After this case was handled, it immediately attracted the attention of CCG, after all, there are countless white bones buried under the entire flower garden, which shows how many humans this family has killed.

At the same time, it is also because during this period of time, the CCG's side has been attacked by the bronze tree one after another, and it has also failed miserably, and it needs a little merit to inspire.

CCG's press conference soon covered the incident, and we are grateful to those who helped with the report.

Finally, the head of the CCG also called on the general public to actively report clues about the meow.

As soon as the news came out, it quickly received a lot of support, and CCG's whistleblower phone rang non-stop.

Some of the absconding and newly wanted mews have all become Kuinks in the hands of the investigators because they have been reported by humans.

Looking at the good news of CCG constantly coming from the TV, Feng Yu's heart is complicated.

In the end, both mews and humans are here to survive, but there are a few mews who want to live peacefully with humans, but now CCG's philosophy is to kill a thousand by mistake rather than let one go.

As long as it's a meow seed, whether you say it's good or bad, arrest them all!"

Could it be that Izumi Takatsuki has already started planning..."

Looking along Feng Yu's line of sight, in a car in the distance, Yuki Shinohara and Shizo Suzuya got out of the car in unison, and their eyes were looking at the antique coffee house.

"Looks like this is it.

Yuki Shinohara said.

"It's amazing, it's amazing, this shop looks so beautiful!" said

Suzuya Shizao on the side, his eyes widened.

Hearing this, Yuki Shinohara, smiled helplessly, and then the two walked into the store.

"Jingle bell

!" the doorbell rang

, "Welcome!"

At this time, only Irumi Xuan was in the coffee house, and when he saw the two of them, his pupils instantly contracted.

But he soon calmed down.

The strong psychological quality made Irumi Xuan not show a trace of abnormality, and just like receiving ordinary guests, he ordered food for Shinohara Yuki.

"Okay, sir, your coffee and sandwiches will be coming soon, please wait a moment!"

Irumi said with a smile before turning around and leaving to make coffee.

"Wait, beautiful young lady, can you call your store manager?

Shinohara, Yukiki, said with a smile, and the Reiya Shizao on the side was lying on the floor-to-ceiling window and constantly watching the bystanders passing by on the road.

"Okay sir, wait a minute!"

Irumi Xuan's tone was very gentle, but the moment he turned around, his face became extremely solemn.

"Store manager, the white pigeon is here!" said

Irumi Xuan heavily.

"I see.

Fangcun Gongshan just responded lightly, and Irumi Xuan didn't say anything when he saw this, just leave this kind of thing to the old man in front of him.

Just like many years ago, I gave my life to him, this is a trust from the heart, and it is also an unswerving protection until death.

After a while,

Yoshimura Kozen personally brought the sandwich and coffee to Shinohara Yuki's table.

"Wow, it looks delicious!"

Suzuya exclaimed.

"It's such a beautiful shop. "

Thank you for the compliment, may I ask, what are you looking for me?"

asked Yoshimura Kozen.

"Oh, that's right, Kaneki... Ken Kaneki, he used to work here.

Yuki Shinohara, taking a sip of coffee, said.

"Yes. "

Then do you know his whereabouts now?"

"We couldn't contact him two months ago, and we haven't seen him since, I don't know if it helps you, I heard that he has just undergone an internal organ transplant and is not in very good health. Fangcun

Gongshan said slowly.

It's just that Yuki Shinohara, who is staring at him.

"Well, have we met elsewhere before

?" Hearing this, Yoshimura Kozen opened his half-squinted eyes and said, "What's the matter, have we met?"

Obviously, Yuki Shinohara didn't believe it,

"I'm very sorry, it seems that I recognized the wrong person." "

Thank you for your cooperation, let's go, Shizao!" took

the money from his wallet and put it on the table, and beckoned Suzuya Shizo to leave.

"Thank you for your patronage!" shouted

Suzuya Shizo and hurriedly followed.

It's just that when leaving, Yuki Shinohara, said meaningfully: "The coffee is delicious."

Then he left, and when he got out of the door, Shinohara Yukiki breathed a sigh of relief, and then secretly said, "I'll come again."

Although Shi Zao was puzzled, he didn't say anything, and left happily with his pace.

In his heart, there are not so many twists and turns, and it can be said that he is innocent and innocent.

Watching Shinohara, Koyoshi knew what they had guessed, and his face was extremely solemn.

All kinds of past events have also begun to emerge, from the young life of fighting to the current shelter party.

But now with the arrival of Yuki Shinohara, all this will soon be shattered, and the members of this family are so that he can't let go.

I sighed deeply

, and my thoughts were full of thoughts!

Although I had expected such a day and was ready for it, it was just that when this day came, I couldn't let go of it for a long time.

In this way, two days later

, Fangcun Gongshan contacted Kaneki and Fengyu successively, but the content of the conversation between the two was different.

For Kaneki, Yoshimura only hopes that he can live well, and that he can one day pull Yoshimura Aite, who is now the leader of the Bronze Tree Organization, out of the quagmire and give her redemption.

In this regard, he also told Kaneki about his whole life...

However, he was not told that CCG had begun to investigate the Anding Zone.

As for Feng Yu, Yoshimura hopes that he can fulfill his promise and protect the members of the café when he dies.

Feng Yu felt that Fangcun Gongshan was confessing his last words, but this was indeed the case.

You can't do anything, Fangcun Gongshan must die on the surface, so that the next plot direction will not collapse.

Feng Yu also mentioned whether he wanted to save him at that time, but in exchange for Fang Cun Gongshan shook his head and refused.

He said that this time it was to pay for the sins he had created when he was young, and it no longer mattered whether he lived or died.

The only thing that matters is the members of this coffee shop.

The sky was hazy, it was the middle of winter, and the snowflakes were falling like goose down.

On the CCG side, after Yuki Shinohara's return, he began to report

, and in his heart, he had already determined that Yoshimura Koyoshi was a mere seed,

and the crusade plan for the coffee shop also began to be formulated at this moment.


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