The little boy said with a frightened expression on his face, "Big brother... He...... They're coming... They're going to take me and my father to eat that youkai..."

"Big brother... What to do..."

"Don't be afraid, just trust me.

Feng Yu said lightly.


the door opened.

The first to come was a group of people with wooden faces, who were clearly confused.


a man dressed extravagantly dressed but extremely ugly walked in.

I saw that the man's face was covered with purple pus, and his skinny body almost made Feng Yu think it was a ghost.

"This family does not respect the god of flowers, take them away, take them all, and take them to be baptized by the god of flowers!" the

man said with difficulty in a hoarse voice.

Then the group of people who were confused began to move towards Feng Yu and the others.

"No... No...... Let go of me and my father... You've all been deceived by this guy... Wake up!"

"Big brother... Save my father..."

Watching his sleeping father being carried out of the room by those men, the little boy shouted hoarsely at Feng Yu.

But at this moment, Feng Yu didn't make too many movements, allowing those people to take the rope and put it on him.

"Rather than me taking the initiative to find that ghost, it is better to let the ghost come to me..."Feng

Yu thought to himself.

So the three of them were tied up and carried away.

Along the way, Feng Yu saw that both sides of the original street were full of people at the moment, their expressions were the same, their faces were expressionless from time to time, and they looked crazy from time to time.

"This ghost has some ability

...""It's like the second child mill on the twelfth ghost moon

...""Could it be that this ghost has something to do with Tong Mo

...""It's not impossible..."

Feng Yu and the little boy were stuffed with something in their mouths, so the little boy could only look at Feng Yu with tears in his eyes, hoping that Feng Yu could do a miracle and save him and his father.

"It's over... Finished...... This man can't save his father at all... I knew I shouldn't have been... Involve him

...""I'm sorry..."The

little boy looked at Feng Yu like himself, being tied up and carried away by these confused people without resistance, and his heart was full of guilt.

As if sensing the little boy's guilt, Feng Yu smiled slightly, saying that there was no need to worry.

But in the eyes of the little boy, it means something else

: "This big brother wants to comfort me before he dies... Such kind people... I...... How could I have killed him..."

Feng Yu didn't know this, now he just wanted to see that ghost as soon as possible, after all, he was very embarrassed to be tied up now.

Although he could easily untie the rope on his body, in order not to scare the ghost away, Feng Yu had to endure it silently.


, the three of them were carried to a dilapidated temple in the mountains, and then they were slammed to the ground by those men.

Feng Yu was fine, but the little boy let out a muffled snort.

"Lord Flower, tonight's disrespectful people have been brought, and your lovely believers will retire first, so as not to disturb the cleanliness of Lord Flower!" said

the ugly man at the head, kneeling on the ground, respectfully.

Then Feng Yu found that a bewitching red flower appeared in front of the man.

Then the man said respectfully, "Then let's leave first, Lady Flower!"

and then the men left in a hurry, leaving only the three of them to be left on the ground.

"Are you coming?" thought

to Feng Yu, and at the same time there was a faint force in his hands, ready to attack at any moment.

It's just that there was no movement for a while, which made Feng Yu wonder what was going on with this ghost.

Could it be that he wasn't hungry yet,

but Feng Yu knew that this didn't exist, and it must be because this ghost recognized himself as a member of the Ghost Slayer Team, so he was very vigilant.

After a while, Feng Yu suddenly noticed that there was an extra scent of flowers in the air.

Wind Feather frowned.

He found that he didn't seem to have any effect, but the little boy next to him had fallen into a deep sleep.


Feng Yu thought to himself.

"Then that means you're coming, isn't it?" Feng

Yu's face began to turn cold, and then he began to control his breathing and pretended to fall asleep.

The ruined temple fell silent for a moment, but after a while, Feng Yu still didn't see the ghost appear.

"This is simply a coward, this is not yet out!" Feng

Yu silently wrote down in his heart angrily, and had already thought about how to deal with this ghost.

Sure enough

, after another while, Feng Yu finally heard footsteps.

"Is this the person from the Ghost Slayer Team? Hahaha, I wasn't put down by my Hanoriko. "

The meat on this Ghost Slayer must be very delicious, I can't wait!"

Hanoriko looked greedily at Feng Yu lying on the ground, while her mouth kept drooling.

This is a female ghost, with a bright three-colored flower growing on her ugly forehead, which is purple, red, and white, and her withered hand is about to reach out to grab the wind feather.

"You've finally appeared, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Feng

Yu slowly opened his eyes, and at the same time, the rope that bound him began to break.

Then he stood up, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, the black scabbard of the Hinawa appeared in his hand.

Hua Zhizi was already frightened when Feng Yu spoke, and reflexively jumped on the beam of the broken temple, looking at Feng Yu in horror.

"How... How is it possible, you... How did you not fall into a deep sleep... That's my best blood ghost technique..."

Hanoriko looked at Feng Yu in horror, and at the same time she had already germinated to run away.

"Guess what...",

a grim expression appeared on Feng Yu's face.

"Next, let's enjoy it!" If

Tanjiro sees Kazeha's expression at this moment, he will find that it is the same as the expression that tortured himself at the beginning...

Seeing that Feng Yu was about to attack himself with the Nihon Wheel Sword.

Hanoriko shouted in horror: "Don't come here

!" "Blood Demon Technique: Flower of Dreams!"

I saw that the flower on Hanaoriko's forehead instantly turned pure purple.

Then the air began to fill with the same scent that I had smelled before.

"If you have any other moves, use them, or you won't have a chance after tonight.

Feng Yu said.

"Sure enough, it didn't work for him... That means my blood ghost spells are all useless to him... What to do...... I'm going to die... I'm going to die... No way...... I'm going to run away... I still want to see that adult..."

Feng Yu saw Hanoriko get up and was about to run.

With a leap of his body, he instantly blocked Hanoriko's retreat.

"What, do you want to escape? Am I terrible?"

Feng Yu still looked at Hanoriko with a smile on his face, but the Hinawa knife in his hand had been unsheathed, revealing the pure green blade.


Hanoriko knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry...... Please let me go... I didn't eat many people...",

and then

"Give me death

!" "Blood Demon Magic: Crazy Flower!"

The words on his forehead turned pure red, and Wind Feather felt as if he had been hit slightly on the head.

"How is that possible! I don't know how many of your ghost killers were attacked with this trick, and they were all hit... You're going to have nothing to do with it... Are you the pillar of the Demon Slayer Team..."

Hanoriko's face broke out in a cold sweat, and the fear in her heart made her body tremble.

"It turns out that you still killed so many people from our ghost killing team..."

Feng Yu put away a smile on his face and said coldly.

"To be honest, I've always wanted to see if your ghost's immortal body is really that powerful..."

, the body jumped over, and the Hinawa knife in his hand waved, and at the same time deliberately avoided Hanoriko's neck

, Hanoriko only felt that her body was shattered, and dozens of pieces were cut.

"How... How is that possible..."

Hanoriko's eyes showed an expression of disbelief.

Because she didn't see Feng Yu's movements clearly, she just passed by herself, and her body was shredded.

Feng Yu looked indifferently at Hua Oriko, who was like a pile of rotten meat, and said disgustedly: "It's disgusting!" "

He didn't cut my neck, but wanted to torture me... This man is a devil..."The

sharp pain from her body made Hanoriko's mind very clear.

The ghost's powerful self-healing ability began to show at this moment, and I saw that the fragments of Hanoriko's body began to merge autonomously.

But once fused, Wind Feather swung his knife and slashed at it.

In this way, as long as Hanoriko's body fuses, Feng Yu swings his knife and slashes it.

Feng Yu is happy, but Hua Oriko is experiencing endless pain.

"You killed me... Kill me... Give me a good time..."

Hanoriko felt that her body's self-healing ability was getting weaker and weaker, and the torture of her body made Hanaoriko's mentality gradually crazy.

Watching her body heal again and again and be chopped to pieces again and again, at this moment, she just wants to be freed as soon as possible.

But how could Feng Yu let her get her wish...

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