little dazzling.

"That's how humans are... Always able to find the way to happiness in the midst of despair. "

If you have a choice..."

In the building, Jin Mu wiped the blood stains on his face, and his eyes were as cold as frost.

In the battle just now, the contact headset he was carrying had already been damaged, so he didn't know that the one-eyed owl flew over.

There was silence and darkness all around.

Kaneki frowned slightly.

In the next second, a behemoth suddenly fell from the sky not far in front of him.



The terrifying force made the building tremble, dust fly, and powerful air currents suddenly dispersed.

Between the flying sand and rocks, Kaneki had to use his hands to resist the powerful air waves.

"Hee-hee-hee, I've found you, little reptile!"


In the CCG headquarters

, everyone began to get busy, and some of the old investigators who had not left the station also put on their combat uniforms and picked up their weapons at this time.

Black Rock and Shinohara Yuki, the two special masters, came to store the "new" suit.

"Heipan, we guessed right, sure enough, there are two owls, the one last time was not what we met before, this one is, young, brutal, terrifying..."

"Yes, I didn't expect there to be two owls, this time we have to go all out, the "new" has been upgraded, I believe this time it will not be as embarrassing as last time.

"Let's go, Shinohara!

" Kuro Panyan put on his "new" and then straightened out his suit.

Yuki Shinohara, nodded.

The two walked side by side, their tall figures infinitely elongated in the light.

When they arrived at the playground meeting place, Tanaka Nozomi and Kiyoko Yasuma had been waiting for a long time.

"Then, let's go this time, we will definitely cut the slash under the sword!"

and Xiuzheng's voice sounded, followed by the heavily armed soldiers and investigators present shouted in unison.


"Let's go!"


But they didn't know that not far after they left, a figure looked at them with a smile.

"It's a wonderful stage, and I'm already looking forward to the future of this world. "

Romma, let's go and bring greater surprises to this wonderful world. The

man opened his arms and his face was extremely reverent, as if he was embracing something incomparably sacred.

If you look closely, he still has a book with a black cover in his hand.

On it are written five words: "Black goat's egg"!

On the other side, the battle between Kaneki and Izumi Takatsuki reached a fever pitch.

It's just that this battle is a violent fight by Izumi Takatsuki according to Kaneki, and the

tyrannical aura fills the audience, shattering everything around him.

Kaneki was punched into the thick concrete floor, and Izumi Takatsuki waved his Katsuko shell fist, once, twice, and hammered continuously.

The floors were shattered, and the gold wood fell down layer by layer.

With each floor, his injuries worsened.

This time, Izumi Takatsuki did not hide his strength like in the original book, but released all his strength.

The world's top SSS-level meow, the power of the one-eyed owl!

Kaneki was powerless to resist, his consciousness gradually dissipated, and when he was about to die, Izumi Takatsuki grabbed his head and jumped up, like a cannonball, from the sky.

Then he threw it down, and the golden wood fell like an arrow off the string.

The whistling wind was like a sharp blade, scraping against his body.

With the arrival of Izumi Takatsuki, the members of the bronze tree hidden in the shadows pour out of their nests.

Led by Tatara, a one-sided massacre was carried out.


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